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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Thanks Bil, coming from you that means something In this case its me and Kuderian that are playing the PzC scenario. We set up the CM battles and send over to each other to keep FOW when it comes to pick forces. We usually let the other two players pick which battle they find most interesting and assign our selves accordingly. So far in this PzC scenario we have never had less than two CM battles per turn, unless there were no battles at all (the first set of turns). So all four of us participating have been able to play CM battles and no one has been sidelined. I think noob didnt want to restrict himself to only players that own PzC Normandy and thats why he has been executing the orders in PzC himself. Ones hes got the PzC Normandy demo ready he might use that and have two players act as COs, handling the PzC operational movement.
  2. At the end of the tenth minute two trucks and a kubelwagen comes racing behind the corner of the far end of NAI 2. The trucks are towing 75 mm IGs. Overview around NAI 2. Now usually the info I get from PzC will let me know what I'm up against. As shown earlier it was a unknown amount of PzGrenadiers and some Grille SPGs. Here there should also have been an icon for IGs. In this case we have not edited the PzC OOB to ad guns of this type to the scenario. Instead we have looked at the OOB for the main infantry formations of this scenario, as portrayed in CM. The PzGrenadier Bn and the US Infantry Bn. We decided we want them to pack more of a punch according to their organic equipment in the CM OOB. In this case 75 mm IG and 75 mm ATG for the German Bn and 37 mm ATG or the US Bn (If the Bn is split up, the equipment is split among the Coys). We then proceed to only edit the units name as the example below show. Adding brackets and information on equipment added. If a gun is lost in battle, the name of the unit would be edited to reflect this. This is not the most sophisticated way of handling the adding of organic guns to a infantry formation (as its possible to do in PzC to the scenario), but works, is a quick fix and gives us an easy way to track it with the rest of the information in PzC. Back to the action. As the trucks deliver their cargo I again change some of my artillery missions to include the two 75 mm guns. I also switch some of the MGs and order them to target the guns. Not a very easy task to set up a gun when under fire from multiple MGs even though the range is almost a kilometer. MG fire from the hill soon scores multiple hits on the truck and gun shield of the 75 mm gun closest to NAI 2. The truck starts to reverse away towards safety Im hoping that the MG fire will disrupt the gun crews for long enough so that the 60 mm mortars can zero in and finish the job before the guns can begin to fire on my line. Another MG team puts the German Infantry Guns under fire.
  3. Five minutes has passed and I'm starting to bring up more men and moving them forward at a quicker pace to encourage the Germans to react. Another minute pass and we finally get a contact with a German unit. Close to the far end of the map a two trucks are seen from the hill where I'm positioning several MGs and the FO team. Selecting the Infantry unit aboard the truck reviles they carry a 81 mm mortar (I love the new FOW restrictions, but I think It would be even better if information on mortars and MGs wasn't shown instantly - unless it means info on vehicles also would have to be hidden). As I have my FO team in position I decide to call in a 60 mm mortar mission on this truck. He will probably be scared of once he sees a spotting round, but I want the Germans to know that we see them. Another couple of minutes pass and we are now up to 8 minutes on the clock. Suddenly there is a lot of activity on NAI 2. Things are starting to get interesting. A: The truck with Mortar onboard. B: Heavy machineguns are dropped of by trucks and proceed to take up positions behind a section of low wall. The trucks that drop them off are in turn scared off by my machineguns that open up at 800 meters. There are some penetrating hits but no obvious damage. The trucks start to reverse out of sight. C: Small infantry teams pop up. I'm guessing they have been hiding in place from the start. Rifle fire is exchanged by the Germans held up in the small house at the bottom of NAI 2 and my most forward scouts. I order in several 60 mm mortars strike on the units that have popped up (among others, adjust the mission targeting truck A). Delay is only three minutes so I hope this will yield good results. I also order the four MG teams on the hill to start suppressing known enemy locations on NAI 2. I also start calling in another strike from USS Buck, this time centered on NAI 2. A shoot out begins between my forward scouts and the Germans held up in the small house on the foot of NAI 2. Non of my MG can target this house so I will have to bring forward more units to help suppress its occupants. The furthest back of the "C" infantry watching the approaches to NAI 2. Luckily they don't seem to get a good location on my scouts. Bad for them as the 2nd platoon hq is starting to call in mortar fire from his concealed position.
  4. Anything in the works Aris? Or is it a relaxing summer vaccation at the moment?
  5. Very interesting Tank Hunter. Im following with great interest. I have a question regarding battle results, Im missing total victory/defeat in the dropdown menu. Why is that not a electable result?
  6. The first minutes.. I'm a bit worried that the Germans will have very strong positions on NAI 2 - a big hill on the center of the map. Closing the distance might get tricky. Scouts from 2nd Platoon H/3rd Rangers reach good positions overlooking NAI 2 Two others also reach more concealed ground at the end of the first minute. This gives a safer approach to NAI 2. As the scouts close on NAI 2, MGs from 2nd Platoon are setting up with a good overwatch of said hill. Five minutes pass and not a sign of any Germans. My pre-planned bombardment start and the winery, NAI 1, is soon covered in a cloud of smoke and dust. Scouts from 1st Platoon, I/3rd Rangers close on the winery as it is getting pounded by 127 mm naval fire from USS Buck. In under a minute 35 shells impact on and around the winery. I'm going to advance a bit more aggressively and see if I can force a reaction from the Germans.
  7. Thanks for doing these tests and hunting bugs Vanir. Such dedication to CM
  8. When you install patches, new modules etc you should make sure to remove your z folder. When installation is complete you can move it back in. Some mods will not work properly whit new versions of the game, vins animated text the obvious one. Most are not affected and keep working. This is one of them.
  9. Champagne, Id advice you to get this outstanding mod by Marco Bergman http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110580 Use the xc alternatve siluettes and you get a great UI aid, that both in color and numbers display different units armor thicknes and their different weapons and ammo penetration data at different ranges. Really outstanding by Marco.
  10. Thanks for doing this TH.. very interesting. I have a question regarding the paradropp.. will unis end up exactly where you intend or is it possible that they will scatter? Will follow this with much interest
  11. +1 , I would aslo love to see this implemented.
  12. Strategy: Grey: German (Regiment/Brigade HQ seen behind the front PzGren troops - purple) Yellow: Italian (Divisional HQ in the top image (XX)) Pink: 504 PIR Green: Rangers (the unit to the south is holding a prepared position, trenches and wire, earlier taken this night/morning in an assault against Italian Coastal defense units. Green and Grey anchor: The ships, USS Buck (DD) and HMS Ulster (CL). The overall strategy in this sector is to take and hold the VL location. Taking the VL is down to three units from the 504 PIR. They have some 150 men and are up against a Italian gun battery of x guns. The paras will outnumber the Italians by at least 1.5:1 and will be of better quality. They tricky part is that the majority of the paras have to assault over a bridge, which is the only crossing point for them. Some paras will attack from the flank which will make things a bit easier. Closer to the shore we have the Rangers that are currently attacking the PzGren units that are moving up on the highway leading up to Ribera. The Rangers are tasked with slowing down the PzGren and cause as much trouble to the Germans as possible. They will if needed conduct a series of fighting withdrawals until they can join up with the paratroopers holding the VL. Then these units will form a solid block with the bridge as a nice obstacle to the Germans. The Rangers also have the awesome firepower from the Destroyer and Cruiser lying just off the shore with their guns trained on the advancing enemy. The Germans can opt to take the longer way around going south and then swinging back up north, but if they do this, they will have to let my Rangers escape and they will also be under the naval guns for a longer period. As all this is going on, the units from the 7th Infantry regiment and 66th Armored regiment are speeding to reach these positions and destroy any enemy unit trying to contest the VL. --- Tactics Attacking force consist of three units from the 3rd Ranger Battalion. They consist of 165 men. They are supported by the destroyer USS Buck. There is a HQ unit (Ranger 3rd Bn HQ) also located adjacent to the enemy units, HQ units can not assault and are therefore never part of an attack. If a HQ is attacked, it will however, be present on the CM battlefield. There is also a small British contingent of liaison officers directing fire from the naval units, it is also a HQ unit. The opposing force. German units from the 3rd Bn of the 104th Regiment, 15 PzG Division. They are numbered as xxx PzGren and x 150mm Grille SPGs. The enemy force is somewhere between a Coy and a Bn of infantry and up to nine(!) Grille SPG. I'm guessing the actual numbers are a Bn of inf with 4 Grilles. A much bigger force than mine, that is well equipped and of good quality. I don't have any advantages there. I do however, hold the high ground on the northern most hex. This will be portrayed in the CM battle. From there I plan to position a nice base of fire and also spotters for the naval guns of USS Buck. I'm counting a lot on this ship to put some hurt on the Germans. This mission is basically a recon by force with heavy arty support. I hope I will be able to identify enemy numbers and destroy some portion of the enemy while I can keep most of my force intact. I will then retire from the field. A lot is riding on the accurate and deadly fire of USS Buck Its important to remember than neither me or the axis player may move any units of map until 20 minutes have passed (if done, they are counted as destroyed/routed/captured), if any of us exit before 30 minutes have passed the units exited drop one level of PzC Morale, which is portrayed by motivation in CM. I don't know how this plan will hold up and if its a good idea at all. Lets hope so. ---- Deployment and terrain My southern most units (I/3rd Rangers) are deployed in force close to the water. I'm planing to move up along the wooded area that moves parallel to the water. I'm sure the Germans have an ambush somewhere so I will have to be careful. This force will also send scounts towards the winery. On the northern hill I have a commanding position overlooking most of the map, In particular, the big winery and the hill situated in the center of the map. I thought for a long time before I put down my preliminary bombardment, the winery or the hill, my different choices. After a while I choose the winery, NAI 1. I set the delay to 5 minutes as I'm sure the Germans will stay away with their bigger numbers in case of any of the start arty. I hope this will be enough to hit them as they move up, or better yet, if they are present from the start. In any case Id say that these two areas are the NAIs of this battlefield at this time. NAI 2 as seen from my commanding position to the north I will also move forward with small numbers over uncovered terrain to close with the center hill, NAI 2. These guys can easily be cut to pieces but I'm hoping that the Germans will hold their fire and wait to open up til we close the distance. If they do my guys will reach better cover and I will also be able to move forward my MGs and spotters. Retaliation with MG and 60mm mortar fire will be swift. Next, the opening moves...
  13. I thought you'd never ask Juju I, and Im sure a bunch of others would love that My idea was just that. To get some of the other weapons not covered by your great mod already. The springfield without GL was pretty straight forward but some of the others was a bit harder. And there is actually two versions of the FG 42 rifle. An early and "standard". I renamed the one you already did to the standard as I think thats more accurate? Some file names: m1903a3 green.bmp m1903a3 yellow.bmp beretta38 green.bmp beretta38 yellow.bmp carcano91-41 green.bmp carcano91-41 yellow.bmp beretta34 green.bmp beretta34 yellow.bmp fg-42-early green.bmp fg-42-early yellow.bmp fg-42 green.bmp fg-42 yellow.bmp Not sure if you also have a early FG 42 rifle, but any of the above would be very welcome additions to your mod used for FI/GL.
  14. As noob now has started his AAR, I will continue this one and do the full PzC turn as promised. And to make it absolutely clear, noob was the one who introduced me too PzC and the idea to run it together with CM. This AAR is a campaign played by me and thejetset vs Kuderian and Poesel71, we started it awhile back when noob still was ironing out the rules for his system. Therefore we are not using the exact rules of noobs system, instead its a mix of his original rules combined with our own rules. This is the first campaign we are playing using PzC and CM together so we see it as a learning process and have resolved things as we move along to hopefully have something we are happy with for our next installment, very much fitting our play style. I think that I speak for all four of us when I say that we have been enjoying this very much. noob have been kind enough to publish his rules for CMPzC for everyone to enjoy. The first link in my sig will take you to a site covering these rules. The second link in my sig will take you to noobs main AAR thread of a showcase Normandy 44 campaign focused on the fighting around Caen on the 7th June. See the respective threads for Allied and Axis HQ if you want to participate or only have a good read. So onward to the AAR. I have compiled the total OOB of the allied force to give you a picture of what units and numbers we are working with. US Provisional Corps - Part of the US 7th Army Corps Troops 300 - Engineers 3rd Marne Infantry division 7 inf regiment 1451 - rifle infantry 158 - Engineers 4 - 37mm AT guns 6 - 105mm Cannon 2nd Armored division - Hell on wheels 66th Armored regiment 3rd Bn 9 - M4a2 Shermans (reduced from Coys to depleted platoons to balance the scenario. Original strength 45) 9 - M5a1 Stuarts (reduced from Coys to depleted platoons to balance the scenario. Original strength 45) 175 - Recon infantry 3rd Rangers 165 - infantry Royal Navy HMS Ulster (Cruiser) US Navy USS Buck (Destroyer) 82nd Airborne Division 504 PIR 528 - Infantry 367th Fld Art Bn 11 - 75mm Pack Howitzers Also sporadic close air support from P-38s. Total: 2602 Inf Armor: Medium 9, Light 9 Artillery: Cruiser, Destroyer, six 105mm, eleven 75mm. I also want to write something about the battles we have seen so far. We have played out 5 CM battles. I will describe the composition of forces to give you an idea of what types of battles has been generated (Axis forces are my best estimates). 1. US infantry Bn with 105 artillery support force a crossing over a bridge (only crossing point), opposed by a reinforced company of Italian infantry. Italians withdraw after 50 minutes of combat. 2. US Rangers (120 men), supported by Destroyer, assault prepared positions on the coast, defended by second rate Italian Costal defence unit (70 men). Italians withdraw after some 25 minutes of combat. 3. US Paras conduct a fighting withdrawl as they are being chased by 2 companys of Italian infantry (engineers and Bersaglieri) supported by 75 mm artillery. Paras withdraw after 32 minutes of combat. 4. US Glider 75 mm pack battery (4 guns, some 50 men) are assaulted by a reinforced platoon of Italian infantry (70 men), the Battery is reinforced by a platoon of paras midway into the battle. Battle ends with a cease fire. Neither side continues the attack. The Italians later move away. 5. As posted before. Allied Paras and Stuarts surround a unit of Italian Armored Cars and destroyes the latter. Now moving on to the battle that is taking place at the moment.. pitting US Rangers from the 3rd Battalion against German panzergrenadiers from the III Battalion of the 104th Regiment, 15th PzG Division.
  15. Thats what I mean but IMHO its still a bit unclear. If the first operational turn will lead to any CM battles. Will the defender have full access to all indirect assets in his inventory as long as they are in range? If more than one CM battle is generated, I guess that the assets have to be split and no asset can be used in more than one CM battle? Does assets used during defense have any effect on what is available during the offensive part of the turn (i.e. when the player has actual control of what happens in PzC)? Or are all available assets OK to use both during defense and attack?
  16. In that case Id probably go with download only and buy an extra copy of one of the games and gift that to your friend. Some h2h and your friend will get hocked and can by the other games himself.
  17. 1. Yes 2. If you are in the US Id advice to go for both, if your in Europe like me, Id probably only get the download as shiping and customs are pretty steep. You get a printed manual which is nice but Im not sure if they are sold out. I believe the fancy steel box for CMBN is. I cant wait for Bagration either!
  18. Thanks Juju. I think Ill try to fill some more gaps in CMFI/GL with those as the mold. Again, truly beautiful work
  19. Thanks for your efforts mjk.. love this mod.
  20. mjkerner, In worst case, would it be possible to split the mod into two versions? Say one 1940-42 and one 43-44.
  21. Again, just an excelent mod. Im wondering why BFC use letters for variations in explosions and numbers for veriasions in gun sounds (uniforms etc). gun.wav gun 2.wav gun 3. wav etc explosion a.wav explosion b.wav Why not use numbers for explosions as well?
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