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Everything posted by Zatoichi

  1. No you're right, it's not complicated. So long as we all stick with your interpretation, it's simple. Now, don't worry, that was a joke right there!
  2. Well, what's left of the map edge. Those rockets make a real mess after all.
  3. I'm not sure about guilt being used as an effective measure of the gamey-cheat-rule bending threshold. Some people are guilty of cheating and yet feel no guilt. Some people have a guilty conscience because they bent the rules in their favour to counter a gamey move by a known cheat. It's complicated. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a jeep and a wounded Sherman tank crew that need to do some flag capturing...
  4. I guess it's gamey if you do it and win, but cheating if your opponent does it and you lose.
  5. In theory, you could load the turn you've created in your 'outgoing email' folder into your 'incoming email' folder and attempt to crack your opponent's password, having first established what it could be via a sophisticated spear phishing campaign/brute force password attack/remote key logger installation/sneaking-up-behind-him-and-looking-over-his-shoulder-while-he-types-his-password/powerful telescope and intricate system of mirrors. Then you could see where and what his forces are. Or you could cheat in QBs by buying up all those cheap American rockets before patch 1.01 comes out and adds the all important 0 to their cost. Or is being gamey different to cheating? Or is that bending the rules?
  6. I don't believe it's re-mappable, so you'll have to carry on using Delete. Unless I've overlooked something obvious of course!
  7. I think the unit's experience also factors into whether a unit will engage targets outside of a cover arc, with green troops more likely to open up than regular troops. (Standard caveat: I may be talking rubbish )
  8. I heard exactly the same thing from my postie when I went to pay up this morning. I left the depot with visions of a crowd of men in suits excitedly taking turns controlling a giant mechanical crane like kids round a fairground lucky dip. Except of course, that's giving them too much credit - they probably have 2 holes in the floor marked 'VAT' and 'No VAT' and take turns kicking the parcels until they fall down one or the other.
  9. I got my £17.90 ransom note from the post office yesterday (shipped 18th May), I guess I'm luckier than the poor lot who got stiffed by Parcelfarce for nearly £40, but not as lucky as the rest who got it for 'free'. Ho-hum. It's what I was expecting to be honest, it's just a shame BF don't see a penny of this additional money - I'd rather it went to them than the thieving posties and useless government.
  10. Nice to have stuff: Scroll bars in the pre-battle GUI instead of the 'Next' button. Especially useful in the unit purchase screen where sometimes you have to minimise each previously purchased selection before you can see the units you've just purchased. The ability to delete old saves within the game itself, rather than via Explorer. Oh there's plenty more (moveable waypoints, ability to select units by clicking on their movement lines, Armour only target arcs, ability to set area fire in an arc/linear plot rather than just selecting a specific action spot, AI triggers based on events rather than time, fire, damage decals on vehicles, bren tripods...) but I thought I'd stick with 'something simple that would only take a few minutes to code'. TM
  11. Bad luck - I'm still waiting for my copy too (or ransom letter if I'm unlucky like you). However, while BF could have been a bit clearer about the pre-orders shipping from the US instead of Europe, it's not their fault that our Customs folk seem to make stuff up on the fly - if you check out the other thread, there are plenty of UK people getting the game with no extra tax/ransom demands. As for you assertion on the buggy nature of the game, I'm afraid to say I don't agree with your assessment (or at least, the bugs which you may have experienced have not had an impact on my playing, which is about as diplomatic as I can be!)
  12. I've not seen this using my NVIDIA gtx570. Mind you, I'm not in the habit of slipping LSD to my PC either...
  13. "I don't think that's what he meant when he said 'hands up'!" or Heinrich was well known for putting the goose in goose-stepping. Ithankyewverymush.
  14. Yep - as a fellow Londoner, I'm now awaiting the postie's ransom note when I get home - I'm assuming the PO have decided to apply the rules only to London because we're all obviously fabulously wealthy to be able to afford to live here.
  15. Sorry - there's no way to do this right now. Previous threads have gone into some detail about timing your vehicle's movement so that it finishes its move at the end of a turn and the troops start to dismount, so that at the start of the next turn your troops will be out of the vehicle and moving, so you can give new orders to the vehicle. Also, in case you didn't realise, you don't need to give the 'dismount' order to troops being carried by vehicles. Any movement order will get them to dismount and move to the selected waypoint once the vehicle they are in has completely finished all the movement orders assigned to it.
  16. If you mouse over the weapon icon in the UI, the base of the soldier carrying that weapon will flash - not quite the info you were asking for, but info all the same, damnit!
  17. Hold down shift when you drag/click. Plotted waypoints that are automatically redrawn following your input to show the actual path that the unit will take could be handy. However, I've played enough CMSF to have figured out most of the 'gotchas' with pathfinding (plus it's actually got so much better over the years that the gotchas are generally few and far between once you figure out low bocage isn't a small hedge, and bocage nearly always needs 2 demo charges before a tank can fit through the gap), so I'll have this on my list way down below moveable waypoints. Actually, I bet that without moveable waypoints, having the game replot my moves to show the actual patch the unit was going to take would be extremely frustrating if I wanted to tweak what the game had done.
  18. I've not had mine yet (London), but it's possible that it's waiting on my doormat at home right now as the postie doesn't deliver until after 10am most days.
  19. When a unit is given an hide order I believe it is tied to a specific waypoint, so selecting hide at the final movement point will tell the unit to move and then hide. The hide tab changes colour to denote the unit is hiding. Selecting the hide tab again will 'un-hide' the unit - there is no other HUD representation of the hide command. The Deployed/Semi-Deployed/Not Deployed display for Machine Guns and other crew served weapons isn't followed for other areas of status info (like buttoned/unbuttoned and hide) and is simply represented by the colour/depression of the relevant command tab. It would be nice to get this info presented in a different fashion, and I'm sure this will form part of the UI overhaul that Steve has mentioned is 'on the list'.
  20. Well, I imagine you've been playing CM1 for a bit longer than CM2. For me, some turns fly by, and others I'll be issuing a bunch of complicated multi-part orders. But even then, I may watch the replay where I did nothing more times than the replay where I plotted a move for every unit on the map. I find the game suits my particular style of play nicely, and gives me great pleasure (and the occasional blood pressure moments too). It can't really be a huge surprise to anyone reading here that fun is subjective, surely? I've never really been bothered by the new UI - I'm one of the lucky ones I guess. I'd love to have moveable waypoints back at some stage, and some kind of area target arc/linear plotting feature. Oh, and scroll bars on the scenario/save game/QB screens. Oh, and an in-game delete button for old saves. Armour target arcs! How could I forget them? But hey, luckily for me, I enjoy the game even with these features from my pet list not having made the cut. Ooh! Ooh! AI Triggers!
  21. From your list of missing items, you can indeed select upper floors of a building when the lower floors are out of LOS in my experience - there are occasional oddities with LOS, but this works for me vastly more often than not. Oh, and while shoot and scoot is no longer a single command, it is easily achievable with 2 movement commands with a pause in the middle. As for the 'grid sticking' targeting, this is a visual issue not a modelling issue - in CM1 you had the impression of targeting anywhere, but this was an abstraction. The abstraction is still there in CM2 to some extent, but the fidelity is increased from 20m to 8m action spots - the targeting line sticks to the action spot, but if you area fire, it'll spread across the action spot and a little bit either side - this is important because of the ballistic modelling tracking each round and where it intersects. Anyway, these things in no way invalidate your list, I was just trying to be helpful! I'm loving CMBN - I guess I must be a half glass full guy because I'm not really missing much from CM1. The more I've played, the more I've found to enjoy, and the great thing is that you just know it'll keep on getting tweaks and new stuff added as the months pass.
  22. The problem I had (and possibly what thejetset experienced) was trying to enlarge an existing 'infantry only' gap in the bocage that was placed by the map maker. I thought one demo charge immediately next to this opening would correspond to a tank size hole - it certainly looked large enough for a Sherman, but the tank refused to go through the breach until a second demo charge had been used. So yes, it does indeed need 2 detonations, but it looked like it would only need 1. Still, that's the kind of thing you find out painfully for yourself once, and then just know it from then on. I'd prefer it if an existing hole could be widened with only one charge though - those demo charges are worth their weight in pixelgold!
  23. I found this thread when I searched for 'rezexplode': http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=96585&highlight=rezexplode It's about the Mac demo, but until BFC release rezexplode for the Mac, the workaround posted here may be your best option. I thought I'd read that the Mac version was on the way though, so I'm sure it's a 'when they're released' rather than an 'if they're released' situation.
  24. There's always one more hedgerow to breach after you've used your last demo charge.
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