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  1. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from ncc1701e in Source for current Libyan civil war   
    Long War Journal may prove useful too:
  2. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in New Scenario: Tactical Operations Center   
    Just some random thoughts from the testing thread. 
  3. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Artkin in Ukrainian Side is Seriously Underpowered   
    Heresy.....Call the inquisition! 
  4. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in New Scenario: Tactical Operations Center   
    Just some random thoughts from the testing thread. 
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to JulianJ in Joy, oh Joy, Oh Frabjous day! I've modded a building!   
    Well, after some trials and tribulations I have successfully modded another Independent building.
    It's a whitewashed and weathered barn, suitable for most periods of CM. 
    The Town of
    Маленький Mayhem
    Malenʹkyy Mayhem
    is on its way, rather slowly, but I think it will now move foward. 
    BTW should I zip it to send it to the two game repositories?  As it is an extra building, not a replacement for existing ones it can be used immediately.

  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to George MC in Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)   
    Possibly maybe...
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from L0ckAndL0ad in Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)   
    Trust me the AI doesn't do a bad job either.....I reckon 80-90% of my casualties have been mortar related.  Uncons HQs can call in mortar, but the response time is pretty quick by Red standards so I'd guess there may be multiple FOs (or even worse, Uncon Spy-FOs) out there. 
  8. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from George MC in Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)   
    Trust me the AI doesn't do a bad job either.....I reckon 80-90% of my casualties have been mortar related.  Uncons HQs can call in mortar, but the response time is pretty quick by Red standards so I'd guess there may be multiple FOs (or even worse, Uncon Spy-FOs) out there. 
  9. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Could there be a CM Korea?   
    My hope is that the last release for CMFB will be an equipment pack introducing Soviet forces/equipment into CMFB.  Call it meeting on the Elbe River or something.  Then the US, Commonwealth and Soviets would all be in the same Combat Mission game.   No BFC created scenarios would be needed.  Just an equipment pack of already designed equipment ported over from CMRT.  Scenario designers and mod creators could do all kinds of cold war, neo-colonialism stuff.  Including Korea.   I could make a long list of all the independent scenarios/campaigns that could be created from this but I'll just leave it at Korea.  
    I hope the effort to profit ratio would be favorable enough for BFC to make this happen.      
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in 5x5Km Radzy Full 2 Minicampaign   
    Ukrainian Crossroads. 4.5 x 4 km it is in the scenario folder as CMBS predated the use of a master maps folder
  11. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in New Scenario: Tactical Operations Center   
    Ballsy.  Careful with that axe Eugene!
    A modified version with TF Bayonet mounted in Humvees  

  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in Kharkov Map Sneak Peak   
    Thanks for the kind words, guys!
    Well, since the cat's out of the bag on this project, I'll go ahead and post a few more pics. Again, it's early days and this won't be out until after the next CMRT module is released (KV-1, baby! Plllleeeeeaaase!) I've only added temporary foliage in areas where the door networks are largely done so I can get a little test combat going there. Also, I obviously, haven't finished adding all the buildings, let alone fleshing out the other terrain elements in those areas (or most of the areas with buildings). Since I'm going to have to slice up the map, I'll be adding some tall buildings back in later that are currently cut down in size.
    Here is an overhead. I just grabbed the Google Map screen on the right, so this is not my working overlay. Currently, my plan is to have the Soviet attacker start in the SE corner. I'd like to thank the people of Kharkov for providing a ready-made setup zone in the form of a large park and cushion of buildings!

    Here's the elevation overlay I did (which is, of course, matched to my working overlay). I will be doing some polishing work later, once everything else is in. Sorry for any seizures or flashbacks!

    It's not Stalingrad, but in winter, this area might serve for a little "Fallen Fighters" combat.

    Another angle on same area:

    And lastly, a bird's eye of one of the little neighborhood areas. I'll call this shot "Mean Streets."

    That's it for now. It may be awhile before I have additional pic-worthy content. I'll post it as I have it, along with any interesting combat test results (suicidal rout, path bugs, arty effects, etc.).
  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from George MC in Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)   
    Please could somebody point me towards a source for this scenario.....I don't seem to have it (and I'm a big fan of @George MC's work). 
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)   
     I can be so dim sometimes.....I forgot the USMC bit! 
    Cheers Ian.....Unsurprisingly I do actually have it after all.
  15. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to A Canadian Cat in Hasty AAR: Rahadnak Valley Search (USMC)   
    From the naming of the file "USMC Rahadnak Valley Search.btt" it looks like it would be a stock scenario from the marine module.
  16. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Improvement suggestions   
    It'll certainly make their ears ring! 
  17. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from sburke in Improvement suggestions   
    I find that creating the units themselves as a campaign 'Core File' and using the Import feature can help to keep things organised.
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to General Jack Ripper in Tank tactics: why the regression?   
    I dunno. I have a long history of unconventional solutions to conventional problems. My playthrough of The Hornet's Nest is easy proof of that.
  19. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Must have campaigns and scenarios?   
    They might still be playing it through.....That one can take as much time and attention as a full campaign if you want to do it justice. 
    Very highly recommended. 
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MikeyD in No onmap Mortars for red forces?   
    I just took a peek in the game.
    Mech inf, integrated on-or-off map 120mm heavy mortar 2B11. Reserves field on-or-off map medium mortar that's currently (mis)labeled 'BM43', though that may be a goof. I'll report it as soon as I finish this.

  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to grunt_GI in Must have campaigns and scenarios?   
    OHHHH, and don't forget this one....it's a scenario...but a FOUR HOUR scenario that many folks have said plays like a campaign...
    On August 31st, 2017 at 1300hrs the player takes charge of a Tactical Operations Center (TOC) located in a Forward Operating Base (FOB) for a four-hour shift.  The FOB is located in Ukraine in the vicinity of the forward edge of the conventional battlefield.  After months of conventional warfare the Russian Federation and NATO have fought to a temporary standstill.  A cease fire is in effect and negotiations are underway.  The conventional fighting has been replaced by guerrilla warfare as the Ukrainian government and Separatists attempt to improve their negotiating positions.  Apache Troop (Stryker) / 1st Squadron / 2nd Cavalry Regiment is conducting low intensity operations from the Forward Operating Base.
  22. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in Kharkov Map Sneak Peak   
    Funny you should mention that. Over the last couple of days, I've been testing the SE corner of the map, where the first battle will take place. That has some buildings with exactly the problem you mention -- elevation blocking movement through doors. In these cases, soldiers haven't run outside -- just stopped moving. I can plot the orders, but they just move as far as they can and stop. Sometimes, one level will be blocked, but not another (like ground is okay, but 2nd doesn't work). I'll be taking care of all those by locking in the same elevations for all parts of the buildings. In previous work on other sections, that's almost always been the solution (and the buildings look much better that way). Just once or twice, the modular pieces I chose didn't like each other and using other shapes solved the problem, rather than it being an elevation issue.
    An odd thing on elevations and multi-part buildings is that sometimes, the elevations don't look bad, but block movement. Other times, they look pretty extreme, but don't. It seems like a steep drop between modular sections can also sometimes provide cover. Last night, a lone enemy MG42 guy shrugged off 2-3 HE rounds from outside his building (no windows on that side) and then proceeded to slaughter 2/3 of a squad advancing on him, expecting him to be suppressed. He later survived the wall being shot out and was finally taken out by a second squad assaulting with supporting supressing fire from a nearby 2nd floor MG through the new hole in the wall. I'm pretty sure he would have been taken out by the earlier HE had the building pieces all been flush.
  23. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in Kharkov Map Sneak Peak   
    Yup. BF's prices are very reasonable for what they are delivering. If folks understood how much work is involved, they'd never complain again.
    On the other hand, for people reading this who have never used the Editor, it doesn't take that much time to get to the point where you're creating your own enjoyable private content. The big hours come in when you're going to make something public. But, if it's just for you and you use house rules (like, don't go where the enemy isn't), you can take a ready-made map and be going with something fun to play in quite a short time.
    But be careful. Once the Editor has you, it may not let you go...😈
  24. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Macisle in Kharkov Map Sneak Peak   
    Yeah, knowing how to use the Editor gives you a whole equal second hobby (actually multiple hobbies...map-making, scenario design, modding...) and essentially provides you with an unlimited pool of fresh battles. The more you use it, the faster you get. At this point, I can spend 30 min to an hour in the Editor and give myself 4 to 20 times that in CM gaming goodness. Even 10 minutes might yield a couple of hours of fun, depending on the particulars.
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Kharkov Map Sneak Peak   
    @Macisle - I wouldn't get too hung up on the elevations. In simple terms your map from bottom LH corner to top RH corner is low ground. The bottom RH corner is a bit higher and the top LH corner is the highest ground.
    I would just use that rough rule of thumb to get your elevations done. As you know, elevations can really screw up your lovingly placed buildings and that will be the thing that players will scrutinise when they look at the map.
    I've yet to see anybody come onto a thread like this and go 'that church should be sat on at 127 metres but your cr@ppy map has it at 102 metres you @sshole'. The more likely criticism will be 'the church looks odd because the steeple is on a different elevation to the main building'. Who apart from people like us after all goes into the scenario editor 😉.
    I take pride in my maps but have never really paid too much attention to exactly modelling elevation mainly because I couldn't deal with all of that elevation overlay faffery. I've always aimed to get the right feel for the ground and the extent of my attention to detail would be to trace contours from whatever military map I am using and from there let the terrain auto adjust. In areas where those elevations made stuff look a bit wonky I'd make small change and leave it at that. I've never had any complaints.
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