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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from NeoOhm in What unit is best for spoting for arty, using Drones etc   
    Strange, that's quite contrary to what I recall from my limited (outside of TOC resting) experience of Blue units in CM:BS.....I clearly need more practice. 
  2. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from NeoOhm in What unit is best for spoting for arty, using Drones etc   
    If you want to spot for artillery by drone, the drone controller has to be the one to call in the artillery AFAIK, again @MOS:96B2P would know more, I suspect.
  3. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to mjkerner in The Civil War is back on the menu, boys!   
    Thanks Mord, MOS, and Cpt. Miller!
    Sarge, I’m not sure if you’re saying you want more variety, or less? But I can answer your question.  Basically, you can have them both have the same uniform, but the skeletons (which apparently can’t be manipulated by a hex editor like they used to be) are such that the Fighters get the balaclava head, and the Combatants get the kefiya.
  4. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to IICptMillerII in Marking Mines in CMSF2   
    I would love to see a vehicle pack for the modern titles that add engineering vehicles. M1s and T-72s with mine plows at a minimum would be enough for me. Dedicated engineering vehicles such as the ABV for the US would be great to have as well, but would likely require a lot more coding work. As a bonus the ABV comes with 2 MICLIC launchers.
    By the way, the MICLIC was used as far back as 1990 in a large scale mechanized breach exercise at NTC. Not sure when it was first introduced, but it is certainly in the timeframe of CMSF2. Further reason to hope to see it in the future!
  5. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in IED Minefields   
    Interesting.  +1 for your research. 
  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in IED Minefields   
    I think I may have discovered why some minefields have become more difficult to spot.  In CMSF, in addition to AT, AP and mixed minefield, there is the IED minefield.  The IED minefield has nothing to do with the wire, cell & radio IEDs.  It seems to be single AT mine.  I think it is hard to detect because it contains only one AT mine.  Since it only has one AT mine there is also less of a chance a vehicle will hit it while crossing.  (I moved infantry at Fast across the minefield many times with no detonations so I believe it is an AT mine. Also it goes to neutralized after one detonation so just one mine.) 
    I did some testing with regular engineers and it took an average of seven minutes for the engineers to detect the minefield.  One team of engineers took 30 minutes and never detected the minefield when I stopped testing.  I suspect the opening scenario of the Task Force Thunder campaign as these IED minefields at the opening in the berm.  Since it is a campaign I can't look in the editor to check.  This may explain the behavior about mines that so many players are commenting on.  
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Marking Mines?   
    As a very good friend of mine who I went on my first tour to Afghanistan with said in reply to the question posed by a group of ladies we met in a pub in London while doing some of our pre-deployment briefings 'Afghanistan - wow! What will you be doing there?':
    'Mostly sitting'
    As it turned out he was right so I'm not sure all of the RL stuff is that interesting.
    Although going back to the mine strike episode, that was about an hour after we crossed the border.  Prior to crossing the lane, we got issued a set of verbal orders regarding going through the lane and after that, mounted up and prepared to move. The vehicle two behind mine popped off its smoke dischargers as we were mounting up and the net came alive with 'who did that'. Needless to say it was operator error and nobody had reloads for them. Luckily it wasn't a fatal mistake for any of us.
    Again, it goes back to player expectation - as veterans, we both know that soldiers do dumb sh1t.
  8. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Marking Mines?   
    It was an AP mine and I was commanding an FV-432 variant so no dramas but the point remains valid - that lane was as cleared as cleared gets but there were still mines there. The point is not how lucky I am but player expectation regarding mines. So getting back to the 'Mark Mines' command and how it works and is it bugged - I don't think so.
  9. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Old Timer- but CMSF 2 is new for me   
    I guess both the AI & TAC AI run into issues in complex urban terrain (imagine all the calculations the game engine must need to make when a unit is suddenly ambushed in a really dense, complex urban environment), if something goes wrong for a unit, it tends to go very wrong. 
    TBH I rather like it.....It forces the Blue player in particular to think very hard about each move, just as they should when doing something as dangerous as FISHing. 
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Mord in So I had a hunch...   
    The other day I uploaded my old "Allah's Army" sound mod for SF & SF2. It's been long locked away in the Repos, so I figured I'd give new people access to it on CMMODs. Well, in the readme I wrote this: "This my old SF1 mod of insurgent fighters screaming Allahu Akbars and other phrases. They are edited and numbered so to be heard throughout various situations and orders. As SF1 and 2 do not have Syrian voice files for vehicle hits (like the other titles) I had to make due. There should be enough sprinkled among the voice files to increase the ambience and add some flavor to your experience." Which meant that the mod was and had always been a compromise on what I was aiming for vs the reality of what the game would allow me to do. I bent it the best I could to fit my vision.
    So, anyway I'd noticed, that NO country had the vehicle hit voice files in SF. However, those files were in every game since BN, including SF II. I have a tendency to go in forty different directions when I am dicking with mods, so, I scribbled a quick note in my modding note pad, "Check and see if Syrian sounds were implemented".  A few days went by and I decided to take up my note's challenge. So, I took all the US "hit" folders, copied them over and then renamed all the files to their Syrian counterparts (that way if they worked I'd hear American voices coming from Syrians and there'd be no mistakes). I created a bunch of silent vehicle files so I'd have a nice quiet map, and then set up a test. Below takes place after my tests.
    My hunch was that BF implemented the files for the US, Brits, and NATO (minus the Dutch) because these files have been in existence since CMBO. Not having any Arabic speakers on hand they just couldn't make anything new for the Syrians. I thought maybe the code was still there though, all it needed was something to point to. HOT DAMN. I WAS RIGHT!!! I am going to redo the Allah's Army mod for SF II shortly. As you can see from the vid, the mod FINALLY works in the way I'd originally intended. Almost ten years and my artistic vision comes to fruition! I am BEYOND STOKED!

  11. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to mjkerner in The Civil War is back on the menu, boys!   
    Still a lot of work left on these and others, Mord, but it's a start and I'm having fun.  Won't get much done now until after Christmas.


    Marxist Insurrection!

  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from NeoOhm in What unit is best for spoting for arty, using Drones etc   
    Light, Medium and Heavy strikes select the ordnance that the air asset will expend on that pass.....For a Hind D in CM:A Light is a gun run with 12.7mm gatling gun, Medium gets you a full salvo of rockets, Heavy will produce either a ATGM or a 250kg bomb depending on the exact asset type (anti-tank or air-support).
    My prayers to the elder ones for enlightenment on this arcane subject remain unanswered.
    In my experience they are utterly myopic.....Except when they aren't. 
    I'll ping @MOS:96B2P here, because I know he studied the subject when building TOC, but I never discovered what he discovered (or didn't). 
  13. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from borg in The Civil War is back on the menu, boys!   
    Yup, I've quite recently had a particularly sneakily placed RPG-29 team member go all John Wayne on me, when he could have been throwing a 105mm thermobaric round instead.....Muppet! 
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
    Now you know why I love Shock Force & Uncons so much. 
    PS - Some of those chain demolitions are priceless!  I thought something like that could happen (having witnessed vaguely similar while testing Mosul stuff), but I'd say it's pretty much beyond doubt now. 
  15. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
  17. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Ghost of Charlemagne in T-72AV TURMS-T model   
    Nah, the Twitter posts are correct, that's a T-72BM (Model 1989).....Unless there's a wind-sensor, in which case it's a BA. 
    The B3 has different ERA on the skirts, more sophisticated sights and a different layout of the glacis armour/anti-radiation cladding. 
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to IICptMillerII in Sand T-72's   
    This is my attempt to create a sand colored T-72 skin. I think they came out well enough to publish. The skin pack applies to all T-72 variants in game. The skin itself is loosely based on pictures of Iraqi armor from the 1991 Gulf War. I liked how the Iraqi tanks tended to look very desaturated and thought they would fit well with the Syrians.
    I certainly consider myself an amateur at modding in general, and especially at doing vehicle skins, so any helpful suggestions are welcome. Additionally, if anyone has some suggestions for icons/markings to add in a future iteration please let me know. I've messed around with a few ideas but didn't end up with anything I was satisfied with. 



    T-72M (Gills)

    Link to download at The Few Good Men:
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Mord in Mord's Extra Tall Grass For SF2   
    This will please @Combatintman greatly, I suspect.....Me too FWIW. 
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Mord in Mord's Extra Tall Grass For SF2   
    BF didn't give us options for any Extra Tall Grass in SF2. Out of all the terrain they were the ones I wanted most. Well, luckily they gave us two types of grain, the original from SF and a crop type. I used the old SF one, not tied to crops, and created an Extra Tall Grass mod for it. Basically you'll install it and when you want to paint Extra Tall Grass on the map just choose the Grain button. More details are  in the readme.



  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to mjkerner in CMA Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Hot Damn that looks good, Sarge! I fervently hope that someday BFC will obtain the rights and update this to 4.0. I love SF2, and will have a blast with it for a long, long time, but still, CM:A is...Hot Damn!
  22. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Properly liberated they were! 
  23. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in CMA Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    I was about to say, you missed a spot .  
    Beautiful countryside.  Can't wait to maneuver a unit through it.   
  24. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from George MC in CMSF2 Demos Released!   
    @George MC's scenarios often remind me of a puzzle box, with a key or series of keys to be found, each unlocking a layer of the scenario. 
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to JohnO in Is there a Taliban mod available?   
    Here you go. See if this will work. I haven't checked it yet with CMSF2. Will tonight.
    Sangin Valley Mods.rar
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