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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Got it.
    Demonstration video with BF109 and an invisible wall:
    Tip for scenario makers: Mark the invisible wall with a distinct ground tile in order to find them better, when you´re finished with the placement you can restore the intended ground tile.  Walls are one option of many and not always is a invisible wall/wreck required if it can be completely hid in the flavor object.
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    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Black Hawk down!!!
    Several mods in the following screenshots made by @Pete Wenman, @37mm, @Aquila-CM on a map made by @LongLeftFlank.  Sorry if I forgot anybody.  Some really cool stuff when it is all brought together. 

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    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from DerKommissar in Rutger Hauer RIP   
    Like tears, in rain. 
    Time to die. 
    RIP Rutger Hauer 
  4. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to John Kettler in John Kettler's Omnibus Post   
    Understand what you're saying, but disagree with the premise to a degree. Be it WH, WH 40K, BA, CoC, Sharpe Practice, WaT and more, most games with minis don't require large numbers of figures. Seldom do people go out and buy large forces at once. Rather, it's incremental but adds up over time. I used to play D&D with a grand total of two figures, a hobbit and a human fighter. The rest of the players were similar. The GM had a large toolbox worth of figures, but he's been playing fantasy games for a long time, too. Also, as I noted, a platoon size force (unpainted) of 28 mm miniatures can be had for ~40.00, which is cheap compared to what first line computer games go for. Warlord has a starter pack for $79.00 which includes US, Germans, a German vehicle, full rulebook, HE template, pin markers and and a brochure on examples of play. Glue on arms with various weapons, glue to bases and you're off, though not in style, since no paint or nicely done bases! The PC version of the new CoD: Modern Warfare due August 1 has three different options, with the basic game being ~$60 and the all-up ~$100. CM money and then some! Most kids have at least several computer or. PS/4 games, but many have more than that. If their families are willing to provide such resources, that same expenditure for minis  can bring decades of play, as opposed to say, fifteen hours to play through all the levels of a computer game like CoD.

    Received my first platoon as a gift, paid for figures, paint, basing material for a second (but not painting or basing), and got the third for a song because that brother got a super duper deal on 140+ troops already painted and based, so needed only minor tweaks. He simply handed me a platoon, and that was that. I will say, though, that these games can, absent strong fiscal discipline, be real resource gobblers, but that's true of just about any hobby. Oh, watch out for rule books. BA's is gorgeous, with hardcovers, enameled stock throughout, tons of color plates of eye-watering vignettes using the figures and vehicles, plus artwork from Osprey, the rulebooks being a joint venture of Osprey and Warlord. Said marvel is $30+. My economy is presently tiny, and in a game group I used to belong to I found that even though I could use someone else's figures for non- WW II stuff, the sheer number and variety of periods and rule sets made for ruinous outlays. For example, these guys played a whopping five different sets of rules for Napoleonics alone, another batch for ACW, still more for American Revolution, etc. They also played fantasy, SF and who knows what all else. The cheapest rules I can recall were $30 or so. Adds up fast!
    It's certainly true there are people with hundreds upon hundreds of figures, all lovingly painted; most people have a few platoons worth of troops, which may represent much more, depending on how the game is structured. Each figure might represent 10 men or a small troop stand a battalion; a cannon, a battery. 
    John Kettler
  5. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    I dismissed several models because I couldn´t get their textures to work. There is a chance that it was caused by the simple mundane issue.Thanks to contrails´ tip I fixed two models:
    MIG-21 Pack V2:
    - fixed texture issue
    - better glass texture
    - now comes with a vehicle version including a "driver" seat and exhaust.fumes.
    UH-1 Huey

    It was a challenge to find a free Huey 3D model in one of the Blender formats. This is the best I could find. The texture got distorted either because GIMP required some strange compatibilty formating on importing or due to the model causing some scaling issues in Blender. Its definitely not a beauty but in my opinion still looks decent enought to fullfill its role as a flavor object. It was primarly made with the H&E mod in mind but as most of my work it is kept neutral without markings. The UH-1 thus fits plenty of modern scenarios as it is still in use by alot of the world´s armies.
    Both are in the Dropbox/OneDrive
  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Liveload in Tal Malah   
    File has been updated to correct the tactical map.
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in Steppenwulf's Modded Flavour Objects for SF2   
    I'll be using those too.....I really missed having these in CM:SF2, they add lots of immersion to a map (I'm used to them from CM:A/CM:BS). 
    Nice work. 
  8. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to The Steppenwulf in Steppenwulf's Modded Flavour Objects for SF2   
    And some miscellaneous signs....

  9. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to A Canadian Cat in Rome to Victory Pre-orders are now open   
    Well that was uncomfortable...

    Interestingly both squad insisted on holding onto one hand grenade each and they didn't use it even with enemy targets right near by. Otherwise they just stared at each other. Or perhaps past each other...
    No ammo showdown 001.bts No ammo showdown 002.bts
  10. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Everything the same just updated the link after it went down. If I update something there I´ll attach an "V2" or something to it or let you know.
    MIG-21 Crashed + Parked. You can also turn it into a vehicle (example rename it to taxi-vehicle.mdr) to simulate taxiing aircraft that attempt to flee/takeoff which could be simulated by an extraction zone in the editor.

    However I can´t get the textures to show up and don´t know why. Converted them and did 24bit and "no not write (...)" but still doesn´t work. I am out of ideas but did upload everything including the blender project files as "MIG-21 Flavor Pack" to the Dropbox. Perhaps one can solve the riddle. As with my other stuff feel free to fix, modify, use it for whatever you need it.  
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to benpark in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Could you mod an alpha channel into the lower floor? That would give you a ready made texture. Not sure if that saves work, or makes more!
    eh, never mind. Doors and windows make it too complicated. Clicks it is. 
  13. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from sburke in No African American GIs?   
    Seems like a job for the modders TBH.....Maybe a co-operative effort with the CM:SF2 Africa crew could be fruitful? 
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to sburke in Wtf   
    Yeah well I am convinced humanity is well past the survival curve, we just don’t know it yet. I suspect we are about now in the “oops” phase.

  15. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?"    
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to George MC in SF2 or Black Sea for first modern CM game?   
    Hi @Erwin not sure what you mean by variant. V6 is an improved version. This scenario saw a lot of action and I hit lots of feedback. Hence I kept updating it as the feedback came in. V6 is the most current. I might get around to updating it to CMSF2....
  17. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to George MC in SF2 or Black Sea for first modern CM game?   
    Ah..! Gotcha  yup v6 Hammertime is the most ‘recent’. 
    Hammerzeit is a complete overhaul with different Syrian OOB, completely new AI plans using triggers and reformed map using CMSF2 terrain features. 
    May some point I’ll update Hammertime to CMSF2.  
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    The German FUCHS is probably the ligthest armed amphibious vehicle. It just comes with a hatch 7,62MG.
  19. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    A list of amphibious vehicles for reference:
    German Fuchs
    Marines AAV7, AAV7C, LAV-M, LAV-M-A2, LAV-25, LAV-25-A2, LAV-ATGM, LAV-ATGM-A2
    Syrian BMP-1, BMP-1P(4A), BMP-1P(4C) BMP-1PK(4A), BMP1-PK(4C), BMP-2, BMP-2K, BMP-3, BTR-60PB, BRDM-2, BRDM-2-AT3, BRDM-2-AT5
    There are 21 seperate amphibious vehicle models to work with.
    Every vehicle on this list can be seperately replaced. In other words for example you can replace the AAV-7C with something new while the AAV-7 remains unaffected. 
  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in A plea for a French Army DLC   
    I'd sign up for UNFUK, all we need is a few more units to play with. 
  21. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in A plea for a French Army DLC   
    Yup, I'd buy that module.....TBH I'd rather like to see France in CM:SF II too. 
  22. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to 37mm in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    "Consulate Evacuation" by @MOS:96B2P...

  23. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MOS:96B2P in Shock Force 2 Unofficial Screenshot And Video Thread   
    Rescuing & evacuating diplomatic staff from a US consulate that is in danger of being overrun.  
      That brings back some scenario design memories.  
  24. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Aquila-SmartWargames in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    This is my "way and method" how I got to the finish. Perhaps there are steps that aren´t required or not best.
    1) Install Anaconda Python 3.X (Google)
    2) Install Blender Software (Google)
    3) Install a Photoshop Software. Free good Tool: GIMP2 (Google)
    3) Check CM2Tools Plugin Authors Github page https://github.com/sbobovyc/CM2Tools for info and plugin download. Also his BFForums thread (1st post) Watch Plugin Author´s Import/Export Tutorial (1st Post)
    4) Install Plugin like shown in these Videos
    5) Take the original .brz files in data of your WW2 or Modern CM2 game and put it into "Input" of Combat Mission X/ModTools/Rezexplode and unpack them
    6) Go and find a custom 3D Model of your liking in one of the Blender formats (advanced users may convert them). You can check comptatible formats in Blender under File/Import. Free 3D Databases in 1st Post and recent big post of me. Check that it comes with textures. 
    7) Start Blender, delete the placeholder cube you don´t need it, with add/lamp/hemisphere in the lower interface you can make everything brighter. It is sometimes very dark.
    8 ) I start with importing an original "primer" Cm2 flavor object. Without this step no custom models show up in CM2 (there is likely some essential info stored into them). They are located in your unpacked CM2 game files. Often under terrain/flavor objects/models. Import for example "shelter1.mdr" into blender with file/import/mdr. Check "import metadata" and "transform", I have 4 checkmarks there. May not be required for flavors but for standarization I always do this. For smaller projects you can use smaller stuff like crate1.mdr.
    9) You see a CM2 shelter, there is a small ball dropdown in the lower interface, you can change to "materials" or "textures" so see it with textures
    10) Now again file/import/ choose the format of your custom model download and import it aswell. Check if textures are shown, I am no 3d artists some models are riddles and I dismiss them because I can´t handle them. Easy model to start training was the fire truck and ambulance https://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/432872
    11) You see it, it may be extremely gigantic, extremly small, you need to resize it and move it with these three colored arrows, some objects have multiple entities, use usual windows shift commands for multi selection to move all at once to keep them in cohesion. The original CM2 shelter is your orientation. Where the CM2 shelter is, is the center, where its fundament is, is the ground. Delete stuff you don´t want with right  click "delete hierarchy" in the right interface (I call it Order of Battle, first time is like a battle but don´t give up 😂) . You can move stuff into the space of the original Shelter, no problem but AVOID moving,modifying the box, its your center of the world. Use undo/redo under lower interface/object if you mess up. You can perhaps modify it but I don´t know how and it often leads to problems when exporting with flying models in the sky etc.
    12) When you are done, move every custom entitity into the shelter´s folder in the right interface (pros call it make it parent), you can do that by simple drag and drop the symbol of the entitiy. (Author´s Tutorial shows this).
    13) Textures of custom models most time come with wrong format. Start GIMP2, load textures into it, go to export, choose file extension "BMP", check 24bit and "do not write info bla" and export it. This is the required format for CM2. 
    14) Now difficult part you need to replace the texture connections in BLENDER with new BMP. Its in the Right Interface looks like a chessboard ball and square. There you need to remove (x symbol) and to add the bmp. This is somewhat complicated and I to this day don´t know what I am doing. With Trial and Error you get everything show up with your texture.BMPs
    15) (optional) you can turn models or model parts invisible with a blank texture (post attachment) in CM2. Also your primer shelter if it is outside the custom model for example.
    15a) IMPORTANT: There is something I forget, some models need to be "triangulated". Sounds super complicated but what you just need to do is select the custom model entity, press TAB, and then SHIFT+T, done. If you ever see a "perforated" custom model in your CM game its this step you´ve missed.
    16) When everything is textured you are now ready to export. In the right interface select the root entry (your shelter.mdr entitiy with all bells and whistles in it), right click, select hierarchy, everything gets an yellow outline. Check that you are on OBJECT MODE (lower interface) Go to file/export/mdr and do it, make sure that "export metadata" is OFF and do it.
    17) create a folder with your new .mdr file and put all textures in it you´ve used. For reverse engineering and helping others I suggest you save an additional blender file (file/save) and put it into it so others can learn from this.
    18) rename the untitled.mdr to an flavor object of your liking. Draw Distance is dependant on what you replace. Do not make a cargo ship and call it crate1.mdr, very bad idea it will pop out after 100m distance. Better draw distance comes from big stuff like shelter1,2,3.mdr and best likely are street trafic light or Black Sea monument or big WW2 shelter.
    19) throw your ready folder into the Z mod folder
    20) go into editor, map, flavor objects place the flavor object you just´ve replaced and check, first time errors will happen you WILL see nothing, you WILL see black models, process of learning but you will prevail.
    16) Turn "EXPORT METADATA ON", do not forget otherwise all tire and track wheels will look like you´re watching a Transformers movie. This on the other hand means there are difficulties replacing vehicles or vehicle parts with custom models as custom models require "EXPORT METADATA OFF" so if you want a custom ride with wheels or track wheels with current CM2 tools this seems not possible AFAIK but you can do surely do boats as these naturally don´t require wheels.
    HOWEVER: You can mix/match several CM2 vehicles by importing them all and switching their parts. Its a bit like playing Car Mechanic simulator, no joke 😂. NEVER FORGET when importing set "IMPORT METADATA" and "TRANSFORM" and always "EXPORT METADATA" when working with vehicles, do alot of backups, if you once miss this and save info is lost, I lost an hour work because I forgot as you don´t notice that you forgot to import/export metadata. Since this I always stop breathing for a moment when I give my custom CM rides the first move command. 
    You can also sculpt and cut parts by moving the vertices or selecting specific model parts in EDIT MODE (Tab) with Wireframe Model (Z) and deselecting (A) (pixels that connect everything) in edit mode. I always USE DELETE FACES not delete vertices as otherwise I got export errors afterwards. Check my Humvee V2 creation video, no commentary for doing this live. But sculpting completely new vehicles out of existing ones requires 3D Artist maestros and is alot of work. 
    I had 5-10 lines of text in mind before writing this, very naive. Honestly now after writing this I see that a written tutorial wasn´t the best idea and I don´t know if this will make any sense but perhaps it helps one and somebody can come up with a decent video tutorial. Don´t get scared by Blender´s interface, for Combat Mission stuff you do not need 99,9% of it.
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from JulianJ in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    No worries.....Unless they have a post-graduate degree in Bong-Hai Social & Military Studies from the University of Ikke-Phtang they'll be wrong every time! 
    @37mm is performing herculean tasks behind the scenes, pulling the mods together so that we have a consistent set to work with, he's done some really cool things (my personal favourite being sloped roof types that work properly).
    I'm mostly making maps & scenarios, including a fairly sizeable map of 'The Delta' for @puje to use in a mini-campaign (if he so chooses) and we have @MOS:96B2P on board testing stuff and watching my back in the AI section of the editor.
    All in all we're a happy little gang and we've already got quite a lot done.....When the mod is released it should come with several purpose made maps & scenarios, possibly even a couple of short campaigns, plus all the tools necessary to build Asian scenarios of your own. 
    It's pretty comprehensive too, all the sound files are new, so are all the splash screens.  In game all Arabic names are replaced with Vietnamese automatically, the Arabic voices are replaced with Asian ones, we even have Red forward observers who talk! 
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