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  1. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to MikeyD in Half Quick Battle Enemy Units Won't Move   
    An easy way to delete movement orders from everything is to select a blank AI orders plan from the list and 'control-C' copy. Then you select the AI orders plan you want to get rid of and  'control-V' paste. It will overwrite the order plan with the blank set you had copied. Much less work than going in and deleting all the group movement orders.
  2. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Progress on Ap Bac ...
    Scenario Image:

    Strategic Map:

    Topo Map compared to CM screenshot:

    Working title for the scenario is 'A miserable damn performance', which was Lieutenant Colonel John Paul Vann's (7 ARVN Division US advisor) judgement on the battle.
    Overall the scenario is a whopper, two and half hours long, the map is 2000m x 3008m (I've basically half-scaled the map dimensions to fit it all in); however, I've worked hard to get the troop numbers pretty close to the actual thing.
  3. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in What makes this module worth buying?   
    I'm going to have to agree with the Roundhead. 
    'Cornered Rats' might be a more apt description. 
  4. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Rome to Victory Dealership Scenario   
    I was, TBH, just a wee bit sad not to find these two.....For German use:

    Maybe some future Vehicles, Partisans & Commandos Pack? 
  5. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in What makes this module worth buying?   
    I'm going to have to agree with the Roundhead. 
    'Cornered Rats' might be a more apt description. 
  6. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Warts 'n' all in What makes this module worth buying?   
    They fought like lions.... No, they didn't. Lions would have told Mad Addy to "F*** Off, you Nazi plonker, and leave us in peace, the Jews never did us any harm."
  7. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Time well spent IMHO.....I've played three R2V scenarios so far, all of them have been excellent, kudos to the creators. 
  8. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Couple of screenshots from possibly the most 'Conventional CM Scenario' in the pack ('A February Thaw'), it's a conventional meeting engagement on a balanced map, but it looks awesome:
    The lead platoons of 1st Co. Gebirgsjager Regiment 576 advance swiftly into the freezing forest:

    Meanwhile their attached mortar platoon deploys to a minor railway siding:

  9. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Just one more.....It neatly sums the vicious, point-blank, nature of this fight:

    That's gonna hurt! 
  10. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Down to the last 40 minutes of 'A February Thaw'.....It has been an epic battle!
    My earlier assessment that I was taking control proved sadly mistaken!  We were forced to defend against several surprisingly well planned attacks.....We've beaten them off but we are in no shape to counterattack now.  We're just holding on to what we have and waiting for the clock to tick down.
    In some areas the carnage has been indescribable:

    I'd post more images, but I don't want to spoil the scenario for anyone else, it's still too new IMHO.
  11. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Couple of screenshots from possibly the most 'Conventional CM Scenario' in the pack ('A February Thaw'), it's a conventional meeting engagement on a balanced map, but it looks awesome:
    The lead platoons of 1st Co. Gebirgsjager Regiment 576 advance swiftly into the freezing forest:

    Meanwhile their attached mortar platoon deploys to a minor railway siding:

  12. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in Best uses for an XO Team   
  13. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Look forward to seeing it (assuming you get the opportunity). 
    I haven't even looked at the QB Maps yet, I'd quite forgotten about them in all the excitement. 
  14. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Combatintman in What makes this module worth buying?   
    I got half way through testing this one as the Americans - it is a superbly atmospheric map and the German AI was done pretty well.  A tricky one to win against the AI for sure which illustrates just how good the Beta tester scenario designers have come.  Sadly I was unable to contribute much beyond three maps for QBs to this title but may at some point release a scenario that I did have planned for this module, which I think would be a cracker of a fight.
  15. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to A Canadian Cat in How do you get russian infantry squads to actually shoot?   
    ?? You want scenarios that are easy? Ego - nope. Who wants to design a cake walk? Who wants to play a cake walk?
  16. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Sorry dude, I haven't tried playing the bad-guys yet! 
    But I have no reason to believe they would be any less well written than the Allied scenarios.....I'll start one of the Axis scenarios now and make you some screenshots. 
  17. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Freyberg in What makes this module worth buying?   
    @Aragorn2002  I thought it would be the units that appealed to me most, but thus far it's been the scenarios.....All the scenarios I've tried so far have been really good, the maps are nice, the conditions are 'different', the units are novel.....It's CM:FI, but not like you've played it before. 
  18. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Ultradave in What makes this module worth buying?   
    This is a good one. It's balanced and it's difficult from either side.  Also, Casili Road for a more armor centric meeting engagement. Great fun. Good challenge from either side of the map. Just to pick a couple of my favorites from playtesting. I also like Too Close for Comfort from the German side. It's very difficult, but a manageable small number of units and a tough tactical challenge.
  19. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Couple of screenshots from possibly the most 'Conventional CM Scenario' in the pack ('A February Thaw'), it's a conventional meeting engagement on a balanced map, but it looks awesome:
    The lead platoons of 1st Co. Gebirgsjager Regiment 576 advance swiftly into the freezing forest:

    Meanwhile their attached mortar platoon deploys to a minor railway siding:

  20. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Commanderski in What makes this module worth buying?   
    Couple of screenshots from possibly the most 'Conventional CM Scenario' in the pack ('A February Thaw'), it's a conventional meeting engagement on a balanced map, but it looks awesome:
    The lead platoons of 1st Co. Gebirgsjager Regiment 576 advance swiftly into the freezing forest:

    Meanwhile their attached mortar platoon deploys to a minor railway siding:

  21. Upvote
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in TacAI stupidity: Stryker infantry opens hatches to shoot and die instatly   
    How touchingly American! 
    Respect to the lot of you.....Your insights are invaluable. 
  22. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to IMHO in Thinking about buying this game, but have questions   
    The game is worth the candle million times. If you prefer the modern settings then the choice is between CMSF2 and CMBS. Comparing the two - CMBS has significantly fewer TacAI "irregularities", read it your pixeltruppen will be dying of their own stupidity not so often. Yet they will be - even Americans before you learn to understand TacAI logic. f you're into playing well balanced missions then the amount of content for CMBS is drastically lower. If you plan to play PvP or PvE in Quick Battles then you've got years worth of maps in CMBS. Just remember the engine is left all to itself in Quick Battles so do not expect a military genius. If have a preference for a game nation or some specific vehicles then you'd better put up with how they're represented in the game unless you play Americans. Americans are uber soldiers in the game and there's no way anything is about to be changed about the rest. Particularly Ukrainian side is the weakest yet even Ukrainians are quite playable you just need to achieve a total over-match in firepower and the number of eyeballs observing the battlefield. The things about BTR-4 and Oplot you mentioned are very very minor to the overall gameplay. You'll see way more significant limitations in the engine. Again irrespective of what I've said the game is absolutely way ahead of its competition.
  23. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead reacted to Zveroboy1 in A bunch of maps of Ukraine I have made over the years   
    4750 X 3200m
    230km from Kyiv and 95 km to the Russian Border, located on the M02 road.
    Google Earth :

    View in game from the North :

    And from the South side :

    From South West corner :

    Notes :
    Included in the download are both a version with setup zones and objectives for a meeting engagement and a raw version with nothing, only landmarks.
    While the map is quite large, the setup zones are not that big, so either enlarge them a bit before playing or pick a relatively small force. There should be plenty of time to deploy though given the length of the map so even if it gets a bit crowded at the start it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
    How to Install :
    Extract in the following folder :
    documents/battlefront/combat mission/black sea/game files/scenarios
    Download link :
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0zr7pmcjy79pybf/CMBS map maryanivka.rar?dl=0
  24. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Wicky in John Kettler kidnapped??   
  25. Like
    Sgt.Squarehead got a reaction from Josey Wales in How do you get russian infantry squads to actually shoot?   
    That's the spirit! 
    I'd add +1, but I blew 'em all in the CM:R2V thread! 
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