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Everything posted by arado234

  1. PPH,I do agree that our absolute control of the air was probably the major deciding factor in WW2,I dont agree totaly with your comment about Western troops not being up to par with their german counterparts.Ive read quite a few books(long left flank being one)where canadian troops more than held there own against all german troops(not always supported by air or Artty.).Usually the SS formations had better equipment than there western counterparts.That alone had a huge influence on the outcome of a battle.Having confidence in your weapons makes a big difference on how hard you tend to fight. Remember when the Germans were on the advance in the early years they usually had control of the air.I dont believe for one minute that had Germany not taken control of the air that France would have fallen as fast as it did(or at all if the Allies had defended properly). Yes some of the Waffen SS units were the best there was at combat,but to make a blanket statement that UK/Can.troops didnt make much difference is absolutely wrong.Im sure all the Americans in this forum would agree about the U.S.troops as well. As far as adding more Artty. to the Russians do you think it would be better to just give the Russian ground units an actual upgrade capability for defence and attack rather than add more units?I think if you add to many units the game is going to get to cluttered.Some here think it is already. Your retreat idea sounds good but since these units represent corps or armys its hard to envision that many troops all falling back at the same time in unison.The fact that destroyed units can be built back cheaper (provided they were at a certian supply level)im guessing is supposed to represent the fact that some units that were attacked did "retreat to form the bases of the new unit being built.
  2. PPH would you suggest giving the SS units better morale and rediness right from the start?In most cases they were much better prepared to fight. If this is added to the game what would you suggest to be given to the Allies?Remember Russia produced and fielded more Artty. than the rest of the world combined.This is in no way represented in this game.Im assuming this because of play balance.
  3. MartyWard I think there would be some Japanese that disagree that the Ami. carrier bombers werent designed for ground support. Your other comments all seem right.Do you think there should still be an upgrade for lonrange capability?
  4. They were quite important in fighting Uboats.Other than the raid on Taranto and the sinking of Bismark I dont recall any other major operations they were involved in.
  5. I guess if you spotted the enemy naval units you could somehow warn your amphib. dudes to scatter?
  6. If dive bombers can have both a ship and tank attack factor why couldnt carrier planes have ground,air and sea capability?Im thinking the problem would be if you also wanted longrange aircraft.Could you program carrier planes for four upgrades?
  7. Hyazinth I think the reason(I agree with it)is that before you could invade or move trans.past enemy fleets without them firing.It was very apparent when the Germans try to invade England.You could have Brit.warships along the coast of England and as long as the German player spots them the Brits. dont get to shoot at the enemy Trans. passing very close to them,which in reality the British warships would blow them to bits.The way it is now it makes an invasion of England or anyother invasion attempt very risky without control of the seas(the way it should be imo).
  8. Hyazinth I think the reason(I agree with it)is that before you could invade or move trans.past enemy fleets without them firing.It was very apparent when the Germans try to invade England.You could have Brit.warships along the coast of England and as long as the German player spots them the Brits. dont get to shoot at the enemy Trans. passing very close to them,which in reality the British warships would blow them to bits.The way it is now it makes an invasion of England or anyother invasion attempt very risky without control of the seas(the way it should be imo).
  9. I think if you added Volksstrum units it would give Germany to many units unless they somehow came out of the overall force pool.I do think it would look neat if you could give a unit a actual elite icon. I think rambo is a closet Bunta(ha ha).
  10. PPH when any unit is at a fifteen with the best equipment wouldnt that be considered elite anyway? Ive had some 15 tanks at level 5 tech. and they just blow right through anything that isnt close to their equal.Im sure its the same with any other unit.That to me sounds like an elite unit. I tend to agree with SeaMonkey on this one.The game(imo)is maxed out at the campaign level for all the different types of units.
  11. Colin I Its true the Germans fought suprisingly well even at stupid odds but most of these incredible stands happened with their elite units.If through attrition the Germans start to loose their experienced soldiers then I would think in reality they would start to cave like alot of them did. Alot of the Russian failures was due to the fact that right to the very end they loved mass infantry wave attacks.Your going to take alot of casualties doing something dumb like that.Maybe if the Russians actually cared about losses they would have used a much more sensible strategy. My dads friend who landed in Normandy and fought all across Europe(fought to clear the Scheldt estuary) told me that there were many times when the Germans gave up without firing a shot(especially when getting bombed). If we are going to change the game to reflect what you suggest I would think that(since the allies will be taking more losses)you would have to increase total Allied output more towards historical settings. I like your idea about artillery gaining experience very slowly.In reality once youve learned how to fire the artillery piece then I dont see how that would effect the actual ability of the shell to hit the target any better and cause any more damage.Artillery is generally indirect fire so I cant see how any more experience could be gained if you cant see what your shooting at.In Panzer General artillery gains experience very slowly. For Tac.bombers though you are attacking actual targets so your overall ability would increase much faster.Look up what Hans Ulrich Rudel was able to accomplish.
  12. Colin I agree with most of what you say but as far as stacking goes(I suggested this in an earlier post)I think that ONLY air fleets(1 per unit) can stack on top of ground units.This gives them maximum range both in spotting and attacking(not sure how hard this would be to add to the game).Some people may think this doesnt make much difference but those here who have played Third Reich know that it does. When the ground unit with the airfleet stacked with it is attacked the ground unit would have to be destroyed then the airfleet could be attacked. As far as your battle with Baron goes if you choose to defend London with your A.A.unit thats your choice(it does have its pitfalls).
  13. Maybe the way to go is that A.A.is just attached as a defensive feature to the regular ground units.As far as artillery goes, it could be included in a units ground attack ground defence capability. The way it is now Russias artillery is way under represented in this game.You can talk about how much weaponry America produced but Russia built more artillery units than the rest of the world combined.No one did that with any other single weapon.
  14. I think in order to represnt Russias overall artillery strength its allowable builds should be increased to atleast 4(the amount Germany can build).Russia produced over 516,000 artillery pieces,more than the rest of the world combined. I know you have to worry about play balance but the Russians referred to it as the God of war.I think they should be able to atleast match Germany.Germany only produced 159,000 artillery pieces.
  15. I would like to see Hubert get the rights to Third Reich and make it the game it could and should be.With his knowledge he could make it alot better.
  16. I tried hotseating intel.and found if you happen to have the units in place on the ground and say a H.Q.gets spotted you can then drop paras.and bomb it.Trouble is you never know when the intel. will hit. As far as spotting Allied trans,yes that could be a massacre(especially if you also get the intel.hits that expose all his escorts)Then you dont have to worry about any suprise encounters and just blow his trans.to bits. I think now intel.has much more importance than it did before but as far as Russia goes,there are to many other things to worry about.
  17. In reality the Allies could only make an educated guess on how well a bombing raid went.In some cases they thought they had wiped out a target only to have it back in full production in a couple of weeks. I guess your intel.(spys)could tell you how much damage was done.Maybe at intel.level three or four this is added?
  18. I hotseated it and I found that it does pay off for America,Russia,Gemany.Italy was an maybe.But like Liam said with Germany or(IMHO)any country but America(I think for America its vital to invest in Ind.and Prod.tech)you are running the risk of not having enough troops with the proper upgrades if you go allout with Ind.tech.Britain I found wasnt worth it.
  19. I thnik we could all be missing the big picture.Wars are started over major financial ruin.I sure hope it doesnt come to that.
  20. Timskorn I could also come in where needed if there is room.Ive played quite a number of SC2 H.v.H.but onlt four or five games with W.a.W and only once as the allies(against Kman)That game is still in progress.I have no idea who will win. Email is tomnichols@shaw.ca
  21. From what ive read about the V2(rockets in general)Germany could have had them ready for ww2 IF Hitler was able to see the atvantages of them and go allout to perfect them.Its much easier to test and build something when you are winning and not being bombed although I dont know what effect this would have had on the rest of the rearming program as far as resources go.
  22. I prefer hexes from my Third Reich days although in some ways tiles make the game much more fluid.
  23. Rambo are you saying that the French werent worthy opponents?
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