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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Desert Dave those were quite interesting posts(your last two)
  2. Lars i have no idea why the Tiger came out before the Panther.From what ive learned it was because the Tiger design started before the Panther(the hull easier to make on the Tiger looks sort of similar to the markIV?).
  3. Lars im not sure what your getting at about the Mark #S.From what i read the Mark IV came out prewar and by wars end they made about15,500. The Mark V 1943(about.6500 built) The Mark VI one and two 1942(about 1900 built). They were able to build quite alot of Mark IV's because like you said they didnt change the chassis plus the fact it came out in 1939 helped.The Tiger came out in late 1942 and the Panther in 1943(when Germany was starting to loose and there was the urgency to rush the tank into prod.before it could be properly tested. This im guessing would be the main reason for so many problems with the tanks)If the Tiger and Panther came out in 1939 when Germany was winning and wasnt being forced to get them onto the battle field im sure the tanks would have performed alot better. If you load all your tech.into tanks and get lucky you can have a level 5 tank very early on in the game which in reality would enable you to workout the bugs, im guessing.Upping your production tech.would just enable you to make them faster. As far as the Mark V goes when the model G came out it was considerd the best overall tank of ww2.
  4. Lars the PZIV was first built in 1939.Thats why it came out first.They just added the longer barrel to it in 1942.Still the same basic chassies as in 1939. Your comment about go buy anything in its first year production run is exactly my point.The next production run, the item in question usually improves.So why wouldnt a tank? I never realised that in this game it doesnt matter how teched out the item(level 1 or 5) is,it still comes on to the battlefield at the sametime.
  5. Lars eventually the bugs get worked out and production speeds up.I just checked Germanys production figures for their tanks and all of them had a big jump in production from the prototype.This was also during the allied bomber offensive.Who knows how many they would have produced if they werent getting bombed. Konigs,Germany did mass produce their tanks(not to the degree we could)and guess who helped them,Ford and G.M.C. The Opel company which mass produced Germanys trucks was started by G.M.C.When the Nazis took over in 1931 Ford/U.S.increased its stake in Ford-Werke Cologne.Dearborn C.O. stepped in to supply raw materials and parts not readily available.Between 1932 and 1938 germanys auto output increased nearly 600%.This tech.was also applied to their tank production. As a matter of fact Henry Ford was awarded the Order of Merit of the German Eagle. In 1934 Ethyl Gas Corp.owned jointly by Standard Oil and G.M.C.showed the Nazis in 1934 how to produce Ethyl lead and tetraethyl lead.This was done with Germanys I.G.Farben.Standard Oil also showed the Germans their hydrogenation process and all the other tech.knowhow in converting coal to oil. Germany never went on a full war time production untill it was to late because they didnt want to bankrupt the country.Because of the help from Ford and G.M.C(and others)Germany was able to mass produce the weapons she had.
  6. Maybe its to hot for them(just kidding)I tried that once and couldnt either.
  7. Liam i think you could do it(It would be tough though).Just make it like some of the earlier suggestions that for evey prod. and ind. tech.level increase you would get a certian decrease in the time from production to the battlefield.You are right in that it cant get to out of control. Desert Dave in Germanys case they were kind of forced into trying to make the far superior tanks (although alot of the ideas were rather stupid)because of the Russians coming out with the JS series of tanks.The PZIV didnt have much of a chance against a JS1 or 2.Look what happened when they just kept on building ME109s and the FW190s against the latter P51s(I know they had lost alot of skilled pilots but had the german pilots been in a far superior aircraft it would give a pilot a much better chance).The only hope they really had was to make the ME262 to compete with the massive allied numbers of great fighters.I would think the same would apply with the tanks.Maybe not. .In the end it was massive allied numbers that did the axis in and NO amount of better equipment(unless the bad guys somehow came up with enought atomic bombs)was going to win it.The more i read about the allied(the Amis.industrial might and the fact we had Ultra and Magic) im amazed the war went on as long as it did.
  8. Henri if you turn on the fog of war that would help your subs alot in one way.The allies would then have to search for them instead of just sending everything right to where your subs are at.That goes for your ground army also. I also have played many games of Third Reich and this game gives the russians a much better chance to stay alive.There is no double turn which you know usually spells the end of russia.
  9. Lars why wouldnt you get faster at producing a level 5 tank or for that matter a level 5 anything?Once the prototype is built you would just gear up production for that weapon.It wouldnt be as fast in some cases as a lower tech. weapon but it would certainly be faster as you acquired more skills at making the weapon.Knowledge usually equates into faster production in any item.
  10. I think the naval damages that can happen are pretty accurate.Look what happened at midway in a span of a few days.Japans naval dominance was prettywell finished for good.Considering these turns are in weeks incraments alot of damage should be possible.War ships were expensive to build and should be.
  11. The French lost because they tried to use ww1 tactics. Germany also lost the Battle of Britain because they tried to use a tactical airforce to fight a strategic battle.Plus having Goering at the top didnt help.
  12. Hyazinth i went to the english version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_ France#Allies and it lists the french airforce at 1562 frontline machines with another 2000 coming out of the factories with only 29%of those in working order.Britain sent about 680 machines.Alot of these were obsolete.The allies were way outclassed in the air.
  13. Here is another possibility:The russians see that the brits are in big trouble and the germans are preoccupied with trying to take england decide to attack through iran into the persian gulf.This would give them total control over all the mideast oil and give them a port on the med.This would put them in a much better position to "persuade"turkey to let them move their fleet into the med.Remember stalin didnot trust the brits or the amis.
  14. Hyazinth where did you get the figures for the french airforce?From what ive read they had at the begining no more than 500 frontline planes and at the time of the german attack they had about 1000(alot of these werenot combat ready because of various reasons)
  15. Sounds to me like you are getting away from play balance.If it gets to historically accurate the allies will win everytime.Just think how powerfull the aliies would be with fully historically accurate ind.and prod.figures. What if we added ultra or the fact that when germany attacked russia there was a real good chance that a vast part of russia would have joined the germans and then this game has no point. One more thing:Remember before this game even starts the brits know for sure that america and russia will join their side.They had no such knowledge historically(especially about russia.).This is a huge atvantage because the allies from the very first turn can plan an overall strategy.So by having some things in this game not historically accurate(in favor of germany)perhaps offsets the allied atvantage.
  16. SeaMonkey special forces are hardly capable of strategic invasions.Yes i know about amphib.tech. but if im not mistaken doesnt that just effect the distance the unit can travel not the amount you are allowed? Im not knocking the ability of these countries to be able to invade even though it sounds like i am(even France can do it right away and how many landing craft did she have and Germany if she had the mpps could launch a massive invasion first turn, bigger that what we did in 1944, no way thats possible.)its just that people seem to want more historical content(like terif says:be careful what you wish for) and there is no way Germany could have built the amount of landing craft we did in the time frame alloted for a 1940 invasion.That would be unhistorical,but this game and 99%of all ww2 strategic games cant be to historically accurate and still be playable. I think that hubert and everyone involved have done the best job ive ever seen in making a game playable and very fun and still hold sufficient historical accuracy(through balance).
  17. The reason Germany can invade England in this game is because they and all other countries are allowed to put full corps and armies into amphib trans in the first place.When we landed in France in 1944 we had about 160,000 total combat troops including paras.(Germany in 1940 could barely scrape enough trans.to land 60,000 troops which equates to 1 army at most in this game which is hardly enough to take England).In this game you could land with multiple panzer armies representing way more divisions and tanks ANY country had the capability to invade with. In order for Germany to be any threat to invade England at all you have to be unhistorical.So allowing England to fight on makes total sense. I still dont think that England should be allowed to just be abandoned.Maybe have it that if England is conquered that a percentage of the remaining forces are removed from the game and must be built back by Canada.
  18. pzgndr you mention the commonwealth coming to the aid of England.In 1940 those countries didnt have much to offer.Look how close rommel came to taking africa WITH England in the war.One of the main things that stopped rommel was the help ultra gave the Brits in knowing when convoys were coming across to africa and what ships to attack in the convoys.If the brits had no way to attack these convoys(everthing would be defending england)goodbye africa. I think that should England fall her supply in africa should be effected for good(untill england is liberated) and the morale of the armed forces for a given period of time.Remember most of britains supply to africa would have to come from Canada.Its well over 5000 miles to africa from the east coast of Canada.Plus Canadas industry was in no way capable of producing enough weapons to fight a major conflict that early in the war..
  19. In a future patch will it be possible to upgrade units while they are in the new unit construction phase so when they are ready to be placed they will have already recieved the latest and greatest weapons?
  20. JJR I sort of agree with you on third reich(it is one of my favorite games)Its the only game ive played where if the russians dont set up right they are done in one turn.That double move can be a game winner. As far as squad leader goes you are right on the money.I remember arguing with my friends over LOS lots of times.We actually bought a very thin edged ruler to determine those real close ones.I remember some of those games where one german H.M.G. in the right spot with a 10-3commander would just mow down loads of russian squads.
  21. Myrmidon sounds to me as if you have played a game ot two of third reich,as have i.Welcome to the group.
  22. Maybe it realises that poland is done anyway so why waste the mpps.Its britain that has to spend the mpps.
  23. Your right voncasey S.O.L.could mean that but in this case it means:**** Outta Luck.
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