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Everything posted by arado234

  1. The only reason I mentioned stacking was so you could move your airfleets right up to the front to give them max.range without fear of being attacked by ground units unprotected. The ground unit stacked with the airfleet would have to be destroyed first then you could attack the airfleet with any ground units that were capable. I do agree that it would add more time to each turn but you could limit it to just one airfleet being able to stack with one ground unit.No stacking ground units.
  2. One thing I would like(IMHO would really enhance SC2 and W.a.W.and a possible SC3)is the stacking of units.In other games like Third Reich this is vital.I think in these games it will make a big difference to the overall strategys of the game.
  3. I dont think you can get around the first Russian winter.Best bet is to make sure your troops are in defendable positions and in good supply when it hits or you may suffer the same fate the bad guys really did.
  4. When playing the D Day scenario W.a.W.my German tanks willnot attack twice no matter what I do or where they start.Could it be because by 1944 German mobility wasnt what it used to be?
  5. Iparkh I see your a Third Reich player.Have you played the P.C. game?
  6. I dont think its a matter of if its possible(The Allies with their industrial might could have built the planes and equipment to do it if they really wanted to)its more of a matter would it be worth the cost in material the training the planning involved and the overall time to attempt such a thing.Then there is the threat if it failed and losses that would have incurred. It was never attempted to the extent JonS is talking about probably because it wouldnt have been practical not because its impossible. Should it be included in this game as an option,I dont know.If it is, there would have to be someway of simulating the overall effort involved in such an undertaking.
  7. K Man remember hes got Ultra and the Luftwaffe was VERY careless with their use of Enigma.
  8. With Stalin you can never know what he would have done.In the book(and others)What Stalin Knew,when he was told that a German attack was imminent he still didnt want to react out of fear of upsetting Hitler. If Germany got clobbered attacking England I would think Stalin would have gone for some concessions as you say Liam,but if Germany wiped out England quickly without heavy losses then I think Europe wouldnt be a very pleasent place to be.I truely believe that Hitler would have used forced diplomacy on the rest of Europe and gained a quite substantial Ind.production capability. The world would have been in a very pricarious situation.You would have Germany(prestige and morale at a all time high) and Japan(geared for war)and the Russians and probably the Amis(who knows what effect the isolationists would have had on America)scrambling to try and prepare. By making the game with the effect that if England goes down its probably over it will force the Allied player to do what the Brits. would have really done,DEFEND THE ISLAND.I cant see the British just abandoning the homeland to the Nazis.They would fight to the death just like the Germans and the Japanese did.Im sure the Americans would do the same.I did read where that after the Russians lost all those troops at Kiev in 1941(including all the ohter losses) Stalin wanted to try and negotiate with Hitler.He was talked out of it.If Hitler had wiped out England who knows what Stalin would have done.
  9. Your just unlucky.I have spent 500mpps on a particular weapon and have gone over a year withour any hits,only then to get four in a row.
  10. Liam,Colin this is a tough one.I guess you could do it like you guys suggest.Although Liam trying to hide the attacking force Germany used against Russia would be kind of tough under any conditions. A great book to read on this subject is called:What Stalin knew.Believe me if you ever read it you will realise that Stalin knew exactly what the Germans were up to months before the actual attack.Troop movements etc etc.
  11. Liam i think Edwin P.made some good points about taking England. Maybe the Amis.and Russian readiness shouldnt jump so much.If it happened in reality Russia may have attacked through Iran and tried to grab the middle east for herself. Remember the allies were pretty pissed at Russia for backstabbing Poland and attacking Finland and were going to try and send help to Finland. One of the main things that worried Stalin about Germany taking England wasnt that he liked England it was the fact he knew he would probably be next.I would think Stalin would try and do his utmost to try and NOT upset Hitler and im thinking getting ready to attack Germany would probably upset Hitler. Maybe one way to have it is if Germany takes England then they are finished(like in Third Reich).From what Terif says if the Brits. prepare properly then any German attempt at England will be met with a disaster for Germany. Should the Germans still take England then the Canadian, AMI.and Russian Ind.and Prod.go to actual WW2 figures.This would simulate(IMO)a more realistic reaction from the remaining powers.Any british forces left would go over to the control of Canada and be maintained and expaned by Canada. Loosing England should(IMO)represnt a real disaster which it would have been. Allied morale would have taken a beating and would have greatly served to help prop up the myth of Nazi invinceability.I could see it that after England went down Germany without firing a shot would be able to "persuade"whoever she wanted in europe(except Russia)to at minimum be sympathetic to her cause or at best join her side(Turkey and Spain come to mind).
  12. If you are going to make the game more realistic in this aspect then the Allies would have a HUGE atvantage.Overall one of the main reasons why Britain was able to do as well as she did early on was because of Ultra(i know the axis made some dumb moves which helped).From the books ive read(4 or 5) if the way Ultra effected the war in favor of the allies was added into this game(i know the axis were breaking our codes but no where near our ability)the Germans would have NO hope.From about mid 1942 on the Germans may as well have been sending most of their messages in the clear.
  13. Philippe you make some good points but i dont think its possible to make a strategic game so historically accurate to actually be able to change history.There are way to many variables that if you could actually include them all it would make the game so long and complicated that it may take you six years or longer to play. I think SC2 has done a very good job in trying to make the game playable and fun and still be somewhat of a history changer. At the tactical level the board game SquadLeader and its various addons came the closest to being historically very accurate.The people who played it will know what im talking about.
  14. In W.a.W.what other effects does intel.have besides revealing enemy forces(which is in itself a real big effect)?
  15. If you really think about it,Air power was real deadly.Look what the Germans did at the start and the Allies in the end.The German attack at Mortain in 1944 was stopped cold ,mostly by airpower.The Germans could hardly move by day because of Allied air power. I know being able to destroy a whole army with airpower is far fetched but because this is mostly a strategic game how else can you mimick airpower. Remember we all have the same choice weather or not to build tac.air.
  16. Konigs i agree totaly. Actually one of the main reasons we ever cracked Enigma was BECAUSE the Germans thought it unbreakable and which led to the gross indiscipline of the German operators. The book:Code breakers The Hut Six Story Alan Turing:The Enigma Are three excellent books on the subject.If i recall correctly only the Gestapo codes were never really broken because they trusted no one and were extremely disciplined in the use of Enigma and its many variants.
  17. RobertC ive done quite alot of research on Ultra(not so much on Magic)and believe me it was a MAJOR contributer in saving Britain early on in the war and winning(shortening) the war. It was the major contributing factor in rommels loss in Africa. It was able to in 1941 save the British about 350 plus merchant ships(about 1.5 million tons)by rerouting convoys away from uboats. It told us about the Germans heavy water program in Norway. It told us all about Peenemunde. If we added Ultra and Magic and gave them the real capability they had it would amount to having the Fog of War on for the German turn and off for the Allied turn.Then by about 1943 the Axis would prettywell have to tell the Allies most of their strategic moves one turn prior so the Allies could prepare.Towards the end we were reading German messages as fast as they were.
  18. The VIIC uboat(the work horse)17.6 knots surface 7.6 knots submerged(to evade escorts)It could travel 80 miles submerged at 4 knots on a full charge.It could travel about 8500 miles surfaced at about 10 knots.I guess it would be a tech.level 2 or 3. The XXI(Real nasty)could travel 15.6 surface and 17.2 submerged(short distance to evade escorts).It could travel submerged 340 miles at 5 knots.It could travlel about 15000 miles at 10.5 knots surfaced.Tech level 4 or5.?Practically undetectable by all of the latest Allied sonar. Type XXI uboat #2511 in the begining of may 1945 got within 500 meters of the crusier H.M.S.Norfolk undetected.Destroyer escort Sonar couldnt hear it.
  19. It depends more on what your strategy is going to be and if your the Allies or the Axis.If im really interested in a particular upgrade i will usually try and max.it out as fast as i reasonably can.Alot of time this is my downfall because ill have spent so much on tech. research i dont have the mpps to build the ultra high tech.units. You can run into real trouble if you have completely ignored technology for more units.They usually become cannon fodder. My suggestion to you is to keep having fun playing and learn from you mistakes.Eventually you will adopt a strategy that you like and you will go for the necessary tech.to assist.
  20. It depends more on what your strategy is going to be and if your the Allies or the Axis.If im really interested in a particular upgrade i will usually try and max.it out as fast as i reasonably can.Alot of time this is my downfall because ill have spent so much on tech. research i dont have the mpps to build the ultra high tech.units. You can run into real trouble if you have completely ignored technology for more units.They usually become cannon fodder. My suggestion to you is to keep having fun playing and learn from you mistakes.Eventually you will adopt a strategy that you like and you will go for the necessary tech.to assist.
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