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Everything posted by arado234

  1. The German navy tries to bait the Brits.with some juicy amphib.targets headed for Norway.No dice.As far as the Roayl Navy goes,be careful what you wish for.
  2. mock,ibukovec you guys join in.No problem here at all.
  3. Yea the coward sub runs and hides under the ice.Wait untill he comes out. Elseware the Brits.have liberated most of the MidEast,and now await his next move.
  4. That sub is in big trouble now.The other two we will find and make them swim with the fish.His Norway campaign(cough cough)is in dire straits.His poor Germans are just begging to surrender(ill bet its real cold out in them mountains with no shelter) to those tough and courageous Brits.We say NO.
  5. So far operation Norway faranugen is a big flop.My one mighty British corps hangs on against overwelming odds. He may be pinging 50 to 70 mpps a turn but more than enough is getting through.The sub up near Canada isnt pinging anymore.
  6. Spain will see the wrongness in their ways should they the mistake of joining the wrong side. As far as the Brits.harvesting,YES WE CAN.
  7. I could play ibukovec if its alright with everyone else.
  8. It seems the head of the Luftwaffe H.G.(Huge Guy)actually listened to something else other than his over inflated ego and fitted his fighters with drop tanks which caused the demise of my fighter.However our bomber spots some evil people trying to launch amphib.invasion and we sink them(one of his elite units).
  9. Thats righ.The Frenchies do knockout a Panzer army(invincible I think not).We have also started to show the Swedes that we really do mean them no harm.Maybe an attack isnt necessary. Now we search for that angry sub.
  10. My Brits didnt take Norway they liberated it from certian Nazi aggression.What do we get for this,the whole world hates us.We dont care.
  11. The Poles dont cave in.They fight the evil Nazi scourge.Rain is now falling.Perhaps we even fight alittle longer.Old fatboy Goerings luftwaffe is grounded in the east because of heavy rains.
  12. Ludi in W.a.W.there are more penalties for just going nuts and attacking everyone.If the Allies invade Ireland there is a chance that Spain will join Germany(or atleast get a big diplo hit in favor of Germany).There are other instances where attacking historically friendly neutrals can backfire.I dont know how far you would want the penalties to go.
  13. Its because(i believe) if the Germans take a country bordering the Med.with a port they can start any surface units coming on in any port they occupy.I also think its strange but thats how it works.
  14. I for one love Rambos comments.Alot I dont agree with but like you say Liam its free speach.He adds(how shall I put this)lots of zip in any discussion. Liam I also like alot of what you said here.Looks like you put quite a bit of thought into it.
  15. Liam ive had jets in SC2.I like em cause they sound cool,plus it is a little demoralizing to hear the woosh noise.They are pretty deadly if youve got level 5 jets at 5 star power 15 lead by Manstein. I guess the only minor Allies it wouldnt apply to(lower quality) is Finland.Their sissi troops were as well trained as anyother elite troops and their regulars werent bad either.The rest were mostly what you said.Your also right about their amphib.capabilities.
  16. Rambo you seem to forget the Amis. were neutral.Since it never happened you cant say what or if America would have done if England was invaded. If the U.S.A.was so prepared to help why did they not get involved before France fell(like in WW1).If they had all these forces you claim they had and were prepared to use wouldnt it have been alot better to stop the German advance in its tracks?Once France fell,alot of Americans gave England about 6 weeks to survive.How come they didnt just start sending everything they had over to help right away. The Germans never were really prepared to attack England because they didnt expect such quick success over the Allies.The fact that they let the B.E.F. escape proves that Hitler was reluctant to attack.Weather they could have pulled off Sealion with the B.E.F. captured who knows? As far as the Germans being overated explain to me why it took so long to defeat them.Considering the fact the Allies had Ultra(july 1940 it started to payoff) and knew most of the German moves before hand.We grossly out numbered them and outproduced them.Some say we werent prepared to suffer the losses by moving faster then we did.The faster the war is over the less peopled killed.Just think of how many lives would have been saved if the Germans didnt have all that time to bring on the final solution.Id say the Germans were one of the best(if not the best)fighting force ever created to fight a major conflict.
  17. Pzgndr I like the Third Reich feel of the game but I do truely miss the exploitation phase. What you say about German jets makes some sense in the fact I also wonder how many would have been flying by 1942 but they did have a working prototype in early 1941 and this was with very little research.Im saying if they had started research before the war(and made it their number one priority) im sure they would have had a fair number of them by 1942.Remember they built about 1500 of them and this was with the Allies pounding them from all angles.They would have had no such problems early on.
  18. Pzgndr love the Third Reich mod but I found the A.I.to be quite slow.Any ideas?Im a Third Reich fan from the 1970s.My other fav. board game was Squad Leader.
  19. HimAgain I guess the games is the way it is to prevent the Germans(and the Russians)from building to many units to early(play balance).By allowing Germany easy access to cheap garrison troops which would free up more German units then would normaly be available would upset play balance.If this were done do you think by just allowing Russia to build troops cheaper would be enough of an offset or would you think you would have to give the western Allies something? Pzgndr I dont fing Germany having level 5 jets(or for that matter any level of tech.) in 1942 annoying when you have to consider the HE280 flew march 30,1941.It had a mock dog fight with a fw190 and clearly out performed it.Whats truley amazing is the fact that the R.L.M.didnt show alot of interest.Germany could have easily had operational(we are lucky they didnt)jets by 1942 if they had gone allout it jet research.
  20. Liam the fact that Stalin had alot of his leaders shot had alot to do with it and if he hadnt the Russians would have been much better lead with vastly superior numbers.Much differnt outcome.Hitler even said that had he known the Russians true order of battle he probably wouldnt have attacked them.So in this case I would think numbers do matter. As far as the Battle of Britain goes the Luftwaffe was asked to do something it was never intended to do.Fight a strategic battle. German bombers had a small bombload poor defensive fire.Their fighters(me109) were on even terms as far as performance goes but were grossly unprepared for any type of longrange escort.Had the Germans built Planes that were truley capable for the task they were asked to perform England would have been in alot of trouble. As it was the Germans still could have won if they had done it right.When the guy at the top(Hitler)isnt to gungho about going after England and wastes valuable time by making peace offerings the attack was in trouble right from the start.
  21. mglsharkson its seems to me you must have read a book im reading right now called:When Titans clashed.It talks about the very thing you just brought up.It talks in great detail on how Russia did learn lessons from Germany and applied them to lay a beating on Germany.
  22. Liam I saw a good show on this(I think it was called SS G.B.)The move shows the Germans getting on in force(upto this point the war follows the historical path).The Brits do prettywell what you suggested and get wiped out.The British high command felt that should Germany land in force England would fall.It also has the British navy(whats left of it) and all other important items and persons coming to Canada.
  23. Imo your Right Scook,this game is at its max as far as selection of units is concerned. I guess you could impliment what PPH is saying about having SS units in the game by just having an option(like sacking a commander for a better one)that asks if you want to upgrade to an SS army.This wouldnt create anymore overall units but just add something that did have a pretty big effect on combat.The problem is what do you give the Allies in return.Since adding more units(imo)is a bad idea,Maybe a higher Ind.and Prod.capability?What does everyone else think?
  24. Your pretty smart SeaMonkey.I never thought of it that way.
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