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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Hubert you will soon accept that the only team in hockey is the mighty Habs.
  2. Are the Allied and Axis Ind.output set at historical level? Can the Germans bring in airlanding units if the grab an airfield?
  3. Im thinking kman is going to unleash is allied airpower and start blowing the Germans to rubble.
  4. The problem with the softbuild limit is that it allows for the potential of a more of a WW1 style game.Depending on what happens(available mpps), both Russia and Germany can build alot of cheap A.A & antitank units to plug up the game.Also it allows for the building of alot of forts because the Russians and Germans can have two or more engineers going at once.There is a possibility of having so many A.A.guns that it would render aircraft almost useless for attack.It does allow for a more "historical"amount of Russians to built though. Ive played both ways and its still alot of fun because whatever the enemy chooses to go heavy into there is usually a countermeasure.
  5. Lightning War once you get better try playing some HvH games.That is alot more challenging.There are lots of people that would play you.
  6. The only thing(imho)that should be changed is the conquering of England and the effect on the Allies as a whole(especially Commonwealth troops) -The Germans should get a huge morale boost and a permanant small morale boost. -All the remaining European mainland countries and the Middle East(except Russia)get a major diplo. hit towards Germany. -If Gibralter is open it automatically is occupied by Spain and the Axis are allowed free passage. -The Russains war readiness goes down(there is noway Stalin would threaten Hitler after England was conquered) but there should be a trigger(like the Siberian trans.)that if the Germans suffer to big a loss in the attempt the Russians can attack instantly.This way Germany has to think twice about it(backstabbing at its best). -Russia and America get 3 free chits in both their ind.and prod.tech.and their overall ind.might starts to rise rapidly. -Canada gets an overall ind.increase. -Untill England is liberated all British replacements start in Canada.The British navy is supplied by Canada and the U.S.when they join. -Americas war readiness goes up the same as if England wasnt conquered(since England was never attacked directly and conquered there is noway to know what America would do.If the Americans were really serious about helping England directly you would think they would do it before England was attacked and conquered not after.Remember alot of America gave Britain only six weeks so if they were going to help with direct support it would have been right away. England being wiped out should have a major effect.It would have a huge influence on the Japanese and what America would do now that they wouldnt be recieving to much support from the British navy(it would probably get sunk it the attempt to save England as the British would no doubt try).
  7. Sombra if both sides were forced to follow the historical path of WW2 then the game would be to predictable.You would also have to set the industrial might of all the nations to historical levels and we all know what will happen then. I like Timskorns idea about the Siberian trans.date but by Sept 41 those Siberians were already getting ready to move west. In one way its good to have the Siberians arrive early because usually the Russians havent been able to tech.out their units yet and the earlier they arrive the less tech.the Siberians have.The Russians then have to pay for upgrades and may be forced to commit them before they are ready to fight and are easier to wipe out. Im not to sure why if Spain joins or is conquered by the Axis there even is an American naval move to the Atlantic.Im thinking because of play balance and if thats the case then it makes total sense.
  8. Sombra as far as the Russians just falling back,in most cases that is what they should do,regardless of the Siberian Trans. With the penalty of Russia transfering troops because of a threat from Japan,Stalin already knew through his spy Richard Sorge in july 1941 that Japan had no real interest in attacking Russia and by Sept 41 there was no doubt Japan was not going to attack Russia and the Russians had already made plans to move those units west(from the book:What Stalin knew). With the Transfer of Britains capital you can always just change it so the Capital just goes to Canada or have it so there is no transfer of the English capital. I do agree with you that Sealion should have more of an effect than it does,but because some of the workings of the game arenot historical for obvious reasons its a fine line to make the game somewhat more historical and winnable for both sides.These forums are a great place for us to discuss and give suggestions to the designers(who do an excellent job)to make a great game even better.
  9. If you do that you could also leave yourself open to invasion of the Island.Like Lars said if the Germans bomb the port the Brit.will be done for.
  10. If Russia is defeated,unless the Allies are in position to take Germany out of the game its over for them anyways.Scandinavia would be of little importance.It depends on the overall situtaion.
  11. If level 5 subs do get into attack transports,the transports have absolutley no nope. Ive won against human players doing a uboat strategy but it is very risky,especially if the Allied player figures out what your doing early enough to counter it.
  12. scottsmm if you let the Allies take Norway(its not as easy as you think if the Germans guard it properly)they will then threaten all of the Baltic(Sweden,Finland and Denamrk)plus not to mention Germany. As far as defending Norway goes it would also depend on whats happened to the German and Allied navies.Is America in the war yet.Overall loosing Norway to the Allies isnot a good thing.
  13. I agree with SeaMonkey by just making England fight on from Canada(which is what they probably would have done)England can never really be totaly conquered.
  14. If you get your subs to level 5 they just massacre any Allied ships(except destroyers should the Allied player upgrade them).The problem with is the subs then get fairly expensive and it will take away from your ground forces upgrades.If you go uboat warfare expect a long war against Russia but you should be able to keep the Allies off your back for along time especially if you combine your wolfpacks with your surface ships.
  15. What no atom bomb.I was looking forward to seeing a big mushroom cloud and hearing a big woooooooosh as Moscow gets blown to bits.I dont know Hubert get ready for the wrath of Rambo.I think he would have liked nuking them Commies (ha ha).
  16. Sombra if you turn on the soft build limit you can prettywell build all the planes you can afford. I was suggesting a overall reduction of 1 of each plane type for Germany because of the overall power of the tac.bombers.If this is going to be addressed in other ways then no need.
  17. Sweed once you have mastered the A.I(to me the most challenging A.I.there is)try playing a P.B.E.M. against any of us.That you will really enjoy.Believe me you have bought one of the best tactical, strategic war games out there.The support from the Beta team is the best I have ever experienced.
  18. Allowing a counterattack for all major powers is great.I know in Third Reich it makes a big difference because the Germans could sort of do to England in that game as what happened to Baron in this game. Third Reich is also setup in that when France falls the French units that cant participate in the attack to recapture Paris cant just go suicide on the nearest German unless the attack to recapture Paris is successful.
  19. As far as Baron loosing London(and the game) you could have it like Third Reich in that every major power always gets their next turn to counterattack to recapture their capital.This prevents exactly what happended to Baron from ever happening.It also prevents or atleast makes the attacking power think twice about sending their airborne on a suicide mission. As far as tac air(or for that matter all air)being to powerfull you could have it so(again how complicated do you want to make it)your defending fighters could choose to ignore enemy fighter attacks and only attack the enemy tac bombers if they choose to come over unescorted.If the attacking tac bombers choose to keep their bombload their airdefence factors drop so low that they get blown to bits.Also have it so A.A.guns fire every attack(although this will make A.A.guns get real powerfull). I do like Barons idea about only ground units can eliminate the last 1 or as SeaMonkey says the last 3 or less ground factors. Remember Airpower was a major factor in enabling Germany to her quick victories early on and the latter Allied victories.If we reduce airpowers capabilities to much then you start going back to more of a WW1 type game.Dont want that. Perhaps limit Germanys overall airpower by 1 unit of each type.Also have it that experience bars only effect the aircraft in questions primary capability:Tac.bomber experience only effects their ground attack capabilities and has a very limited effect on airdefence capabilities. -fighters,dogfighting capabilities only. Baron, Seamonkey you opened up a can of worms here(I love it).SeaMonkey no sarcasim at all in your words of wisdom.You and Baron brought up some very valid points. _
  20. SeaMonkey I figured someone would bring that up and yes its true about the 190f and the g model but they werent available untill 1942.In the begining of the game they would be mostly stukas. I can see also where you are going and I agree with you(about this getting to technical)but even a 190f,or g carrying a full bombload would still get mowed down by any allied fighter.At minimum it should have to drop its bombs(same as any fighter dropping its longrange fuel tanks) to defend itself or get shot to pieces. The only way to have it would be a possible upgrade to better fighterbombers(we already have upgrades to better fighters) and have their airdefence capabilities directly related to their carrying a full bombload or not.Maybe something to think about.
  21. What(imho)should be done(especially for the German tac.bombers most of which were stukas)is to lower their air defence to a minus 2 or 3 which would represnt their absolute hopless chance of surviving any fighter opposition.This would force the Germans to escort them very heavily which they really had to do. As the German tac bomber units experience went up it would in noway enhance its survivablity involving any enemy fighters. During the Battle of Britain the Brits.said shooting down Stukas was like shooting rats in a barrel.No hope against fighters.
  22. Adding in Armour expolitation like in Third Reich I dont know if it would fit into this games. For fun making it possible to set the industrial and production figures to actual historical settings and see how long the Axis can hang for. What effect will the Atom bomb have on the target its dropped on?
  23. Sombra ive only been the Allies a few times but I am seeing what you are talking about.I think though with Russia being able to build more A.A.guns the strategy you suggested will only work for so long because once the bomber used to take the first hit is weakend it cant(or shouldnt)be used for a while untill its repaired and that costs mpps.Plus if you keep all the A.A.guns together(or atleast in pairs) in the most critcal areas it will start to cost the Germans some mpps.Maybe otherwise give the A.A.guns multiple shots.
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