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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Baron,if this game was based on reality then most of what you say I agree with.Since its not maybe some of the"gamey"aspects need to be left alone. I do agree with you about Keil port. Tech.is a tough one.Some like it the way it is some dont. I think Anti air should only fire once because in reality the A.A.unit would be facing multiple attacks all at once from multiple air units and wouldnt be able to fire at all the planes coming in all different directions. I think you could have naval units raid but in the case of Norway being shut down the Germans should have the option to divert that convoy traffic to the otherside of the country through the Swedish port(which is what they probably would have done in reality)The convoys would still cease in the winter. With Carriers im not sure how many Carriers the icon is supposed to represent.If it is just one then the way they are now makes sense because your only talking about at the most 100 aircraft compared to an land Airfleet which would have alot more. In this game you can invade with Army size units which in reality is impossible.You have to have some unrealistic options to give the units in question a sense of worth.Remember everyone has the same atvantages and the same disatvantages. I think overall Hubert and everyone else have done an excellent job and im sure they appreciate all our comments to makes the game better.
  2. The good guys unleash an allout attack on Malta and it crumbles and falls to a Para.drop. Those nasty Brits. attack Syria while we liberate Tunis.Maybe there will be a battle in Africa.
  3. Those Frenchies wont be throwing anymore slush balls anytime soon.The Germans noticed an anti-tank gun next to Paris after we moved our tanks up to attack.Luckly for us we didnt get to see how nasty it was against our tanks. Now we drink French wine and decide whos next.
  4. Those Frenchies are now going to pay for using slush and ice balls during our winter snowball fights.
  5. Does anyone know why it takes alot longer for the Axis to build forts than the Russians?
  6. Germans blow Denmark man to bits and walk in.Weather has been fairly bad early.Frenchies swap troops in Maginot line.
  7. Yes at one time I figured Sealion was coming.Thats one of the reasons(main reason)why the Brits. started taking all they could.I knew if the home islands went then I would still have a fair number of mpps. I knew once he got distracted going to Norway(which im glad he did)Sealion became less of a threat. The Russains just kept piling on the troops.I never even invested at all in antitank because I knew I was going to blow his tanks to bits and I wouldnt need it.Plus they were getting almost 500mpps a turn and could afford to just start attacking. My Amis had Ind.,Prod.,Infa. all maxed out.I was going to just start building all my Ami.fighters(they were also at level 4 with 5 chits in to try and get jets)and overwhelm his planes in the west. He also lost one Tank in the attack on France and I sunk one of his Amphib.units.Since he was spending alot on his planes I figured he wouldnt have the Mpps to do everything he wanted.I noticed some of the units used to attack Norway werent backup to 10.This told me he didnt have alot of mpps. However if he had gone all out for Sealion I think it would have changed the game alot.Those hightech.planes are expensive. It was still a real fun game.What im trying in our next game ive never done before.Hope it works.
  8. Yes the Poles are now liberated.They tried to smuggle out a captured Enigma machine and were"shown"how bad an idea that was. Im going to try something ive never done as Germany.I hope it pays off.
  9. Yes the Russian juggernaut proved to much.Axis airpower was deadly but they couldnt stop the hordes.The battle was undecided for a while though.Great game.
  10. Invasion attempt crushed.Italian corps dead.More losses on the Russian front.Bock barely escapes.The Amis.finally do the right thing and join the great crusade.Now Russia is really getting mpps.
  11. Bock is now in trouble(both Paras attack).Last German tank destroyed.The Reds just keep on coming.His high tech fighters dont have to much effect on my ground troops.My fighters have no hope.Mainly using them for spotting.My A.A.batteries have yet to be challenged.Sure glad I built the extra ones. England takes Tunisia and makes America mad again.Dont the Amis.realise we are just freeing everyone.
  12. The carnage continues on the Eastern front.More Germans die.Ive already made good all my Russian losses.We will see if he can keep this up.
  13. Hello.The Russians have launched a massive counter attack.Germans take a beating.Judging by the amount of territory he has taken he will be hard pressed to replacc his losses.Ive already built back my Russians.Id say hes out numbered about 7 to 1. Yes your right the Brits are loading mpps to Russia. The fact that the Amis.arent in yet isnt all a bad thing because ive got their Ind. and prod. at level 5.When they do join he will see LOTS of airplanes.
  14. In my current game against Aesopo he has no troops at all in Russia and yet the Russian winter was triggered.Is this correct?
  15. You could build the Fortress around Keil with locks on it like on the Panama canal.Have the gates open up for friendly ships to pass through.I know it would take longer to build but it would still be possible.
  16. What do you mean.There are NO Axis troops in Russia at all.I guess that winter was just to scare them. Bloody Sub. The Russians werenot in Position to attack because we figured an attack on us was still possible.Oh well 1942 should really light up.
  17. Narvik should hold for a while if the weather goes bad.We will fight to the death for Narvik and to save the Norwegians from Nazi oppression. Africa will soon be free. I see the first two German units on our Russian border.Its going to get very cold soon.Maybe they will attack anyway and freeze to death.
  18. It looks like all of Africa will soon be free. As far as the Russian border goes:HE HE. Id love to see an attack on spain(with what ground units).
  19. Ultra mega longrange German fighters wipe out Brit.bomber and lay a severe beating on my Brit.Armor. Tobruk has fallen and possibly the rest of Africa?
  20. At the port of Keil if its fortified the German navy cant pass through it.You would think that if they fortified it they would build it with ship access in mind.Fixed in a next patch?
  21. Subs are prettywell done.No more pinging of mpps.His reinforcements also in big trouble. It looks like no attack on Russia this year(1941). The Brits in Norway are fighting heroicly against overwelming odds.Hope for early bad weather.
  22. The Krauts better start looking to the East.Uncle Joe is seeing how tough it is for the Germans to kill one lousy Brit in Norway.Says he plans on serving Borsch at Der Fuerhers funeral.
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