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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Imho would it not be better to have the minor country joining the major power come into play at the beginning of that players turn and not the end?This way you atleast have a chance to deploy the troops in question to a better position and have the option of sending in more major power troops.
  2. rleete you can already have the Brits. capital move to Canada if you choose.To me that is the only logical choice. As far as your Russian suggestion goes,Its a great idea.
  3. Your absolutely right Retributar tech.was a deciding factor and we had more of it through ind.tech prod.tech. and last but not least nuclear tech.
  4. CSS ill bet if Hitler and Stalin had joined forces it would only be a matter of time before they attacked each other.You are right in the fact that the world would probably be alot different now. Retributer what you say about German tech.is true in the sense that towards the end when it was already over Germany had a tech.atvantage tacticlly.In the beginning we had better tanks and planes just as good as Germanys.So in the beginning it wasnt Germanys technology that won such amazing fast victories it was because they new how to use what they had alot better than most of the Allied commanders did.Remember we were the ones who had the atom bomb.Nothing else would have mattered.Ill bet thats why its not included in this game.BOOOOM Goodbye Germany. What also made a huge difference for Germany was that they had a General staff and field officers that way outclassed all the rest(although they still made mistakes).Lucky for us Hitler and Goering were at the head of it all.In the end we would have caught up and probably been on par with Germany tech.at the tac.level if we chose to do so.
  5. Imho would it not be better to have the Russian winter effect Germany AFTER her turn is over or at the start of the Russian turn?This would then allow the Russians to take full atvantage of the effect.
  6. I like it SeaMonkey.If I may add a few more possibilities(this could be to much)which is should Germany wipe England out(England fighting from Canada only) then America and Russias ind. might starts to climb to actual historical numbers.I think if this is done Germany should also get some major benefits. The benefits for Germany imho should be: -All remaning minor countries get a diplo.hit towards Germany -Germany would be able to by show of force to"encourage"other minors to join or at minimum allow free passage through their countries to avoid being wiped out. -German armed forces get a permanent morale boost(dont know how much maybe 5%)which would subside should the war start going against her. -Gibralter becomes Spanish and Axis are allowed free passage through the Straits. I know this would turn into a real slugfest but I think it would be alot of fun.Just my 2cents.
  7. I know airbases would limit strategy but imho when planes land on new territory they shouldnt be able to just be fully functionable that turn(spotting)and their next turn.When you conquer new cities and ports it takes time for them to come up to full strength,why not airbases and the planes on them? I agree with you Minty about mountains and I would like to also add swamps to that list.
  8. I agree with some of what you say pzgndr but from what ive found once you have played it a few times it will generally react the same to whatever you do,meaning if it beat you once at a strategy you tried by doing the same moves again and prettywell knowing what it will do you can usually set up a trap and wipe it out.A human player may react totally different. Yes you are absolutley correct about it being very close to as perfect as it can get.Yes Hubert not only has a great system developed but the best I have ever played.
  9. I tried using rockets in W.a.W.(H.v.H.)and while they dont cause alot of direct damage they are great for closing ports(England).They are fairly cheap to build.
  10. Just send all your Axis airfleets to bomb it.Remember to keep the port at zero and the unit guarding Malta cant resupply.Then just either drop your Para.or amphib.invade it.With the addition of the Tac.airfleets its alot easier to take Malta. As far as your Italian navy goes dont send them out until you atleast take France.After you get Malta you can put your Italian bomber there and spot for Allied ships and get in the first shots.You have a sub and usually the Brits. have no destroyers in the Med.
  11. I dont think its possible to make any A.I.good enough to beat a good human player unless maybe its the first game,otherwise once you know how it will react to a certian move you can setup as many ambushes as you want.A.I cant reason.In most cases it just reacts to your moves which puts it at a big disatvantage. As far as A.Is go this is by far the best ive ever played.
  12. Thats the weakness of all A.I.If you can bait it once with a certian move you can usually do it everytime.As far as A.I.s go this one is BY FAR the best ive ever played.If you want to see a REAL bad one play Third Reich.
  13. I agree Moonslayer.Sometimes the most wayout strategies work and they can be alot of fun to try.
  14. I found that quite interesting and very strange(especially the Axis moves).Ive never heard of anyone doing what the Axis player in your game tried.
  15. xwormwood I agree that you could build an airbase almost anywhere but in the time frame of 1 week your planes can function from a hex that at the start of your turn was the enemies.The plane units in this game indicate hundres of aircraft.There is noway you could build a fully functioning airbase in 1 week that in some cases is hunndres of miles from the nearest railhead in some of the worst weather possible and some of the most inhospitable terrain.
  16. Yes mountains and swamps should definitley be out.
  17. SeaMonkey I can always rely on you to add the technical details I usually leave out.Thankyou kindly. I forgot to mention that in Third Reich and probably other games you are given 3 air bases you can deploy to any land hex(tile) friendly to you and in normal supply at the start of your turn.Maybe this could be looked at for a patch or perhaps SC3?
  18. I think planes shouldnt just be able to land in the middle of nowhere .There is noway you could land hundreds of planes on a vacant friendly tile(especially in Russia)and still be able to use them for anything(including spotting or escaping enemy attack).They should either have to be based on or beside a friendly city or within a certian number of tiles of an H.Q.The H.Q.would also have to be within normal supply.
  19. aesopo will WIF have an A.I.If it does im hoping its as good as SCs is.I know the A.I.for Third Reich is as dumb as they get.
  20. Well judging by the way Hubert and the rest have put their efforts into SC2 and its addons im sure if they make SC3 it will exceed all our expectations. As far as loosing grognards to W.I.F. I cant see the reason.The games are different.Im sure W.I.F.will be alot fun but so is SC2.The vast majority here im sure really enjoy the game.Im sure Hubert takes all what we suggest into consideration.
  21. How have you worked out the industrial output of all th nations? -Is it going to be set at historical levels? -Will resources playe a bigger role?
  22. I tend to agree with willaim bowen.In some cases it would be possible to sneak in bare essentials but overall if units are surrounded then they shouldnt be able to be resupplied.Perhaps it could be like Third Reich where if a unit(s) is surrounded and isnt relieved within a certian amount of turns(Third Reich turns are one month)then the unit(s) are wiped out.
  23. If SC3 were made and all these suggestions were included then it would definitely be a totaly different game than any of the SC2 games. If this game were to be made I would like to see armour have the ability to exploit like in Third Reich. As far as adding in resources for a direct effect on the game,that would be real hard to do and still make the game winnable for Germany .Allied industrial might is just to much.I think SC2 has done a excellent job in the way it is now without complicating things to much. As far as the A bomb goes just imagine if both sides got them about the same time:KABOOM.No more world.
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