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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Sombra,my mistake.I didnt realise(I guess I should have read closer)that the Siberian A.A. gun was removed from the transfer and put into allowable builds.Im guessing that still means only 3 available.You could always turn on softbuild limits and allow the Russian player to build the extra A.A.batteries. Having your A.A.guns at level 5 isnt a must but around 3 or more they are quite nasty.When they get experience they then hit real hard. As far as just having the ground units upgrade their A.A.capability wouldnt you then need another spot on the ground unit for the A.A.upgrade besides inf.weapons,antitank and motorization?Would it be possible to fit one more upgrade on a ground unit?
  2. With the new patch Russia can build 5 A.A.guns. If these are teched out the German player will soon stop just attacking them blindly because at level 4 or 5 they deliver a big punch and they are also cheap to build.
  3. If you get A.A.guns to level 5 tech with some experience they are then quite nasty.
  4. Total Allied losses:France-892,U.K.-22,010, Poland-398,Netherlands-81,U.S.A.-18,418(Europe only)USSR-106,652(this also includes aircraft withdrawn from frontline service). Axis losses:Germany-116,584,Italy-5,272 Finland-536 Total Allied Planes built:633,072 Total Axis planes built:209,013
  5. Scottsmm, the Russians produced over 516,000 (more than the rest of the world combined) artillery pieces(includes antitank and anti aircraft guns)Germany produced 159,000 of the same.Russia produced over 20,000 M-1939 37mm anti aircraft guns downing a total of 14,657 Axis planes.Russia produced over 1.5 million machine guns(not including submachine guns)Germany produced 674,000.Russia had a huge tactical anti aircraft defence system.Alot more numerous than Germanys. Germanys A.A.defence system was much better organised and alot of it was geared to shoot down Allied heavy bombers.Russias was mostly designed to shoot down tactical planes and support ground troops.So in this game Russia should have more tactical A.A. bateries than Germany. Facts and figures taken form the book:World War II,The Encyclopedia of Facts and Figures
  6. Sombra I used rockets and what they are great for is to close all Allied(British) ports to any convoy mpps without suffering any type of losses plus when the Allies land you can use them to close the ports in France.They also lower morale. I also think Terif is right about not being able to fortify(Kiel)port.Why not have it that only friendly ships can pass through friendly fortified sea hexes(dont know if thats possible)? I like the idea of reducing Germanys A.A. batteries because in reality Allied Air power was absolutely devestating to the Germans.The fact that Allied overall mpp output is no where near accurately set at historical levels,by taking away some of Germanys ability to stop,or atleast slow Allied airpower is limited(which it really was)since its quite costly to keep on repairing losses suffered by high tech. A.A. batteries.
  7. One more thing and probably one of the most important(which cant be changed) is that we know before the game ever starts that one VERY important thing will happen,America and Russia will join the Allies.In reality Britian never knew any of this.This alone takes away from any attempt at any war game being "realistic".The Allies can plan accordingly but in reality had no such option,especially with Russia.
  8. I think some people are trying to find the perfect or near perfect war game.With SC2 and the addition of W.a.W.Hubert and his team have come very close while not making the game to complicated or restrictive. To me this game is supposed(other than the most important which is alot of fun)to be a combo of strategic and tactical warfare and they(imho)have achieved this almost perfectly without getting to complcated or technical.Some here think that W.a.W.is to restrictive because of the different rules and extra units.I prefer W.a.W.now that ive played both,although im playing a mirror SC2 and am enjoying alot(even though ive made a couple of mistakes thinking im playing W.a.W.) If anyone here has played Squad Leader and its various additions know that game was as close as you could get to absolute realism but it took along time to learn all the rules.There is absolutely no way that can be achieved in any strategic type game. As far as realism goes if more of an attempt was made to apply that to this game Germany would prettywell never have a chance to win once you factored in overall Allied might. Maybe if there ever is an SC3 alot of these things mentioned will get added,but it may get to technical to be enjoyable so what would be the point.
  9. You could also adopt the Third Reich rule which gives Armor a Z.O.C.costing any unit leaving an enemy Z.O.C.3 movement points.This would solve alot of the problem and create another,slowing the game down because in Third Reich you can exploit after the attack.
  10. U.S. units can upgrade anywhere provided they meet the proper supply and are out of enemy contact. U.K.units must be placed in England and transported down to Africa except planes(which you have to operate).If England is occupied then(I think)your Brits.start in Africa.
  11. The Allies surrender.To many Axis mpps(getting about 700per turn before Russia taken).It was a good battle. Was greatly suprised by the Russian high tech. fighters though.I had to change my strategy to combat them.Couldnt just go plowing through with my planes as usual.
  12. Axis units close in on the last Commie capital.He has 1 ground unit left and some H.Q.s plus three airfleets.I have prettywell my whole army on the board. In the West the Allies hang on(for now).As soon as the weather turns we will attack.Right now just sitting back in our forts drinking beer.
  13. Russians launch attack.We strike back with our anti tank units knocking down Commie tanks alittle.Dam Partisan comes to life in Murmansk(forgot to garrison)Now he will die. In the West Franco knows a good thing when he sees it.Allied air power starts pinging at my Germans in the west.Wont challenge my flak batteries.
  14. Russians now in MAJOR retreat.Killed one H.Q.trying to flee.Allies land in France and we will see if they can start to help the toubled Russians.
  15. Seems them rotten Commies have gone allout in jet research(level 4)for him.No matter ive just killed one with a combined arms attack.Moscow falls and so does another flak unit of his. In the west his Allied planes have been silent except for the unprovoked attack on Ireland(he even used his Artty.on the poor Irish dude).
  16. Hitlers only cry is:MIGHT IS RIGHT. As far as the skies in the west goes,he may talk about controlling them but we havent seen ANY allied planes dare to attack anything.Flak anyone. The Russian bear is soon going to see what control of the skies is really about.
  17. The good guys have just liberated Iran(Our Iraqi troop suggested this).Russian winter has struck but we were more than prepared(lots of fur coats donated from the homeland).No real effects this time.1942 will see much bloodshed. The Brits. have been working overtime on their air tech. and now have control of the seas.The Amis.are now angry and soon will be joining the fight,however we are prepared for this.
  18. Baron in order to build and maintain all those planes and carriers the Allies will have suffered few overall losses to afford it(meaning the Germans are in trouble anyway).In reality the Allies did outnumber the Germans badly so by being able to pound them with planes is accurate.Remember this game in noway reflects the Allies historical Industrial might.By being able to pound Germany offsets that a little.A.A. batteries are cheap,same with upgrading your cities,planes arenot.
  19. Also alot of those Anti Aircraft batteries were of the 20mm calibre.Prettywell useless against bombers coming in at 20,000 plus feet.In order to solve that you would need to have specfic calibre upgrades: 88m and up good for high flying aircraft but poor against ground attack(low rate of fire and poor tracking speeds) 20 and 30mm great for ground attack(high rate of fire plus quick traversing guns)poor against high flying aircraft. I think that would make the A.A.guns to technical to build for this game.I think leaving them the way they are makes it much easier and they still have an effect(especially at level 5)
  20. Egypt is about to fall(upsets America and Russia).I guess the Allies just dont trust us. It also looks like the Brit.commander is caught on the wrong side of the canal and is also in big toruble(we will except his unconditional surrender).
  21. Baron as far as an air or naval unit killing a ground unit,remember if the unit killed is in suppply its much cheaper to build back.I think this is supposed to represent what you are suggesting in that some troops of the unit killed did survive(thats why they are cheaper)but not enough to be represented in this game.These ground units in most cases are supposed to represent between 40,000 and 100,000 men and if only a few thousand troops in total survive then you cant represent that with these units. As far as the Falaise gap goes yes about 100,000 germans did escape but some Panzer divisions only had around 5 tanks left.Most of the German heavy Eq.was destroyed(not to mention their morale).So by allowing airpower to totaly "destroy" a ground unit this(IMHO) would indicate the losses sufered and still you would be able to rebuild(like the Germans tried)the wiped out army at a cheaper cost. Remember the Mortain offensive launched by the Germans in Normandy was stopped prettywell by Airpower alone. At Dunkirk the British fighters did put up quite a good defense and the Germans didnt realise that alot of their bombs had little effect because they were dropped on the beaches and the sand absorbed alot of the blast. I do like your idea about ports being destroyed or at minimum greatly reduced when captured by combat.Look what happened at Cherbourg.
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