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Everything posted by arado234

  1. I think Germany could have taken England IF they had prepared for it before the war started(drop tanks for their fighters,a capable four engine bomber fleet,a big enough sub force to screen the invasion fleet,proper invasion craft).This plus the other things required would have put a strain on Germanys(Hitlers)ability to build a large land army.He would have been betting everything on one roll of the dice(plus the fact that the Brits probably would have noticed all this prep. work and may have planned better). In 1939 when they took Poland the Germans didnt anticipate that they would be in a position(if they had planned for it)to attack England in 1940.So in reality they would have had to assumed(in 1939) that the French would have folded like a house of cards and that the Brits.would had to have been dumb enough to send those fighters to France when the French were done.How do you anticipate that? Thats one of the things you cant take away from this or any ww2 game is the fact that we already know before the game starts that the French are done and can plan accordingly.Just like the British player knows before the game starts that America and Russia will be joining her side and can plan accoringly.In reality they had no such knowledge.So by making it possible for the Germans to take England it forces the Brits.to do what they would have done reality and thats defend the Island. SeaMonkey is right,If the Germans had planned from the start there is a prettygood chance they could have pulled it off but in reality with the forces they had they would have just had to gone for it right after France was done.Maybe it succeeds maybe it doesnt.Letting the Allies escape at Dunkerque didnt help either.To me that shows Hitler wasnt too keen on trying to attack England
  2. I think Germany could have taken England IF they had prepared for it before the war started(drop tanks for their fighters,a capable four engine bomber fleet,a big enough sub force to screen the invasion fleet,proper invasion craft).This plus the other things required would have put a strain on Germanys(Hitlers)ability to build a large land army.He would have been betting everything on one roll of the dice(plus the fact that the Brits probably would have noticed all this prep. work and may have planned better). In 1939 when they took Poland the Germans didnt anticipate that they would be in a position(if they had planned for it)to attack England in 1940.So in reality they would have had to assumed(in 1939) that the French would have folded like a house of cards and that the Brits.would had to have been dumb enough to send those fighters to France when the French were done.How do you anticipate that? Thats one of the things you cant take away from this or any ww2 game is the fact that we already know before the game starts that the French are done and can plan accordingly.Just like the British player knows before the game starts that America and Russia will be joining her side and can plan accoringly.In reality they had no such knowledge.So by making it possible for the Germans to take England it forces the Brits.to do what they would have done reality and thats defend the Island. SeaMonkey is right,If the Germans had planned from the start there is a prettygood chance they could have pulled it off but in reality with the forces they had they would have just had to gone for it right after France was done.Maybe it succeeds maybe it doesnt.Letting the Allies escape at Dunkerque didnt help either.To me that shows Hitler wasnt too keen on trying to attack England
  3. powergmbh, like I said before dont you think Britain would have done what you said anyway if they really could have since they really were worried about an invasion?Plus those troops(if they really could have been found)would have practically no training and would have been up against a victorious(very high morale), very well equipped and very well trained army.Dont see much hope for the Brits.
  4. wolfkin you cant operate the Canadian plane out of North America(you can move their troops and ships).As far as the Amis.go once they are at war and you have enough mpps just click on the Aircraft and the option to operate will be highlited.Click on it and then just move the plane over to England or any other air base that the Brits.have.
  5. powergmbh,first of all anyone who lands just one unit in England without grabbing a port or H.Q.support is going to loose that unit anyway if the Brits. have properly prepared. I saw a hypothetical show on this very subject(i think it was called SS G.B.).It was done using all the latest info available on the forces both sides would have had.Germany had won the air battle.The invasion occured on sept 15.England does raise a home guard army but they are absolutley no match for the whermacht.The British high command never really gives them a chance from the start.Its over in about 2weeks. By the way dont you think that Britain would have in reality raised this Army you say they were capable of creating since they were genuinely worried about an invasion.Better to try and stop the Germans from getting a beachhead than fight them after the fact when they would have had little hope. xwormwood is right about the comparison to the Amis.Your now talking about the biggest Ind.power on the planet with a pop.3 to 4 times the size of England.Plus the fact Germany has no way of getting any type of Airpower for support and the U.S.wouldnt have suffered any looses prior to the attack like the Bits.One more thing,Germany would have to sail 5000 miles to attack.Im thinking you would have alot of seasick troops that would have little or no logistic support.Goodbye Germans.
  6. I think its a little bias but that I think creates play balance.If England goes down the game is prettywell over so it forces the Brits. to defend it like they would have in reality.They cant just go about launching high risk attacks and not have to worry. Maybe if England does get wiped out Americas military goes to the actual historical amount.Although this may cause some players to actually try and loose England.Its kind of a catch22.
  7. Dont forget Josey whales and all his spaghetti westerns.You know the ones. Didnt know golf was that involved.
  8. Ludi remember in this game we are in charge not Hitler.Id like to think that in itself should represnt a more rational way of doing things(let the people who know do their job without interference). You seem to know alot about this, so what do you think a level 5 v2 should represent? Rambo your just not liking the fact that your invincable rocket strategy could be in trouble in W.a.W.(ha ha).You will have to come up with another way of having your buddies the Buntas bring forced peace to the sc2 world.
  9. I believe if the Germans took England the Brits. would still continue the fight from Canada.I think whats left of the British armed forces should go to Canada and Canada be responsible for the maintenance there of.I also think that should England go down that Canada gets an increase in its production and industrial output.I dont know how to determine what would be accurate. But for the Germans it should be a MASSIVE shot in the arm for their overall morale and a lowering of ALL commonwealth troops morale.If Germany was able to take England it would be a freakin disaster for our morale.It would GREATLY increase the myth of nazi invincability.I also believe that ALL the minor countries left in Europe should automatically get some % increase in Diplo.towards Germany.They would all be scared to death thinking they were next and have not much of a choice but to be sympathetic to Germany.In reality the Germans would have to just threaten to attack and what if any could any of the minor countries do about it. As far as Russia goes I think England going down should lower Russias war readiness.The last thing Stalin would want to do would be to upset Hitler and getting ready to attack would probably upset Hitler.Remember Russia just finished having that debacle in Finland and their confidence in fighting a wehrmacht that managed to pull off a sucessful invasion against one of the greatest seapowers in the world would probably be quite low.They would do their best to avoid war.I think that their Ind.output should start to increase as the Russians would know they are going to be next. With the Amis.who knows.Maybe the isolationists win out and Roosevelt can only get the country to agree to a minor increase in Ind.output or hes able to talk some sense into the country and make them realise that they to will be on the Axis agenda one day.I dont know how you could fit that into this game. Overall the loss of England would cause a massive inbalance of power in the world and lower our overall morale .Japan wouldnt have to really worry about the Brits.and who knows(i doubt it)maybe Germany and Japan realise the golden opportunity presented to them and actually fight as Allies and really go after Russia.That would be bad.There are alot of ifs to ponder but no doubt it would be bad for us.
  10. I forgot to ask,how would you compare Rambo to Dirty Harry.I liked Clint in all those early cop shows.
  11. I tried golf and couldnt see the attraction to it.People tell me its relaxing.The only thing I saw was people getting pissed if they missed a shot.I saw one guy bust his club.It sure is popular though. Im with your hunting and fishing fanatic buddies.
  12. Lars maybe the members of the Einsatzgruppen werenot insane or uneducated but they were murders,One of their main functions was to follow the Army as it advanced and roundup the so called undesirables and either shoot them or send them off to the friendly neighbourhood concentration camp.Sounds like a bunch of murderers to me.
  13. I think you could still jump but there should be a scatter rule or some punishnemt(range decreased greater chance for losses) for doing it,or what you suggest.
  14. If you are using your Italian ships for bombardment watch out for the Brits to attack with their ships(especially if your Italians get weakend by bombarding malta).
  15. There were some comments made about how level 5 subs are prettwell immune to any attack.I think thats how it should be.If the German chooses to go allout and develop a level 5 sub(which im assuming would be the XXI,III Elektro boat) and the Allied player doesnt keep up then they should pay for it. The XXI in 1945 WAS prettywell immune to ALL of the latest Allied sonar. From Jan. to May 1945 of the Six operational XXIII(smaller coastal version)NONE were sunk and they sank 7 ships.One sub(U2336) sailed right into Forth of Forth and sank two freighters and left undected.This was with a Novice Commander. I think Hubert got it right.It forces the Allied player to keepup or loose the battle of the Atlantic.
  16. That happened to me.I got my Indians just as the Axis were taking Suez.Alexandria had already fallen.I did recieve my other Commonwealth units as soon as he got close.
  17. Jeff the full campaign in either is far from unbalanced.Its usually the one who makes the biggest mistakes gets wiped out.
  18. Edwin P.the sub vs destroyer would also have to include tech.? I could see how it would get complicated with a level 5 tech.sub with no experience bars vs a destroyer with no tech.but 4 experience bars.
  19. Can you imagine the arguing over strategy.That would be a blast. I think you could find people who would play Italy.I wouldnt care which power I was(unless it was France).I think the whole idea playing with multiple players is a GREAT idea.Hope it happens sometime.
  20. If your talking about W.a.W.then Terif is right about Africa being alot harder to take.Same basic strategy though.
  21. I dont know whats involved in changing the game engine but there would be instances throughout a game where one hex would make all the difference,especially in Russia.But like you say Bill if it requires alot of programing then you are right its not really worth it. I do know in Third Reich it does make a difference.
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