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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Sounds like a plan. My map is pretty bare so the additional space you have even though not part of the scenario is still adding to the base computation. I think the thread of our battle is reflecting somewhat different than my test. I expect because ours is not a PBEM style, the turn I sent back to you at 65mg is the first action sequence. If you can send me your password I can see if I can at least open it (I promise not to look at your forces ). I am curious to see just how many issues relate to the threshold of a usable file size. I don't remember the size of the map for QB 80, but we both had over a battalion of heavily engaged infantry.
  2. Some additional data. I took my same map and added 2 battalions of US infantry and 1 battalion of German. When I went to run the first move save, I got an out of memory error. Afterwards I realized I hadn't assigned set up zones and basically all units would have been intermingled. I think my CPU simply freaked out. I then went back and assigned set up zones and assigned 2 battalions to each side Save 001 American game creation 630k 002 German password assignment and unit purchase 634k 003 American unit purchase and move plan 30,829k 004 German move plan first turn computed 51,318k 005 American replay turn 1 and move plan turn 2 51,311k 006 german replay and move plan turn 2. 41,224k So the map itself (a 2x4km) is the bulk of the file up until save 4. The unit purchases themselves didn't drive that much. The first action sequence however added another 20 meg and that is with no units in sight of one another. The opposite end of the spectrum was 3 battalions at point blank range which seems to have made a laughing stock of my CPU. I was suprised in that the turns themselves loaded pretty quickly and the turn computation was quick, but again there was no fighting. In a heavy engagement I expect this one would just not run though having 3 battalions at point blank range on a billiard surface is unlikely. It isn't quite the Civil War. The good thing about my map is, it is really unlikely that units are going to spot each other in large groups. Let's just say the recent thread on forest fighting should be on everyone's mind - Can we sat Huertgen?
  3. Yes- you are missing that logic isn't relevant here. CMBN, where the laws of physics mean water does not roll down hill..... It is making my current map just slightly off not being able to do elevation changes with water, so it goes. Consider it the price you pay for being able to create your own WW 2 movies and view them from any angle you want afterwards. At least for now anyway.
  4. Worth a try. My memory is really fuzzy on that but I think a move command will not let you go from one vehicle to another Don't take my word on it though.
  5. Send me your turn and password. let me see if I can open it. It could simply be one of those..depends. May be simply an issue of processor speed and overall oomph of your computer.
  6. Basically you get to only cancel in a turn. The unit is available the next turn for reassignment. What might be better is simply to adjust if that is an option. One of the difficulties of WeGo is the relationship to orders, like disembarking and embarking another vehicle- 2 turns minimum no matter how close they are.
  7. LOL yeah those dead guys are so friggin slow!! Even undead move faster.
  8. I don't use disembark for this. I use a move command (or quick) . I just select the desired move command for the troops and select the desired destination. As long as the vehicle itself has a move command, they won't disembark till the vehicle reaches it's destination. They then proceed to head for the selected end point from the quick command.
  9. I ran a test using my map which is roughly 2x4 km. The initial files generated are 600+k. File 3, the first move turn jumps to 30mg. My suspicion is that saves 1 and 2 only create a base game with passwords. Essentially an initial handshake, but not the full data set. The 3rd file is the full data set and that is your true file size. I selected a minimal number of units to run the map test and while I have a significant portion of very rugged terrain elevation items, there are no trees yet. I suspect my file size will go up once I finish them and and place a full unit roster, but not significantly. It seems more that the base size of your map creates a basic data file size that is quite large in a 4x4 map. I ran it as a hth game as well and achieved the same approx. file size so it doesn't appear there is much generated specifically by selecting PBEM.
  10. Actually now that you ask, there is! What's the difference between a lightbulb and a pregnant woman ....you can unscrew a lightbulb.
  11. Noob it seems maybe your OP Campaign is frying your sense of humor. CM:RR Engineer? C'mon that's funny!
  12. Speaking of which, is there an issue with a credit card donation to your site from outside Australia. I got down to including state and it only lists Australian territories. Basically kicks me out at that point. I don't have a paypal account and don't have any intention of getting one. (personal issues there with eBay, long story :-D )
  13. If it is someone should point that out to Von Kleist. He has darn near leveled the villa in Bois de Baugin. I have asked if the plan is to build a walmart, costco or home depot there.
  14. Bullseye, and therein lies the whole discussion about maps. The better the maps, the more the capabilites of the tac AI and the impact of relative spotting come out. The game truly shines when the conditions your pixeltruppen fight in are as close to real world conditions as can be included in the editor. The synergy there is simply amazing.
  15. yeah really, a friggin pain. I am using windows 7 64 and haven't had any issues at all on my PBEMS.
  16. Oops guess you should make sure your enemy is actually down before exulting in victory. In this case the Sherman was immobilized, but that gun was certainly still capable. This is where Wolff met his end, we were unable to recover any remains. On a side note we have received reports that Herr Probst has met his end on hill 144. Apparently he was struck down by a stray bullet in still another close range fire fight.
  17. The excessively brutal battle between Von Kleist and myself continues at Bois de Baugin. Another vignette to demonstrate the extreme lethality of this battlefield is shown below. In this scene PzShrk gunner Wolff decides to move along the edge of a woods line to avoid a firefight currently going on in the woods. Trying to take advantage of the distractions of the firefight and a smoke screen the Americans had put up, Wolff leaves the safety of the forest edge and ventures out into the field trying to move to an ambush position. Unfortunately things immediately spin out of control. No sooner does he move into the field when an errant artillery round (his or mine I don't know) takes out his loader and causes Wolff to go to ground. Seconds later the Sherman he had hoped to ambush comes barreling out of the woods nearly running him down in the process. Amazingly Wolff gets his act together, shoulders his weapon and fires into the engine deck of the Sherman which has moved too quickly to allow it's weapons to traverse fast enough. You can almost hear the intake of breath from the exposed TC as he sees the Shrek firing at close range. Suck it up fella, the Germans may be on the ropes, but they are by no means ready to throw in the towel.
  18. Ahh your just saying that so you can hone your skills and take him on in a PBEM while he is a newbie. Don't fall for it Mo74, get the game digital download and stop wasting time.
  19. Beautiful, I think maybe it is time to consider changing that sig line. As nice as Ramadi is, I think this may take it.
  20. I was hoping that was an attempt to draw Steve -the vicious rabbit (look at the bones!!) out of his den. He's been too quiet lately.
  21. In this case you are going for the additional ammo. When you split off a team you can select an AT team, they won't necessarily have a Bazooka depending on the loadout of the original squad. You then send them into the halftrack and grab the bazooka. I try to keep my AT teams from using their weapons at anything other than my intended targets. Nothing worse than having an AT team with no ammo when an enemy vehicles is wandering into an excellent ambush location. It can almost make you cry.
  22. Heck you don't even have to leave this forum http://www.battlefront.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=74
  23. Well you picked a good one, but as Michael noted be patient. If you are willing to put in the time I think you will be richly rewarded. PBEM has definitely increased my enjoyment of the game, but at the same time if you have an opponent who is markedly superior you may want to have them share more information to help you use some initial games as a sort of tutorial. It is to both your advantage to assist you in building up your understanding of the mechanics to have a more challenging and interesting experience. I am learning quite a bit from both my opponents and hopefully providing them with some of the same.
  24. +1 I removed my old CMx1 games. Much as I liked them, there is no going back. It isn't just that I can see my individual troopers, it is how they interact on the battlefield. The tactical nuances CMx2 is capable of simply stomp Cmx1 into the dust. No offense, I loved those games, but there is a new King on the block. And in terms of value, I think at the rate things are going I will likely owe BFC as I am getting far more out of this than other games I have purchased in any price range.
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