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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Just ran a test with 20+ bunkers. Was able to start with half set up in the bunker then ran folks in and out of the bunkers for several turns no problem. Will check terrain next and see if it is possible that an elevation issue is blocking their exit. Doesn't explain the destroyed one, but he's just plain weird.
  2. I am now over 4 minutes into waiting for this guy to be able to do something but he seems content to continue hanging out in the broken down shack that was once a bunker. Maybe he's just a redneck hillbilly and thinks the accomodations are just fine. My other team that hasn't been in any contact with the enemy has also gone a full turn now and not exited despite a dismount command. They have target, target arc, acquire, hide and pause as available commands now. None showed exiting as status during the turn and instead are spotting.
  3. I bow before you sir. I need to print all this and put it up on my dang wall once I start laying out buildings.
  4. I thought that was insanity...mmm maybe they are the same thing...
  5. I am trying another unit in the same game that has not been in any contact with the enemy. I was able to issue a dismount order and will see how long it takes to comply. How long have you waited on your unit so far?
  6. The game doesn't have that logic as that is a formation order- that would be your job. ;-D As to the specifics of individual tanks reacting under fire, I honestly don't have enough data to comment as I also use them different tactically. In those few instances I have actually set a CA for an armored vehicle it was because I wanted them to wait until an enemy vehicle was within a specified distance. Generally those situations have my AFV way back keyholed on a specific area and far removed from any other threats and with infantry to keep an eye on their rear and flanks. Most of my PBEMs have been with me on the defense so far. If I am going to expose a vehicle to other threat angles I usually only have a face command. AT guns on the other hand I have more difficulty managing. I don't care if an AFV opens up on infantry, I can always relocate. An ATG that gives up it's position though better hit something good as odds are it won't last very much longer.
  7. I don't use the FO for spotting. His job is to call artillery. I try to keep my FOs back where they have as much a view of the entire battlefield as possible or at least the areas they need to spot rounds and not too close to anyone else who might call in unwanted enemy fire. I hope to keep my FOs unrattled, safe and secure as much as I can as they aren't doing me any good if they aren't prepared to call in arty when I need it. I leave the spotting to my platoon HQs etc. My infantry need to know where the enemy is and the pltn HQs have binoculars etc. I haven't found keeping infantry covered arcs to be that much of a detriment for spotting and I use them extensively to keep my infantry from firing until the enemy is close enough for the fire to be more effective. Hiding on the other hand can really impact you as they have their nose to the dirt and are fairly blind.
  8. I use a 360 degree short spotting arc. It has worked for me no problem. My FO only needs to see the terrain not specific units.
  9. You missed my engineers sneaking in and changing all the locks. How long did you wait from dismount command? I need to go try exiting from one that hasn't been involved in anything in my other PBEM. I honestly have not had bunkers in any other game yet so my experience threshold with them is nil.
  10. Check out the resume of their President. http://globaldownlink.com/Management%20Bios.html
  11. No he is wearing boxers not briefs. Comfortable fit. Now he had gone to merely cautious, but still unable to do anything other than ponder the great mysteries of life - If nothing sticks to teflon, how does teflon stick to the pan?
  12. Interesting, I hope that is the case. I don't seem to have much choice about waiting, but I do hang onto my turn files so if it doesn't sort itself out I can turn it over to our coding warriors.
  13. I can agree with almost everything there, but one. I still prefer the Western Front. Airborne operations that succeed are one thing you won't get much of on the Eastern Front.
  14. Sadly Google has ruined all trivia contests.
  15. You don't seriously think we believe you rate CMBN better than Farmville do you? We know that's what you were playing before the forum started going up in flames. Hell that's why we stirred up all that nonsense, we knew it was the only way to get your head out of that game...addict. Liberal commie addict. Probably playing using the State Farm 79 mod.
  16. That would really suck. Right now the spinning windows wheel is what I see when I run into a memory issue. If we had that for the game loading, I'd be sitting here for 5-10 minutes wondering- is it memory or is it my tank getting brewed up, maybe I should replay the turn.
  17. He has openly stated he plays the game. I don't think he so much hates the game as hates that he likes it.
  18. LOL, well his bunker is in an exposed position. If he doesn't do something soon, it is going to be irrelevant. Meanwhile his platoon was facing 3 tanks, an M8 and a few squads of infantry. You might understand their desire to see him get his act together and get into the fight. Hmm maybe that's why he isn't coming out.... Maybe I should send someone over there to let him know we killed 2 of the tanks and immobilized the third. Now would be a good time to run up and pretend to have contributed. Seriously though, I can't figure out if there is something explainable about having no command options or if because he is in a destroyed bunker he is effectively out of the game. Maybe he's pinned under debris...
  19. Am in a PBEM right now. Had a 2 man team in a bunker that came under fire from a .50. For some reason despite the unit being in front of them, they could not see it, but that could easily be explained if they were cowering as the bunker is at the top of a slope with a hedge in front. What I can't explain is one of the guys was hit, the second is okay. The bunker itself is marked as destroyed. He has not been fired upon in 2 full turns, his state is rattled. I am unable to issue him any commands though according to the errata I should be able to. Page 94 OK, Cautious, Nervous, Shaken, Rattled These stages reflect various levels of "unease" a unit can feel regarding its current combat situation, with "OK" being relaxed and "Rattled" being the least relaxed. These conditions are temporary and the unit remains responsive to player commands (unlike the states described further below). Any idea what might be going on? I have saves for all turns. He is just standing there looking through the bunker opening watching the birds play in the meadow and being absolutely useless to his squad mates. Can you say Blythe? If he doesn't do something soon I may just frag him. The least he could do is make himself a target so the enemy uses up a few more rounds.
  20. He can pay me if he wants data from me. I accept checks, money orders, gift certificates to good restaurants (I reserve the right to decide what is good), bottles of sake, or Cabernets. Maybe some Paulaner Hefe-Weizen.. hmm beer....mmmm ....be back some time... On second thought, paying isn't likely going to induce me to help, but back to my beer...
  21. I watched as one of my opponents men surrendered right as a grenade landed at his feet. He didn't make it. I felt a little bad, but the same guy had attempted to surrender before. When my MG unit was wiped out by a Sherman round hit the house they were in, he apparently had second thoughts and continued to scout my position. My troops took offense.
  22. Am playing Die Ammis Kommen in a pbem game right now. I don't know what force the Germans have, but the Americans have a reinforced battalion and it seems to be running fine. Not sure of the exact map dimensions but it is pretty good size. (Really nice map btw). I think this is one of those where the answer is gonna be - "depends". I don't know what my opponent has for a rig, but we both seem to be able to handle it. I would be checking prior to trying to start anything of this size to make sure both have a computer with the oomph factor.
  23. In retrospect don't bother selling the TV. I think your more immediate concern is finding time for the game with all those people in the house especially with 3 of them being teenagers.
  24. It hasn't yet, but that doesn't mean it won't. In most instances they will prioritize Armor targets, but I have had an StuG that reacted immediately to an infantry AT threat on it's flank and I was oh so happy it did. It survived the encounter and eliminated the AT threat. The AT unit had the misfortune of being rattled by other incoming fire I suspect and fired wide initially.
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