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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. LOL did this guy really thing that was an amazing discovery? Has he never watched those beach sand artifact competitions? Spray bottles with water etc.. What he neglected to say was if you mix some concrete, some gravel and water in with the sand you can get some serious "sand" castles.
  2. The site looks legit, they probably have a deal with the publisher hence the ridiculous amount of advertising on the pages. If there is a copyright infringement issue Scribd will delete the post and the link will just go nowhere.
  3. yes, you've got to have some humor thrown in, after all if the Olympic stadium can have everyone singing "Always look on the bright side of life" with Michael Palin.... The problem at the heart of a lot of complaints about the game and spotting I think center to a degree from a mis conception as to how spotting is handled. It is not a constant in the sense that as a vehicle moves in to what should be within your LOS, you should immediately have a chance to see it. Instead the game takes periodic LOS checks (how often I do not know) so that tank that just crested the hill might have crested it IN BETWEEN your LOS checks. So you end up with occasional oddities where something happens that you would swear to be impossible. In real life you would be correct, but those rules do not apply here. Not necessarily true. As I understand it the game actually functions on mini snapshots. It is not this smooth action that you see as you watch the replay. As with everything else that has to be handled with a compromise, the trade off is you could not run the game if it took LOS checks too often. So while CM is a darn good tactical warfare simulator, you do still have to deal with the computing limitations we have. That same compromise with inherent computing limitations and game play is that border line I think for those folks who accept and love the game regardless and those who get totally frustrated. Nope it is not perfect, but the alternative would be a game even a high powered rig would choke on. The upside is in CMx2 you can carry out an ambush far more successfully than you ever could in CMx1. My first PBEM battle saw a JgPz ambush 2 Shermans neither of which saw it until after one was destroyed and the other already hit and soon to be destroyed. In addition there are allowances made for the AI to allow it to be competitive and that is BF's primary audience. If we put too many restrictions on functionality, the AI gets further and further behind as an opponent or BF spends all it's time trying to develop an uber AI and ends up going under. Simply put, BF is in a constant balancing act of creating a game that we can actually run and still keeping the AI competitive. It kind of goes back to BF's response to the recent 8x8 review. The reviewer stated he didn't see much difference in the models in Version 2.0. What the reviewer was too blind to see is that was exactly what BF was hoping for. If the new models looked pretty much close to the old they had in effect reduced the computing demands while still retaining the graphics and could now expend that computing power on something else...like fire maybe. Getting back to the OP though. Why shouldn't some folks still play CMx1? From my perspective they are essentially 2 completely different tactical wargames on the same topics. I personally am not interested in CMx1, but then again neither am I interested in PCO. It doesn't have to be an either/or situation.
  4. I don't think it was so much strident as abrupt. ND was out of line even posting here until he finishes that AAR. I think he was in a hurry to get back to it before we all started tossing crap at the screen.
  5. Here? You know I almost bought all that till the good taste thing, but common sense? Forget it you blew your hand there sir.
  6. Absolutes are unrealistic. And borg spotting is absolutely unrealistic.
  7. Heh hehe I've seen quite a bit of bizarre behavior in CMx1 as well.
  8. Anyone is free to buy Juju a copy. Show em how much you really appreciate his work or is it only appreciated enough to tell BF to give him a free copy? Juju you might want to give the demo a shot if you haven't. The feel of the game is really different, worth kicking the tires.
  9. Wait a minute, you mean to tell me there was a CM version before CMSF? heh heh Actually I keep my old discs as cool places to set my beer glass while playing Cmx2 games. I have no idea why anyone would still play the old ones over the new, but then again I have no idea why people watch reality tv either.
  10. I got ambushed by JonS defending a building from behind it so moving into the building itself was a deathtrap. My answer was to flank him, his infantry would now be exposed without cover. It helped I had armor coming. The danger in trying this in urban terrain is to make sure your proposed flanking position isn't just another ambush location. In my case the flanking position was hedgerow and there wasn't much chance to keep me from moving into that position.
  11. Beware as you may find your forces flowing into a kill sack. I am wary of moving through areas my opponent is allowing me too. One tactic I learned to be successful in CMFI was to have a fully prepared combined arms approach. What was critical was to have an arty plan that was suffuciently supportive of my infantry. Look over the terrain closely and figure out where you would place defending units to block your advance. Ignore the Vls. They denote where you have to go but not necessarily the best defensive terrain. TRPs are critical - don't waste them. Note the area your trops have to emerge from and make sure your artillery is capable of hitting the areas the enemy is likely going to place defenders. If you don't your infantry are going to have to either suppress the enemy position on their own or wait while you get fire on the defenders and during that time they will likely become targets themselves for opposing artllery.
  12. I think you are referrring to Miyamoto Musashi and the book of Five Rings (written closer to 400 years ago. Musashi was around for the emergence of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Samurai as a distinct class did not emerge until around the 12th Century). Interesting side note, in Kyoto you can visit a temple that was the scene of one of his more famous exploits.
  13. That is correct. The answer is to post them in Imgur, photobucket or one of another dozen or so photo stashing sites. Then you just copy the BB link. No issues with size then though you will want to crop so it displays better. Here is Sergei's how to for posting. Really good clear explanation with lots of helpful tips. I keep this as a favorite to reference back to periodically. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  14. oh god damn it, the Jury is off playing CM again and missed the whole summation!! Mis trial your honour!!
  15. Oh yeah baby, back to Normandy with the 6 FJR. When is that due out? Tomorrow? Tomorrow would be good.
  16. hmm does your plan for the villa involve something to do with fire and smoke Bil? You may want to pass that link to ND.
  17. I think over the next year that problem will be remedied as you have CMBN/CMFI/CM Bagration and a new Modern Era CM game plus modules flooding through your computer. Hell I am still working on CMBN and have only played a handful of games of CW module material yet.
  18. Yeah that's two really good first time posts today. I think with the release of CMFI BF has tapped into a better fan base. Soon they won't even talk to us anymore. :eek:
  19. LOL very nice first post, excellent shots - setting the bar kind of high.
  20. I'd rather my tank crews stay in their tanks so I don't need to see their uniforms, however lately JonS seems to have punched holes in my tanks with these flimsy little tube thingies and my guys keep wanting to go for a walk outside the tank afterwards.
  21. I'd suggest a search in the archive then as it has been covered extensively. BF has their reasons, whether you agree with em is a different question but it isn't like they haven't been stated. If you just peruse the archive threads from just after CMBN release you are bound to hit a few threads.
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