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Everything posted by sburke

  1. And I know folks who have gone through far worse. What does that prove? Hell I went through far worse. I spent 9 months in a fed camp as a "detainee" and faced a potential 3 year criminal sentence when they decided to let me out. Was I right? No not really. I was young, headstrong and stupid and I THOUGHT I was right. In retrospect I was young, headstrong and stupid and wrong. Not only that my reasons for being there turned out to be even stupider than I was. Difference is I don't sit around crying about it or trying to blame my poor choices on a gov't conspiracy. Sometimes life just sucks, so you pick yourself up and figure out what it is you can do to make it better and you go do that. No space lizard is gonna do it for you.
  2. you mean he has a beer gut and is trying to wear a muscle shirt? Eeeewww
  3. somebody check the turntable, the record is skipping.
  4. So are you saying BF's US customer base was gonna get the upgrade for free, but the Brits complained? Damn them!!!! Seriously - interesting story.
  5. I understand the US TV series Fairly Legal is based on his story, and he actually looks like the lead character...
  6. whew, thanks, that is a whole lot different!
  7. Excellent closing point. And on that note isn't it about time to lock this thread? Please....
  8. Maybe this stuff flies over at GS, but you really do need to establish a little street cred here. It does get real old you constantly harping on the obvious stuff Charles, Phil, etal keep missing and yet they have a successful company and you have what? A covey of groupies at GS? (what exactly is a group of groupies called?) What seems apparent to me is you do NOT know how to run a business. So you spend your time trying to tell others how to run theirs. Worse you even start interfering with their customer base on how to manage issues with the game. Part of me feels, why should I say anything? These guys are perfectly capable of responding if they felt you were worth the effort. Problem is this is a public forum, not a private message to BF and there are a lot of folks on here who might actually think you know squat. Then they go off and implement something you told them would work. If it breaks their game then who has to fix it - not you of course. No it's the guys who should be working on stuff to enhance the game because that's the kind of folks BF is made of. Geez thanks a lot from all of us waiting for the next release. If it were me, I'd tell them to sign on over at GS and get some more stellar advice from you there.
  9. What the hell seems we are not going back in the park so I get to tell a "UFO" story. Years ago while visiting my father he woke me up late in the evening as he'd spotted a light in the sky. It did some things neither of us to this day can explain. Was it a UFO? I dunno, I don't even know it was flying, could have been a light reflection. All I know is I saw some light do something weird. Does that lend credence to anyone's stories of the lizard revolt or whatever the f**k all that gibberish is? Absolutely not. Second story Unlike the bilgewater spewed on a certain blog, I actually have been on the receiving end of a little unwanted attention from the gov't. I got locked up by the same grand jury investigating Oliver North (different case, same federal grand jury). We both refused to testify. He was suspected in the crimes they were investigating, I was not. I got locked up, he did not. Told me all I need to know about the justice system. However the government is nowhere near as organized as the conspiracy theorists would have us believe. It is made up of a variety of people, some petty little s**ts, some decent people doing their best to do their job. None of them in full control of anything. My friggin judge (Aubrey Robinson) was actually asleep during our proceedings. The prosecutor was the wonderful Lawrence Barcella who shortly thereafter left gov't service - In private practice, he handled internal investigations for corporations and defended people charged with securities fraud, antitrust violations, tax evasion and money laundering. In 1988, his client Lyn Nofziger, one of President Ronald Reagan’s close advisers, was found guilty of illegal lobbying stemming from his attempts to influence White House officials on behalf of several corporations. Does this sound like the kind of organization that is gonna be able to maintain a coverup of an intergalactic lizard war? geez man the meds are all wrong. Yes there are some things we can't explain lacking all the facts. Like that light, I have no idea what it was. But if I was to say, hey I saw a UFO, I'd be lying. I saw something again I have no idea if it was actually in flight- lacking data. There's the problem with most people, they draw a conclusion on data they do not have because they assume they saw something they don't actually have enough data to say. Another example. Waaaaayyyyy back BF told us about an issue in CM that if we had all seen we would have explained as obviously some flaw in the engine or the spotting program or specifically wrong with the Tiger when in reality it was the Tiger's gunner sitting sideways. It is always amazing how much BS gets blown away once we actually accumulate a little real data - and voices in your head is not real data, it is poorly prescribed meds.
  10. Sigh so do I. I am trying to work with you man. Yes CM doesn't have some features other RTS games do. On the other hand it has far more features they don't. So calm down a little and just keep it square - you'd like some kind of live online chat community. Fair enough. I honestly agree there are other folks undoubtedly who'd like that. But again why does it have to be in the game? Surely there must be something along those lines already freely available. Folks help me out here- there has to already exist something like this.
  11. How many people are really going to want to maintain an older copy of CMBN once the new feature capability is there? I can guarrantee none of my PBEM opponents will and frankly if they didn't upgrade they'd find me less willing to play a game - I want those armored covered arcs and the new UI and the new models and shading and new scenarios in MG with vehicles from Nov 1944 and movable waypoints and and...... I think this whole discussion of upgraded players and non upgraded players is just a red herring.
  12. Watch it there buddy, I'm not 65, but I do need the reading glasses. I wouldn't say the AI is totally horrid. I have seen some pretty cool stuff done by scenario designers and they are getting better all the time. However I agree, it isn't the same as human to human. The AI will sit still so you can mortar them. I wish my human opponents would do the same LOL The wine is in the cellar, it is actually a cool place to hang out, but watch that other door to the cesspool, you DO NOT want to go there. I don't think anyone is opposed to having some kind of live chat set up, I just am not sure we need to have BF provide that. Surely in this day and age there has to be plenty of options. I hate facebook, but for those who like it can't you have a facebook community? Just curious, you say having to go through 145 people. I don't understand the mechanics there not being in the steam group. Are you looking for opponents you prefer, opponents who are actually online, ones who are online but aren't actually available? What is the functional issue that isn't working for you?
  13. Seems to be something missing there. I think I understand the intent, but it is better to be really clear and not allow people to assume your intent. Nah don't do that. Yeah it is a fractious opiniated place, but don't let that deter you. On the other hand I would play close attention to BF's statements. Those are the ones that truly count about what they feel they are capable of doing and how they prioritize. They might even agree with you, but feel the scope is currently out of reach. That is simply a message to be patient. As BF solidifies the engine, then the programmers can figure out what other items they feel they can take on without stretching themselves too thin. If they feel the effort is worth the return and within their capability, knowing there are folks who do desire this is worth continuing to participate in the discussion. It is also possible that feature set would be available on a different platform with a slightly different audience (I am referring to the Touch version here).
  14. Dunno, but the medical marijuana clinics around the corner from me (yeah I have two that close, geez where were they when I was going to dead shows?) guarrantee they can help with that.
  15. yeah we all aren't very good at commenting on the repository, don't worry we really do appreciate the work. We usually aren't so shy, no idea why the comments section is always so blank. Personally I haven't had a chance to play through yet, but am looking forward to it.
  16. You need to read the announcements a little more slowly and the discussion on the boards. CMSF is specifically excluded. It is simply too much to bring it up to par. Everything in it and all it's modules would have to be redone, essentially a whole new game. CMA is not strictly speaking BF's. it is a 3rd party production. signed - fanboy # 7459
  17. Yeah!! I was waiting for that one and was feeling sorely left out. Thank you for the recognition. First on behalf of all the fanboys I'd like to thank god and my mum for all the love they have shown me. Of course I have to send a special thank you to BF without whom I would never have thought to become a fanboy. thanks Guys! Really I thank you all and appreciate the shout out. I dedicate my efforts hence forth to becoming even more immersed in this failure of a game with it's poor business model which still by some fluke manages to beat the odds and stay successfully in business. Now back to Billy Crystal.
  18. This one I HAVE to save. I was in a telecom class once with some loon who decided he had to drive from Virginia to Dallas TX because he couldn't take his guns on the plane and couldn't be parted from them for two weeks. By the end of the class several of us had made aluminum foil hats to mock the poor sap. Probably not smart considering he had brought guns..... And Normal Dude, yeah i feel for the guy. We can often go out into left field, but this time I think we left the park. Oh wait, hold on, Lizard at the door...odd he is holding a set of dinnerware, now what would he ... ack......
  19. I did, but I don't know where it went..... Also had an Opus collection. Reindeer hat, tie with sneakers etc. Alas I don't hang on to collectibles very long. Fortunately that means I'll never be featured in an episode of hoarders.
  20. Well finally!!! Now we can get back to discussing weapon effectiveness, woohoo! Oh wait, that isn't where you were headed? Dang.
  21. It came in a sleeve in the Billy and the boingers collection book. you can even hear "Opus" on the Tuba. and the title cut-
  22. What?!! (drops popcorn) oh damn. Time to go kill some more of JonS sneaky little pixeltruppen.
  23. Yeah I was a bike courier in Wash DC in those days and part of the morning routine was to stop in the garage and check in with a dispatcher buddy on what Opus and Milo were up to now. Remember Billy and the Boingers? I even had the vinyl sheet 45.
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