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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Wait a minute, you mean to tell me there was a CM version before CMSF? heh heh Actually I keep my old discs as cool places to set my beer glass while playing Cmx2 games. I have no idea why anyone would still play the old ones over the new, but then again I have no idea why people watch reality tv either.
  2. I got ambushed by JonS defending a building from behind it so moving into the building itself was a deathtrap. My answer was to flank him, his infantry would now be exposed without cover. It helped I had armor coming. The danger in trying this in urban terrain is to make sure your proposed flanking position isn't just another ambush location. In my case the flanking position was hedgerow and there wasn't much chance to keep me from moving into that position.
  3. Beware as you may find your forces flowing into a kill sack. I am wary of moving through areas my opponent is allowing me too. One tactic I learned to be successful in CMFI was to have a fully prepared combined arms approach. What was critical was to have an arty plan that was suffuciently supportive of my infantry. Look over the terrain closely and figure out where you would place defending units to block your advance. Ignore the Vls. They denote where you have to go but not necessarily the best defensive terrain. TRPs are critical - don't waste them. Note the area your trops have to emerge from and make sure your artillery is capable of hitting the areas the enemy is likely going to place defenders. If you don't your infantry are going to have to either suppress the enemy position on their own or wait while you get fire on the defenders and during that time they will likely become targets themselves for opposing artllery.
  4. I think you are referrring to Miyamoto Musashi and the book of Five Rings (written closer to 400 years ago. Musashi was around for the emergence of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Samurai as a distinct class did not emerge until around the 12th Century). Interesting side note, in Kyoto you can visit a temple that was the scene of one of his more famous exploits.
  5. That is correct. The answer is to post them in Imgur, photobucket or one of another dozen or so photo stashing sites. Then you just copy the BB link. No issues with size then though you will want to crop so it displays better. Here is Sergei's how to for posting. Really good clear explanation with lots of helpful tips. I keep this as a favorite to reference back to periodically. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  6. oh god damn it, the Jury is off playing CM again and missed the whole summation!! Mis trial your honour!!
  7. Oh yeah baby, back to Normandy with the 6 FJR. When is that due out? Tomorrow? Tomorrow would be good.
  8. hmm does your plan for the villa involve something to do with fire and smoke Bil? You may want to pass that link to ND.
  9. I think over the next year that problem will be remedied as you have CMBN/CMFI/CM Bagration and a new Modern Era CM game plus modules flooding through your computer. Hell I am still working on CMBN and have only played a handful of games of CW module material yet.
  10. Yeah that's two really good first time posts today. I think with the release of CMFI BF has tapped into a better fan base. Soon they won't even talk to us anymore. :eek:
  11. LOL very nice first post, excellent shots - setting the bar kind of high.
  12. I'd rather my tank crews stay in their tanks so I don't need to see their uniforms, however lately JonS seems to have punched holes in my tanks with these flimsy little tube thingies and my guys keep wanting to go for a walk outside the tank afterwards.
  13. I'd suggest a search in the archive then as it has been covered extensively. BF has their reasons, whether you agree with em is a different question but it isn't like they haven't been stated. If you just peruse the archive threads from just after CMBN release you are bound to hit a few threads.
  14. Yeah there is usually something that you can still try out and at that point you have nothing left to lose. Hats off to both of you, looking forward to the next one.
  15. gotta love that radio guy - "is that an exposed TC I see there?" as the rifle goes to the shoulder and of course the guy next to him that due to relative spotting doesn't realize they are driving past a Coy of Tigers. Probably daydreaming about his next 3 day pass.
  16. Depends on how you define "open minded", "defensive" etc. If by open minded you mean willing to discuss, that is one thing. If by open minded you mean willingness to agree with you, that is quite another. What I usually find from the folks who throw the term fanboy (and no I do not mean you) is they don't want discussion, they want agreement. They are in fact less open minded than anyone though they continue to use the term as if they aren't the close minded party. You feel CMx2 is more work. That I would agree with. The game is simply more complex than CMx1. I think we could all agree that is pretty much fact. However how you deal with that delves in to the world of opinion. I happen to disagree with many of the criticisms of the game. I do not have an issue with camera controls, the graphics, the UI etc. Barbed wire is currently still a bug issue, hopefully to be fixed shortly. I do like many of the additions in version 2 (like an armored covered arc) but I don't neccessarily think all of them were needed. I do however understand that BF for some odd reason caters to a larger audience than just me and that my thinking is purely my own opinion. I only wish others who are more critical of the game would take the same approach instead of trying to ram their opinion based on wanting it to be more like CMx1 (or some other wargame that I am not even interested in trying a demo of) down our collective throats. hmmmm the problem is we usually get called fanboys when reacting to those over the top dumb ass poorly thought out "the game is totally ruined" criticisms. The "civilized" whiners can also include many of us who have been termed "fanboys". We just keep our criticisms and wishlists within the realm of "this would be cool if you could" or "I think this might be an issue" and then provide at least something with hard data to establish a starting point. We trust BF to do what is within the realm of possible and within the scope of their longer term plans which we are not privy to. That trust has been rewarded time and again and lately in spectacular fashion. I see no reason to expect anything different from them going forward and am content to have a non ranting tirade exchange of views with them and anyone else interested in that. Are there things I still want in the game? Hell yeah. Ditches, 20/37/40 mm AAA guns in a ground role, tank riders, mouse hole charges, subterranean movement, true non movement firing including for the AI, elevation restrictions for armored vehicles and on and on. I doubt my wishlist will ever be clear. The more BF does, the more I will want. What I do know is they don't usually disagree with us what they would like in the game (though sometimes they do and in those cases unless you can convince them otherwise you just gotta accept them as final arbiter), they just have a better idea what may be possible when and hence the trust factor. BF will do it when they feel they can do it right and not one release earlier. Our own impatience is what usually gets the better of us.
  17. No. Eastern Front is a theater. Bagration for example is a family. BFs definitions are quite clear though I understand your point. By the same token though you could have included CMFI, CMBN and the Bulge family and just said they are all ww2 compared to the more modern CMSF. Best to stick with BF's definitions to avoid confusion. PS for a comparison you may want to look at the Where Eagles Dare/Devils Cauldron duo boardgames $320 for the pair and you get one campaign only.
  18. I lost 2 tigers to damned PBI but they had both been immobilized after repeated confrontations with Churchills. As to their purchase or not, that is strictly up to you and your opponent. If they get them all the time, I'd be pretty bored. Even if I found counter measures that routinely allowed me to deal with them, it is still boring. I think in all my PBEMs I have had tigers once and while they are interesting I would not want them on a regular basis. There is far too much else to enjoy about this game than a constant "how do I kill the Tiger" challenge.
  19. And that is likely totally accurate IF the Germans were able to assemble such a force and not find out the Allies may not have Tigers, but had their own aces in the hole - artillery and aircraft. The issue we run into is CM depicts the fight at the sharp end, but the deployment of units like the Royal Tiger were tied to a logistics tail that mostly precluded them being the force they might have been otherwise. So we can create fictional scenarios that show might have beens, but the reality is their deployment was a much more complicated issue and rarely did they influence events to the extent they might in a CM battle. Hell look at KG Pieper, how useful did the KT end up being there? Regarding the OPs concern, it really comes down to what you and your opponent want to get out of the game. Some people really love using the uber toys and they are interesting. However they also skew what you get to a very very fictional game. If you are in to that then enjoy. If you aren't then I'd suggest maybe you need to either discuss prior what you enjoy in the game with your opponent or find new ones. There is no right or wrong, just a difference in what you play the game for.
  20. Pretty straightforward. Open a dropbox account (it is free for a small account), save the file into the public dropbox folder. Right click the file and you should see an entry for dropbox and under that an option for "copy public link" or something to that effect. Paste that into a post here and you are done. Anyone with the link can download the file but won't have access to anything else on your DB folder. It will make a big difference in that folks can now see exactly what you are seeing and can contribute much more concretely to the discussion. Sometimes it will mean folks see things you do not that may explain it or it might provide enough info to set up a test where the issue can be duplicated and if the result is clear enough BF will likely take more notice.
  21. Heck I'd be happy if the 20mm were included but still had no AA effect at all. Too many instances of them in ground roles in MG to totally ignore them, but their overall impact as an AA weapon against anything other than supply and para drops and glider landings (which we can't duplicate) is nowhere near as important.
  22. Hmm what are the odds the editor will prevent their use on map after Sicily?
  23. If you can the best thing to do is provide a link to a save. I have no idea of who you are being spotted by, what distance, how the terrain is truly impacting it etc. Could be an issue, might not. Without something for others to see though it is pure conjecture. All you will get on the forum without it is opinions about how often or not others think they see the same behavior, you won't get much response from BF though.
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