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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I am not sure this example supports that conclusion. It seems more that the text just doesn't reflect the actual hit location. It doesn't seem to be the turret or mantlet, but rather the cupola that took the hit. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd think this was about on target.
  2. Well I have to admit to failure - sort of. I am unable to duplicate the behavior. I can find nothing that seems to be a recognizable cause. That is not necesarily bad news as I suspect I/we are barking up the wrong tree. I have a sneaking suspicion the issue isn't a vehicle issue per se but instead a general pathing issue and it is not necessarily reproducible by just creating the same conditions in the map. Why I think this goes back to the other issue folks have noted where one member of a team will occasionally get separated and do something totally funky. Obviously that one isn't map related, it has to be something more fundamental. That "something" is not visible at the level of access I have. I can only play the game, I can't see nor understand the underlying code. I have passed it up the ladder to better minds than mine...okay I realize that means generally anybody, but in this case anybody at BF. It isn't the only item, but considering that I don't see the effect that often and play a LOT I wouldn't hold one's breath on it being figured out quickly.
  3. And smarter than that, they are in it for the long haul. You have to admire their longevity and perseverance.
  4. No sweat, but heads up. I leave town Sunday for about a week and half and will be sans CM during that time.
  5. if you dl the demo for CMFI and CMBN you will see the differences between the two. There are some additional UI options in CMFI, but it is not that drastically different. Market Garden will be a module addition to CMBN just like the Commonwealth module however it will REQUIRE you to have CMBN upgraded to version 2. Oh and buy it now. That'll give you time to get used to the over all feel before you are ready to plunge into the campaigns and yes play the scenarios FIRST. Do not just dive right into the campaigns. They are generally harder and have consequences to your losses long term.
  6. You can run multiple installs of CMBN at different version levels. I have several running. there is no reason at all to be worrying about saved games. If you are really worried you install an additional copy in a new folder and continue to run your old saves on the old version. Once done you can always then upgrade that version and delete the newer one if you want it in the default folder. This does not impact your activations at all. Believe me I delete and reinstall additional instances of CMBN on a regular basis. I would also not assume anything about the sales startegy, but seriously we are talking $5 maybe $10 dollars versus months of time lost from playing time. Really? Is that worth it?
  7. LOL no I think he meant you could have deleted two of the pics and just commented with the one you wanted. Best of both worlds, your joke (and a good one) is there with the appropriate shot. Mama mia!! Did you have to re-post all a three a pics!
  8. The problem is once they end they quickly disappear down the list as threads with any new comments. I kept some in my sig just to allow folks to easily find them. There was another really good one when CMBN was first coming out between JonS and Elvis. Lately there has been a flurry of them, you may just have to page down a bit looking for them. Would be kind of cool to have a DAR sticky with links to each one as they finish. I think they do a lot toward giving someone an idea of what game play can be like.
  9. Man that is sad, but not surprising. One of the things that drove me nuts in history when I was in high school was we'd start every year in the same place and always end before we got anywhere close to current events. You barely even covered World War 1 and the depression before everybody was looking to summer break.
  10. It really is sad when you think about it. Arab civilization 1000 years ago was something to behold. It was the christian communities that seemed to be baying at the moon in their squalor during the dark ages. Now even the smallest change towards a more open humane society is something so painfully acquired. It takes a friggin teenage girl getting shot for daring to want education to get people to understand.
  11. umm do you realize what you said? They bailed and now they have no tank? Ian has a loose tank crew out there? Screw worrying about the artillery, run now man. You haven't got a chance.
  12. LOL my interst in politics began in High School. In 10th grade one of the Books I read was on the Weather Underground and as far as I know isn't even available now. Probably released under some other title I don't recognize.
  13. Heh heh all I can say is take a trip to Tokyo, it is a world of it's own.
  14. No Sonny. Now why would yer think that? Kids today. Leave the beer by the fence. Sheesh do I have to splain everything? And leave some of that funny weed you kids keep smoking.
  15. ? He wasn't thrown out by an explosion. That is a trick he has been working on to contribute to the overall level of festivities. He yells "Allahu Akbar" and then a spring loaded platform ejects him into the air where he somersaults landing on his feet to the applause of everyone. You didn't think that was a real battle scene did ya?
  16. I have both versions. The difference with CM version 2 compared to what we have with CMBN in version 1 is you actually end up with two possible folders for mods. The standard z folder and a mods folder. You'd have to ask BF to explain why the change, I just know it is there. The mods folder is generic to any instance of CMFI you have. The z folder is specific to an instance. So you can have a 1.0 and 1.1 with some mods the same and some different depending on where you install them. While testing I installed all mods I wanted for playing in the z folder of my GA version of CMFI and left the one under my documents (the user/mods folder) alone. Other than that they run separately and can be patched separately. I don't know whether it will be permanent, but it is kind of cool if you run multiple installs of CM like I do. I have for example a generic CMBN install and a separate one for LLF's Makin scenario as it is heavily modded and I don't want to have to move those back and forth everytime I want to take a look. I also have one for my ongoing campaign with Broadsword as I want to mod that one a lot for unit formations and don't really want to have to change it when I play another PBEM opponent. If you have the drive space, it makes the whole mod file moving issue easy. With Version 2 I now have the option of having mods I want in all instances in one place so I don't have to have multiple copies of them - things like sound mods, icon mods, tracers, vehicle fires can go in the generic while unit info can go in the specific. Just specify during patch load which instance you want upgraded. if you have multiple and want them all upgraded you will have to run the patch for each separately - the clue is where the brz files are located.
  17. I think I can give you quite a bit more info than you are going to find anywhere public. Let's just say I have had the misfortune to live in interesting times as the Chinese put it. The motivations are something however you are going to find non quite so easily factored into a single viewpoint. Sylvia Baraldini for example was considered quite a hero for the Italian left. The Weather Underground and it's eventual offshoots, The Prairie Fire Organizing Committee and the May 19th Communist Organization were a result of conflict within the left basically centered around a viewpoint that considered the White/European population as essentially a colonial power exhibiting all the effects that folks like Frantz Fanon would attribute to the corruption of their proletariat by the wealth accumulated in their society from the colonized populations. Those folks would take the position that the left in America had to break with that by directly contributing to the struggle of what are considered the colonized in America (Black, Latino and Native American populations) that were in direct military conflict with the US gov't. Considering the fighting at Wounded Knee and that the New Afrikan Independence movement and Latino struggles in the US were in the 70s increasingly violent (from both sides, the US gov't certainly committed it's share of violent attacks and outright murder in this period). The folks in the Weather Underground found it intolerable that the White left sat on the sidelines condemning any armed resistance that arose within those communities while taking none of the risk. Misguided or not those folks decided that someone had to step up and assume some of the risk as well to demonstrate if nothing else that there were those who would, as they saw it, "refuse the bribe of being part of the colonizing nation". The Gov't certainly showed a particular level of hatred. Prison sentences for members of this sector of the left are easily 10x as high as a non political conviction would get for the same crimes. They were also segregated into the new supermax units and deliberate efforts made to undermine their health with the hope they would simply die in prison (Susan Rosenberg for example suffered severe health issues in the super max units). Back to their motivations. Alan Berkman, one of those sentenced from May 19th was a doctor providing service for AIM at Wounded Knee. I knew Alan personally, his wife Barbara and first daughter Sarah whom he loved dearly. I am sure going underground was an extremely painful decision for him. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/15/nyregion/15berkman.html?_r=0 No he was not some young hot head not knowing the realities of life as you put it. Many of the folks in May 19th were very active with methadone treatment programs in the Bronx and were getting first hand experience of what life was like for a significant portion of the US population that most of us rarely see except on the occasional headline. Were/are they idealistic fanatics? Yes and no. Comparing them to Adolf Hitler is a gross dis service. The US gov't certainly upped the stakes with their Cointelpro programs. Essentially the US took the position that the rule of law no longer applied in combating the Civil rights movement. Assassinations were not uncommon, trials were a complete farce with evidence being forged if needed (and it usually was as rarely were the charges real). Against that backdrop many organizations took the position that the US gov't had escalated to armed suppression and their choices were to respond or not in kind. I can speak from personal experience. While in a van returning from a convention in Chicago in the company of members of the Puerto Rican Independence movement, the vehicle I was riding in was sabotaged. According the the PA State Police at the scene of the accident, someone had removed the cotter pin from our right front wheel. The vehicle lost the tire on I 80 in NW Pennsylvania losing brakes and steering simultaneously. 2 people were thrown from the vehicle, the rest of us went down an embankment fortunately suffering no fatalities. Let's face it. You are not going to find a very balanced treatment of the organization on almost any public forum and the left's own communications are usually so full of ridiculous jargon as to make it almost unintelligible to most folks. The Weather Underground was a product of it's times. At some future date maybe we will have a more balanced view of who and what they were, but I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Some of those folks are still on the run (Donna Borup for example is still on the FBI most wanted list.) PM me if you'd like. Just curious why the interest? edit -Regarding the debate about whether they killed anyone or not. Honestly as fractured as the radical left has always been (the scene in Python's Life of Brian was so on the mark in the ampitheater "splitter" that is was more true than funny) it may actually be very difficult to determine if that is true or not. Certainly there was a division between those who wanted to inflict only damage to property and those who did not have that objection and openly targeted or supported the targeting of what were considered to be viable targets. Did they may not be as important so much as asking would they and the answer to that is yes, some factions certainly would have.
  18. Welcome, immigration line is to the left please fill out the forms provided. Just a quick FYI the first thing we will need to correct is your understanding of what "football" is. Our Canadian and Mexican friends aside there is football and then there is soccer. Football is a professional sport for over paid crybabies suffering from too much testosterone while soccer is where a slight breeze blows up and players randomly flop around on the field practicing for their roles in disaster relief programs where they portray civilians with multiple compound fractures.
  19. That fence wasn't put there for balance. I put it up to keep the damn hippies off my lawn.
  20. The US military isn't playing against a game clock, kind of irrelevant comparison though the point on reinforcement arrival is valid. However I kind of like the clock counting down as it is a clearer view of how much time I have left rather than trying to remember how long the scenario is. You can always check the briefing and do the math for reinforcements, but the briefing doesn't usually tell you how much time you have and if the designer changes the length, they now have to update the briefing. As crazy as it may sound I think counting down actually does work better overall for me. Either way depending on what you are looking at you have to do some math, but at least counting down I actually do know the scenario length.
  21. Wait, can you repeat that again? Are you saying BF took something a user reported on the forum in Sept and applied it to a patch released in October?!! OMFG I thought BF NEVER listened to their user community or fixed anything. Okay yes I am being a bit sarcastic, but the point deserves to be made as often as they have been accused of not addressing items. And thank you Nitouche for catching it.
  22. http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=137&a=570 There you go
  23. SMGs? Are you kidding? No! You attack with hammers! Climb into the aforementioned Priest, grab some 105 ammo and begin striking the round causing it to detonate inside the Priest ensuing the vehicle and it's crew are obliterated in your ascent to Valhalla.
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