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Everything posted by sburke

  1. what the hell, never mind not really worth the effort.
  2. Heh heh, no it's a hot seat, not pbem. We weren't willing to wait for the wire bug to be fixed before continuing La Luzerne. No bug there. And yes mortars are loud, and so is the sound of vehicles going through fences on the opposite side of 1 km map plus you can see exactly where they were. Whether you search out that info and how you use it is up to you. I am sure there are some circumstances where the noise of a mortar launch might actually be noticed and location guessed, but routine use well that becomes a personal choice as to how you play the game.
  3. Not cheating isn't behavior that should earn a reward. It should be normally expected behavior. But thanks.
  4. There are a lot of ways to "cheat" the game. It is a question of the individual though not the game as to whether that matters. Case in point, in a hot seat game with Broadsword I accidentally closed the game without saving. During the turn I had lost an StuG. I informed Broadsword and promised to keep re running till I got the same result again or I'd give the dang thing a short arc and send it out backwards if I had to.
  5. Always play with my Bose headsets. Hard to consider playing w/o now. Not just because of sharing space but the overall sound experience is so much better.
  6. I LOVE the idea!! How about you offer $2 to everyone who buys it and they can get the discount from you. BF would be happy, the customers would be happy and I guess you'd be happy cause there would be a sale! Everybody wins!! By the way WTF is the "non mainline" game. Who the heck came up with that definition? Oh wait I think I see a connection.
  7. rar is a zipped format, you need to use a program to unzip the file. Once you do you will find a .cam file, that goes into your campaign folder.
  8. Fair enough, I take back stupid. Just a bit annoyed, I'd probably have been better off skipping the whole thread.
  9. Wow the audacity is just simply amazing. Arrogant and incredibly conceited while also being outstandingly stupid. I think someone missed a career in politics.
  10. Here is some stuff on the author, may help folks narrow their search. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuil_Kazakevich
  11. I can vouch for your portraits Mord. First thing I loaded to continue the St Lo campaign with Broadsword- I just had to have the 352nd ID emblem there.
  12. I have 4 versions of CM on my PC. If a heavily modded scenario comes out (LLFs Makin for example) I tend to create one just for that. Ease of use - don't have to worry about mod conflicts etc. I have had at time multiple installs based on version as well. CMBN is a bit nicer than CMSF for this. So yes, most definitely you can keep as many installs and versions as you want. bit early in the day in Tokyo eh?
  13. That description is a bit vague. Are you saying a unit another than the one you'd selected moved? If so beware of double clicking a unit as you will select the entire group that unit is part of. If that wasn't the case, ignore the above and I'll just crawl back under this here rock.
  14. Not sure if this is the source, but am noticing in playing with the editor that which direction the units face has a lot to do with how you build your AI commands. I have been getting some help and advice in designing and some items are rather tricky to try and get the AI units to do what you want. Note the AI has no concept of the direction the enemy should come from. They will alter their facing based on move commands that can then have them facing the wrong way. It can also be affected in the initial set up. If you can note which maps you are finding the issues they can be looked at to see if maybe the AI orders can be tweaked a bit.
  15. God I loved that series. So much so I even bought the book on it reviewing the episodes and going into the background of what was happening in Baltimore at the time and what the producer/directors were trying to look at. Great great television.
  16. sigh - and it has nothing to do with the way the folks who like to use expressions like "fanboy" express themselves does it? No, not at all. Those guys would never ever have been responsible for setting the tone of a discussion would they? Never would they create controversy through things like inflammatory subject lines, contradictory blanket statements, calling into question BF's ethics because they might actually like to get paid.. No way, not any of that EVER happens. Those guys are pure as the driven snow, always courteous, always giving the benefit of the doubt. Why they are paragons of decency in a world sliding into decadence!
  17. How much of this do you think is driven by the motivation and experience levels we generally use? I have noted many including yourself have commented that lowering the quality of your troops seems to actually make them perform a little more realistically and I believe that to be the case in my experience particularly in some of the battles I have had with Broadsword in our St Lo campaign. Just kind of thinkin aloud here as I agree our pixeltruppen don't often seem to react appropriately to incoming fire at normal and above levels.
  18. I am the good guys, send me a turn you heartless jihadist scum.
  19. While I can certainly understand your frustration and what you see as the lack of empathy, but think about it this way for a moment. Supposing you are watching a great movie and your cable service goes out. Would you then step outside your door and scream to the world "My f**kin cable service is down again you heartless bastards!!". Or to use your example I suspect you wouldn't scream out the window "god damn I just want to screw my this woman, why can't anyone make an easy open condom package!!!" However that is exactly what you are doing when you just blast your frustrations out on the public forum. It really isn't the appropriate venue for it. I suspect what you are experiencing is actually the frustration many of us have with the way our world has become a wide open venue for people to voice stuff to a far wider audience than it deserves. Consider it to be negative feedback from those of us heartily sick of the TWITter/Facebook generation. There is a place and a time to vent your frustration and it isn't to the entire world. Word of advice from my own experience is go ahead and write the note - writing in itself can help you vent- but think really hard about the submit button. I can't tell you how many comments I have written and then taken a moment to look at and decided - that is friggin stupid, no one needs to hear my opinion on this especially as it isn't adding to the conversation. I should probably do that more often, but then you might never hear from me...though I am sure some folks are thinking right now +1!! Shut the f**k up sburke!!
  20. Broadsword and I have one now that was started under 1.10 and is now running on 2.0. It is not pbem as it has wire and we were forced to do it hot seat, but it is running. My understanding is the only issue of pbem is you need you save to be from the correct turn.
  21. oh gawd, not that again. I guess it is time for everyone to pull out their axes for grinding. BF made an announcement therefore it is time to unleash the litany of things someone thinks they have done wrong.
  22. Definitely not an NDA whoopsie, simply my error and wishful thinking. My apologies for asnyone who got their hopes up off that one.
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