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Everything posted by sburke

  1. No far from it, you put up a good fight. As to the artillery he could just have a wide area on it and you got the short end of the stick. Still regardless, he paid dearly for this objective and it isn't quite over yet. Sometimes your pixeltruppen will surprise the hell out of you, never count them out until it is over.
  2. There is no discussion, no matter how confused, that can't be improved upon by the Python.
  3. What???!!! Now that is sacrilege. You can spend all that time on societal ills, but when you decide to go play a game it isn't even CM? You sir are oh wait no, that's how we got so far down this rabbithole... Enjoy the game, I keep hearing about it, but so far it hasn't grabbed my interest.
  4. Can we take the discussion of white trash purchasing priorities etc over to the general forum? Please? Come to think of it, that is probably where most of this thread should have been. Hey BF! Who's in charge of this circus anyway? :cool:
  5. hmm me thinks we are in a rapidly accelerating slope into a social perspective breakdown. Let's get back to what kind of round is loaded. I am with JonS on this one. I don't want to have to play "inventory my vehicle rounds" game. I'll leave that for a tank sim like M1 tank platoon or something.
  6. I thought it was the gobs of puke and urine in Piccadilly circus on a Friday night. I swear if my company sends me there for another office upgrade I am asking they foot the bill for some decent waterproof footwear.
  7. heh heh meet my family, they'd intimidate Assad. Maybe I can hook him up with my sister, that'd alter things in Syria.
  8. rotflamo That visual gave me a really good chuckle. I want that in game!!!! Out of ammo, no problem - wonk!
  9. Hey Baneman, just so you know I haven't forgotten. I have a nice little proving ground set up as I keep thinking of additional variables I'd like to add. problem is I am finding nowhere near the effect I expected to after the initial run of the one on that map. I think I am gonna go back to that map and check to see if there is anything I somehow overlooked and possibly edit it to make a smaller test bed. I have literally dozens of vehicles lined up along all the seperate types of roadways and yet none of them are showing anything like I saw on that QB map. That may be a good thing if I can figure out why. or it could be a really bad thing if it is fairly random and no way to exactly recreate... ggrrrr
  10. I was in Chennai India in June. Power cable that fed several large high rise buildings comes out of the ground, runs along the curb up to a transformer then back down to the ground. Cars are driving over the cable all day long...and that one was actually done well. Meanwhile the fiber cable feeding this IT complex is on a special utility pole - commonly called a tree. Feeds over the roadway to another of these special utility poles. Gotta love the engineering though. They left plenty of extra coils of cable to insure they could accomodate the growth of the special utility pole. Here you go if you want to see some beautiful work. https://www.google.com/search?q=india+electrical+wiring&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS443US444&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Jrx8UKbHNYzuigKw5oGYDA&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1600&bih=783
  11. wrong, I'd use a pistol. Wow I can understand a moving pickle jar, I've seen that when one comes loose from the display, but living? But seriously Rankorian, I don't disagree. It seems a couple things have poped up recently that I think c3k has taken on getting submitted for a look see. The rest is all internet chatter.
  12. I love how absolutely no one is allowing themselves to be captured in this. "Hey guys, stand next to the rocket and wave!"
  13. I wanted to come back to this once I had gotten further into the scenario. I suspect Erwin's experience is similar to mine. After moving an entire PzGr battalion (tracked) plus a few other vehicles (StuG's, Marders, Tigers etc) I did not have a single vehicle bog or even threaten to bog. I am not sure if the issue with a ford tends to be the terrain at entry and exit or conditions set in the data parameters of a scenario, but in this particular case bogging did not appear to be a problem.
  14. Yeah what he said! Telephone wire gauge is quite small compared to electrical and unlike today, back then you didn't have individual phone lines for every house. (meaning if you are strictly talking phone, the distance between poles could be quite far. For electrical the weight of the wire would require moving them closer.) At best you'd have a party line, at worst only telegraph or maybe a phone line to the local gov't office.
  15. I think your guy just showed up in Pandur's scenario. Some American fired a rifle grenade 175+ meters and took out two of my guys on different floors of a building.
  16. THAT should be in your sig. Better yet, maybe in AKD's sig.
  17. Hey Pandur, I am only 2/3 of the distance Erwin has gone and I don't want to give details to avoid spoilers, but as I'd noted earlier I had taken a bloody nose on my two main axis of advance. 1st Company took some time regrouping and had to wait for their company mortars to suppress the Americans they are facing then drop smoke. They just launched a rush to dislodge the reinforced American Infantry platoon I think they are facing. Meanwhile 2nd Company is closing in on clearing Kommerscheidt while the artillery is softening up American defenses further toward Schmidt. So far it has been very good. Defenses are well positioned with covering support etc. I now have to decide how to deploy 3rd Company as they are the primary for the advance into Schmidt and there is a LOT of open ground. Couldn't help but add this. Sometimes this game just leaves me in awe. actually it happens quite a bit. Schmidt under fire from Nebelwerfer battery. 1st Company's rush
  18. In Baba Amr I am the Syrians and am on the offensive having to sieze a couple objectives held by the rebels. It is a fairly heavy task force, but LLF already scared the crap outta my troops by landing an RPG round into a BMP which somehow survived. Where it stands now is my force clearing one of the main avenues block by block while I presume LLFs rebels are prowling my flank looking for an opening and possibly setting up an ambush ahead. It has been a very tense methodical push by my forces so far. I agree with LLF trying to do this as a human vs AI would be hard. Trying to get the AI to adopt the tactics either of us is using is pretty much an impossibility. LLF I may have some thoughts on this once your PC is back. If you could send me the map sans forces or the whole scenario and I will try to delete them without looking, I may have some map ideas to run past you. If that isn't possible I may create one and take screen shots to throw some ideas your way.
  19. Okay I can't resist - that would be Panzer..... Myers... ta dum
  20. Hey you trying to drop my body count on the basis they were friendly fire victims? You are just lucky my PF guys hate trees more than Churchills. Damn trees.
  21. Now now, cut me some slack man, I just started. I do get what it is going to take to have this get a serious look, gimme a bit to try and get that data. If folks have waited since CMSF came out, I figure you can give me at least a few days.
  22. funny thing is the primary beneficiary of this is not necessarily the designers (though they do appreciate it) but us Thanks Badger
  23. BigDork you seem to be a one man entertainment shop. Excellent!
  24. In answer to questions/points raised above. My test scenario has no enemy units and I have used both fast and quick. Still looking.
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