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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Yep I was able to do an 8k x 2.3 k map.
  2. so how do you see out from under the blanket without removing the protection of the blanket?
  3. Here you go, it isn't that they don't work. The problem is that they do work. It is just visually they don't appear like what they are. Hopefully this will help. Don't take this the wrong way, the work is still great. It is just I think you have pushed as far as one can go modding. Orders turn Actual movement
  4. so you basically hide under a blanket and hope no one notices it?
  5. I'd forgotten how good the trailer was for CMFI. Best one yet.
  6. I have both and while WitE is an interesting game and continues to develop, I like the scale of CM more. To be completely honest, I haven't actually fired up WitE in a while now. I just had an incident in a pbem where my 2 GIs are behind a wall outside a building with a German lmg inside. The two units are within an AS of each other. Both units are pretty rattled (and I think out of control for both my opponent and myself) and sporadically have been attempting to shoot one another. Finally my two guys pop up, the lmg fires a burst that misses, one of my guys drops down again, I thought to cower. Instead he tosses a grenade. It gets the German, but then there is another explosion behind the building. I replayed the turn frame by frame. Seems the German had the same idea albeit a second too late. He dropped his grenade when hit. Whew! I love this game.
  7. I thought we Americans were the only ones who adhered to short attention span theater. Seems the UK govt is following our lead.
  8. heh heh a slight diversion- I installed the phone system for Univ of Phoenix when they first came to SF- it was that experience that taught me not to bother with them. Meanwhile whatever you might think of my scholastic achievements, my troopers definitely have a better throwing arm than yours. Took me a long time to figure out what that second explosion was- turns out it was the grenade your trooper dropped after mine hit him in the head. You'll notice your grenade exploded exactly 180 degrees from the direction you should have been throwing it. Hint - that usually ends up not working too well. Schooled. ng cavscout does the House of Rune give classes on throwing? You may want to start. I could possibly lend you some help if My Liege - Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT - Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House wasn't already convinced trying to teach you guys anything wasn't already worse than trying to teach an Aussie what utensils and tools were for.
  9. These are not the B3s you were looking for. Now imagine me doing that little Jedi wrist thingy.
  10. Look I was being a good sport helping you write those letters home to the families of your pixeltruppen, but if you are gonna be like that you can write those dozens of virtual letters yourself. Oh gawd am I going to now have to explain what dozens is to Boo? Okay take off your shoes and count your toes on your left foot. See that there are 6 now count your toes on your right foot... Oh wait you have 7 there. Well anyway that is a baker's dozen, close enough. So now imagine all those toes had twins and then throw in a couple more for good luck. Yeah now you can grasp . . . No not with your toes Boo. You can understand ... Oh forget it. It is a lot Boo. Maybe Watcher can take you on a tour once graves registration arrives to start digging the mass virtual grave.
  11. For a minute there I thought this was some geezer starting a thread on women's lingerie.
  12. You did catch that was a parody site right? Read the last line again where the speaker trips and kills a bunch of people at the podium
  13. Yeah the civilian factor was for spotting. Uncon forces were harder to spot the higher you drove up the civilian density. The building setting was a preserve option.
  14. There is a sq km limit and I am not sure you can go so wide as 7-8k. I don't know too many places where you are going to get an unobstructed 7k that is not a desert so I don't understand why you think 4k won't cut it. I have a 4.5x4 map I have played around with 3 battalions on and there was plenty of room. Better make sure your PC has enough oomph though.
  15. Beyond their own aversion to having non combatants BF has also commented that they don't want to have to deal with tac AI concerns. In CMSF you might be able to do something like this with the spy units.
  16. Heh there is no guarantee the comment was accurate . The other news about French and German troops being deployed to protect the OSCE drone teams is a bit old now. Note sure if they were deployed or not, but the drones themselves aren't surviving too well from what I have read.
  17. According to one of the comments it is British tanks going back in 2012.
  18. Lol yeah really. It might be a good thing to wait until you actually have the game prior to forming opinions.
  19. Good god, THAT is what passes for humor in Oz? No wonder you wrestle crocodiles and swim with great whites. Yes removing yourself from the gene pool does sound like a good idea. Could you speed it up a bit, we don't want to take the chance you might somehow inadvertently breed. Note to self, add a slide to PowerPoint on "humor" in Oz.
  20. It doesn't help when we have incidents like this http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/05/isaf-drops-candy-to-afghan-children-kills-51/ . I couldn't resist
  21. It is a generic expression for RTS. They are all a click fest from the perspective of those of us who prefer wego including CM in RTS mode.
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