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Everything posted by sburke

  1. huh, that actually explains a lot. Was wondering why I never had to pay the tunnel toll..or even use the tunnel... wait is there such a thing as "bad" acid? Memoriessssss.... Lehigh University 1981. Didn't have tickets to see the Dead. Was able to score some liquid though so we sat outside listening to the show through the windows tossing pieces of mulch into the air and watching the trails. https://archive.org/details/gd1981-09-25aud.weiner.23626.sbeok.shnf The Stones were in Phila that day and the next- that was a fiasco. bottle throwing nut cases trying to force their way in when all they had to do was walk around the other end. Guards let us walk right in.
  2. oh gawd the friggin Buggles.... I had tickets to see Yes in the round at MSG in 1980...then Anderson and Wakeman left and instead I was treated to this bastardized performance by this crap pile that was performing music by Yes.
  3. when bands pay more for their hair stylist than their instruments..... Man I don't miss the 80's. Now back on the subject of German bands, these guys are a hoot. Okay technically they are Viennese. Close though.
  4. oh gawd, now I have to choose which portrait I want...oh man...... You rock Mord, between this and the radio chatter. I may have to buy you a couple bushels of crabs and beer to wash em down.
  5. I just modded the sound in BS recently based on some other testing. First thing I noticed was the sound of infantry units moving (gear rustling and breathing). That alone sold me, really amazing difference. Thanks man!!
  6. you calling me old? Damn you, as soon as I finish my mush I am gonna tan your hide!!! Beyond that I think I am done here. No matter how much data anyone provides, you have confirmed my impression that it will never be enough. I am gonna go watch my lawn grow...oh wait I am in California and right now it isn't... oh well. I am gonna go watch my lawn die.
  7. Interesting. I didn't realize being a squire also meant going through a "How to behave like an oddstralian" course. I guess I really should look through the latest edition of "New Squire Guide". I think someone left a copy in the outhouse.
  8. Wait that sounds familiar... where did I hear something like that before- oh yeah on post 8 of this thread. Great minds think alike, what that has to do with us I have no idea.
  9. That's what I get for replying from my iPhone. Can barely see to type and correcting is a royal pain. Oh wait yeah a flood of pizza, that's what I meant!
  10. Seems essentially the same as this document... http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-German-Military-Forces-Department/dp/0807120111
  11. I might make that my sig Cmx1 = cardboard dominos pizza Cmx2 = artesian pizza - Steve
  12. Only in the sense that BF does not allow modding of the underlying game elements. You can mod bmp and sounds files, but that will only allow you to do so much. A Sherman Tank can not be imported into CMBS and a T 34 can not be imported into CMBN. Combat Mission has in it's core specific tables of equipment for units etc. You can mod how a T 34 looks in CMRT, but you can't bring that T 34 into CMBN. Different game, different units.
  13. essentially the answer is it can not be done. If you are really good at modding you can fake some things, but the underlying unit is still the same.
  14. I'll chime in once more, admittedly futilely as this really is going nowhere. 1. SAC bombers etal do NOT fly in civilian air corridors with their transponders turned off. Sorry that is a uniquely Russian phenomena. Twist and turn on that stick all you want, you can't change the fact that Russian aircraft have been doing something incredibly dangerous and have been cited for such. 2. International air space - really, just exactly what are you reading? Here some possible locations you missed. Swedish News http://news.yahoo.com/sweden-protests-against-airspace-violation-russian-planes-162456822.html;_ylt=A86.JyC3h2tVd3IAvpQnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0YjRnc3NlBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyN18xBHNlYwNzcg-- Estonian News http://news.yahoo.com/estonia-russian-military-plane-violated-airspace-162829716.html;_ylt=A86.J5EQiGtVJnEADBgnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0NXI5bTBkBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyN18xBHNlYwNzcg-- Japanese News http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/22/us-japan-russia-idUSBRE97L0IO20130822 3. Russia made a threat to Denmark that in actuality got plenty of press in Europe. I have no idea where you come to the conclusion that it is a US knee jerk reaction. Here is from a Danish paper which you could have easily googled yourself instead of coming up with that off the wall - "Europeans barely noticed a nuclear threat" nonsense. http://www.thelocal.dk/20150321/russia-threatens-denmark-with-nuclear-attack The gist of all the above is you chose to have a particular perspective. It isn't like other news sources are hard to find and they are widespread enough in countries beyond the US to put the lie to "It is all US nonsense". Chose to believe what you want but cut the crap about "as far as I know ..." if you aren't willing to even scratch the surface of news sources. All of the above took me 15 minutes to find.
  15. Oh look, someone said the real cause of the Iraq war was a hidden stargate. I found it on the Net, it MUST be true!!!! http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread256197/pg1
  16. Friggin hysterical and sad at the same time.
  17. The official answer as just given to me by Charles is ***REDACTED***. This poster has just been given a 90 day suspension and temporary revocation of his game license. In addition he is required to eat unflavored oatmeal for breakfast for the next 90 days and the rest of his meals to consist of rat f**ked MREs. -Battlefront Censor Agency
  18. He's from Boston. Probably a Bruin's fan. Now us Phila fans are known for our quiet calm demeanor especially in hockey.
  19. First off Stephen Cohen has an agenda. He has a position about US stance on Ukraine/Russia and he argues it throughout. He is an apologist for Putin. He doesn't see much more than Putin being a nationalist. The nuclear threat against Denmark, the continued air violations etc are simply ignored as he tries to basically say everything is equal. He even makes the claim that there would be no insurrection in the Donbass if there wasn't local support. The fact the the so called revolt would have collapsed without Russia intervention or even the admitted actions by Putin's cronies that they in fact started the insurrection is ignored. Despite all that at no point does Cohen ever say the US was behind the coup, in fact he almost always explicitly says different. Secondly again you are not listening to what is being said, but rather what you want to hear. This is what preceded the quote from prior. See the very end (my bold) where Cohen explicitly says Amy Goodman's characterization is incorrect. AMY GOODMAN: During an interview on CNN that aired Sunday, President Obama acknowledged the United States played a role in the ouster of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, last February. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Mr. Putin made this decision around Crimea and Ukraine, not because of some grand strategy, but essentially because he was caught off balance by the protests in the Maidan and Yanukovych then fleeing after we had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine. AMY GOODMAN: President Obama’s comments made headlines in Russia. This is Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. SERGEY LAVROV: [translated] I have two comments which are important. There has been confirmation that the United States was directly involved, from the very beginning, in this anti-government coup d’état. And President Obama literally called it "the transition of power." Secondly, I would like to note that Obama’s rhetoric shows Washington’s intention to continue doing everything possible to unconditionally support Ukraine’s authorities, who have apparently taken a course toward a military solution to the conflict. AMY GOODMAN: That’s the Russian foreign minister and, before that, President Obama. STEPHEN COHEN: Yeah, President Obama said something that undoubtably he was later told he shouldn’t have said, because he wasn’t clear what he was referring to. Many people have argued that the United States organized a coup in February to overthrow the president of Ukraine and bring to power of this new pro-American, pro-Western government. I do not know if that’s true. But what Obama said leads people to think that’s what he was acknowledging. He wasn’t.
  20. I'd have to agree with panzer. There are limits to the "public's right". Why should I have the "right" to say I want to see a soldier's body on the 10 o'clock news? How is that affecting my freedoms if I don't? The actual fact of the deaths is important to know what our military is doing and what our soldiers are being committed to. but actual photos of them is just a bit morbid.
  21. aahhhhhhhh a Myers Briggs test!! Ruuuunnnnn! http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/my-mbti-results/ Gawd my company pushed those and probably still does.
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