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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Agreed, outstanding to see unit identifications.
  2. Not my forum, just trying to advise. Best bet is to reach out to where you bought it for advice.
  3. I assume you downloaded maps specifically for CMSF. (they aren't maps from CMBS etc)
  4. not here and asking that here could get you banned. Maybe I am not understanding the question, but If you don't own the game i.e. have your own install key you are using this site in a pretty inappropriate way.
  5. Lol well I think in theory, but I have trouble hitting stationary targets.
  6. They will always try and they know far more than I.
  7. Before you make too many assumptions, my pc runs CM fine and has for years so it isn’t the game per se. I’d open a ticket with the Helpdesk for more specific technical assistance . In almost every instance I have seen with complaints like this it is something on the users pc that is messing things up. Sound applications have been frequent culprits for issues and comparing CM to other games isn’t quite apples to apples as most of those are much more graphic driven than computational. There are other threads on why OpenGL but in brief at the time of creation for CMx2 OpenGL was THE thing. That things have changed since then is basically the norm for the computing world. BF is not in any position to completely rewrite the code though. The helpdesk should be able to sort you out, best of luck.
  8. Oh you poor soul. You’ll be writing virtual letters for your pixeltruppen.
  9. Heh heh quickly? Hell no. There is definitely a connection between the seat being unoccupied and bad spotting. Spotting is very specific in CM - so much so that a bug that had the Tiger commander seated facing the wrong way lead to horrible spotting for that unit until it was uncovered. What I was alluding to more was there is just way too much information I could possibly want in this game. More than I could actually digest. I gave up a long time ago on trying to know various vehicle armor thicknesses, penetration values of weapons and just fall back on what I generally know. I don't disagree that having that information is not just useful but critical sometimes. A BMP commander should generally know under what conditions it will have x distance of visibility. My problem is you could tell me that today and in a month when I pop open a CMBS scenario I am not sure I am gonna remember and I certainly don't want to have to open the manual every time I play a game - mostly because it kills the immersion for me. So as usual I fall back to - BMPs spot like the old lady in My Cousin Vinny who needed new glasses. I am definitely not saying that should be your approach. We all have our own way of playing CM. What I am saying is I don't really expect to see from BF anytime soon a manual that would be to the level of depth a lot of players would like. It would be a tremendous time sink.
  10. Did you ask him to buy you dinner? On a related item when I am picking a GP, the first thing I check to see if they have small hands. Trump would make a great proctologist.
  11. so you posted the game is that what you are saying?
  12. you may have to revisit that not doing drugs thing if you want to understand this.
  13. The scenario is mine and I ran it a lot in the process of creating it, but that was a long time ago and I think version 3.12 or something. I never ran into an issue with the mortar team.
  14. no. When you start seeing youtube footage odds are the game will have been released. BF is particular even about screenshots until the game is through Beta. Some of what we have gotten was surprisingly early. The Marines for example look a bit different than earlier screenshots. If you have been following the comments, one big item of change for CMSF2 is the soldier models were completely redone. It is a lot of detail and hence there being cautious about shots until they are comfortable nothing has been missed as the uniform grogs will have a field day otherwise
  15. Yes, yes it can. And consider how many vehicles there are across all the families. Do you really expect Steve or Charles to stop to write a manual for all that info? Here is a very small example of what can happen in game and the kinds of questions a player could ask, but BF could most assuredly not answer. Testing out a scenario for CMSF2. In this very very minor moment in a larger battle a 2 man scout team from a LAV is on a hillside. An enemy team of 5 guys comes running past the crest of the hill. The team guns down the 2 they can see. The remaining 3 are cowering but eventually get up the nerve to fire upon my guys. The scouts are suppressed, but not injured. Suddenly the Sgt leaps to his feet and charges the enemy blazing away with his rifle as the enemy fires back only meters away. The Sgt pauses to toss a grenade which takes out one of the 3 and suppresses the others. His side kick then stands as well and opens fire with his rifle. The Sgt meanwhile has apparently emptied his clip and rather than stop to reload he pulls his pistol. One of the two remaining enemy makes a run for it and escapes. The final moment the Sgt shoots the last remaining enemy with his pistol. Now I could ask how does the TAC AI perform, under what conditions will an NCO on his own charge an enemy, when will he decide to use a grenade? If he empties the clip of his rifle will he stop to reload or pull his side arm? What effect will that have on other members of his team? You could say well those are TAC AI reactions not specific Vehicle capabilities that have to be hard coded and therefore could be on a manual specifying the various LOS and Optical resources. CM is not going to be a technical manual that covers the dozens of vehicles and their variants to the degree you are asking. It just is not feasible. In the above example BF had to program in the POSSIBILITY of the above event occurring, but the number of possible interactions makes it pointless to try and figure the chances of it happening. Here is what I know of the BMP-2 from playing CM. It sucks. It is a battlefield taxi to get your troops into position while protecting them from some arty and small arms fire. If you ask anymore of it than that, you are screwed. About the only thing I will use it for is to area fire places to help suppress the enemy hoping something else doesn't kill it. From Wiki I learned this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP-2 The commander's 1PZ-3 sight is specifically designed for anti-aircraft operation and combined with the high maximum elevation of 74 degrees, it allows the 30 mm cannon to be used effectively against helicopters and slow flying aircraft. The turret traverse and elevation are powered and it can traverse 360 degrees in 10.28 seconds and elevate through 74 degrees in 12.33 seconds. Reloading the BMP-2's 30 mm cannon can be somewhat problematic, and can take up to two hours, even if the ammunition is prepared. Additionally, the cannon is normally only used on the slow rate of fire, otherwise fumes from the weapon would build up in the turret faster than the extractor fan can remove them So yeah it sucks
  16. Arma and CM aren't an Apples to Apples comparison. While I expect adhering to real world tactical principles in Arma would mean a superior stance you are talking about the individual now and one can't begin to assess the difference between real world training and a computer game. However this does come to mind. https://www.duffelblog.com/2015/01/gamer-isis-syria-iraq/ In CM you are a commander. Commanders are stupider than their NCOs - face it - so we actually have a shot at being a decent commander versus being decent in actual combat... that and we don' actually have to read a map as we can see everything.
  17. The EULA defines what you own about the game. Commenting about the game is not controlled by EULA, posting software about the game is. So what exactly are you being censored for? License This License does not provide you with title to or ownership of the software program "Combat Mission: xxxxxx" (the "Software"), but only a right of limited use of the Software, and ownership of the media on which a copy of the Software is reproduced. The Software, including its source code, is, and shall remain, the property of Battlefront.com, Inc. You may make a copy of the Software solely for back-up purposes, provided that you reproduce all proprietary notices (e.g., copyright, trade secret, trademark) in the same form as in the original and retain possession of such back-up copy. The term "copy" as used in this License means any reproduction of the Software, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, including without limitation, print-outs on any legible material, duplication in memory devices of any type, and handwritten or oral duplication or reproduction. The manual may not be copied, photographed, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electrical medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from Battlefront.com, Inc.. All rights not specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved by Battlefront.com, Inc. You shall not, in any way, modify, enhance, decode, or reverse engineer the Software. User-created scenarios and other materials like graphics or other mods may be distributed free of charge, but shall not be sold, licensed, or included as part of any package or product that is sold or licensed, without the prior written consent of Battlefront.com, Inc.. You may not rent or lease the Software or related materials. You may permanently transfer the Software and related written materials if you retain no copies, and the transferee agrees to be bound by the terms of this License. Such a transfer terminates your License to use the Software and related materials. In order to install and run the Software, you acknowledge and agree to the installation of a third party licensing application on your computer. Limited warranty Battlefront.com warrants to the original purchaser that the media on which the Software is recorded is free from defects in workmanship and material under normal use and service for 90 days from the date of delivery of the Software. This warranty does not cover material that has been lost, stolen, copied, or damaged by accident, misuse, neglect, or unauthorized modification. Battlefront.com's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Battlefront.com's option, either return of the price paid, or replacement of the media which does not meet the limited warranty described above. The media must be returned to Battlefront.com with a copy of your purchase receipt. Any replacement Software media shall be subject to this same limited warranty for the remainder of the original warranty period, or thirty days, whichever is longer. Limitation of liability BATTLEFRONT.COM MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR ANY WARRANTY ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, TRADE USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE OR RELATED MATERIALS, THEIR QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS A RESULT, THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE LICENSED "AS IS". IN NO EVENT WILL BATTLEFRONT.COM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION AS TO HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND/OR EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND/OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.
  18. Errr what? Someone might want to read the EULA if that is what you are referring to.
  19. Wtf Steve and Charles are younger than me and I am still struggling with when I can retire.
  20. And not Bashir Ali Squarehead? I am disappointed. I will have to rename him.
  21. Animation is also a factor. BFs presumption is they configure the system to operate on the basis of the community that buys the game. If visually depicting something requires a processing hit they are gonna determine is that eye candy or essential and then decide to implement or not. The actual factor of stabilization is most certainly included, the animation may not. In a similar example (but I think this is more a graphics depiction issue) I frequently see units firing when the rifle is pointed at the ground while in movement and yet it hits an enemy target. Also the “cow patty” slide you sometimes see is not a CM specific issue but rather the graphic catching up to the processor. I see it in other games as well. The computer world still has its limitations thank god.
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