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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. LOL no I absolutely am looking forward to a Marine module. My comment was on how folks want weapons status to conform to the reality of what is in place now, but don't have the same view as to what forces should be present.
  2. so your complaint isn't really about 4.0 patch communication.but that you don't actually like the game, don't get the differences that various ToEs reflect, aren't interested in understanding and so on. Okay. The game isn't necessarily for everyone and if you aren't into the differences that ARE actually reflected in title to title then yeah I would have thought you'd have moved on years ago. My personal view is milk the f**k out of this engine! I want so much additional in CMSF2 it ain't funny. I know I won't get it, they have too much else going on but I am far from worn out on new material. That is a strictly personal subjective opinion but one I know is shared by most of this forum. Yeah there are complaints about updates, comms, status of the patch but all that is premised on wanting more.
  3. Heh I think I'd need to see that thread to understand his comment better. Right now I am just imagining what it might have been like.
  4. If you look just a few posts up Steve said he would have something in the next couple days. So what is your question again?
  5. It was posted by CPT Miller. If it were done by Steve, it would have been posted by him. You made an assumption with no foundation and then proceeded to trash it. A moments hesitation and a simple question could have resulted in a completely different post that could still be suggestive and offering a critique which I am sure Cpt Miller wouldn't mind hearing. Positive feedback and suggestions are rarely a bad thing. None of the beta testers are Battlefront employees. In Cpt Miller's case as he noted he isn't even a beta tester, he simply made an offer and BF took him up on it and supplied him the material for our benefit. All it would have taken is a simple question. Put on the big boy pants, own it and we can all move on to more fun and vids from the Cpt. I am sure he is probably harder on it than anyone else. That tends to be the case when you are looking at your own work. Still even with whatever shortcomings one perceives there is soooo much there to look through. Check out the soldier models, uniforms, vehicle models. And just for grins, here is the Official trailer for CMSF.
  6. LOL yeah, which leads to a story I just have to tell. My neighbors have 3 kids. 5, 11 and 12. The 11 year old is their daughter G, really bright loves animals and totally into caring for them. Apparently in Minecraft she had a pony. had.... The 5 year old O is miss mischievous. A 50 year old smart ass in a 5 year old body. Apparently G pissed her off so she goes into Minecraft and beats the pony to death. Combat Mission Minecraft- where we find out why the horses in CM are all dead.....
  7. This is one of the reasons Steve doesn't like posting much during BETA. People read too much into it not thinking through that all is subject to change. Instead they start picking it apart making assumptions which is totally normal, what else do you do while ya wait? However it is counter productive. This is one of the reasons I think folks liked Chris' twitch broadcast so much. He would discuss some details and there was some back and forth. (besides just be funny, he always had a good sense of humor playing live in front of an audience) That is labor intensive time though.
  8. Damn that was close. I thought I could hear Steve pulling out the strap for my whupping.
  9. yeah I am not so sure I have heard anything quite in those words either, however Steve did post this today in the CMSF video thread.. I've been holding off posting an official update because there's been an annoying detail and a few other things that needed to get nailed down first. It's pretty much where I need it to be, so expect a post in a few days. And no, it won't be to announce CMSF2 is now ready for downloading.
  10. I can't discuss real examples, but 2 general things as I am not sure of your intent in having people join a closed beta Option 1. They have access to the Beta but not as "testers" they just get to play with something Option 2 They get to actually provide feedback as testers Regarding option 1 if there are issues being worked through that make running it difficult what would be the point and in early beta when you see models running around without textures and all it really isn't all that fun. They would have to sign an NDA so they can't even really talk to anyone about it. Option 2. There is a process to testing and feedback formats that are good and some not so good. The forum is a very good example. Lots of people cite things they think might be wrong, but they just report them and don't test. That isn't helpful in testing. You find something, you have to start digging. I know some companies generate interest by inviting people to beta test. Managing those people takes time even if it is just a forum moderator. BF doesn't need more testers (I don't think) and they don't have the resources to moderate a bunch of folks who just supply commentary. The real net result for both options is just more work for BF.
  11. Really? This is a volunteer effort by an individual who stepped up and offered to do something to ease the wait and instead of saying thanks man we really appreciate it he gets s**t? It is his first shot at it and he threw something together to start trying his hand. If you want to continue to see stuff like this then lighten up. WTF would he want to continue trying his hand at it with responses like this? I swear you guys could f**k up a wet dream.
  12. Well that is entirely up to Steve, but I am not sure exactly what you are concerned so much for. Yes I get you'd like some info, but it isn't like the game isn't gonna come out and you'll lose money etc. If it comes a little later why the angst? I know the excitement and all is there but again there is no risk here, just a delay and so far a really minor one. It is only Oct 6th. And no having everyone join beta is NOT a good idea. Hell having me on beta is probably not a good idea, they just don't want to admit the mistake of letting me in.
  13. oops Should have been in the ToE on the store page. I'll remind Steve.
  14. That is the one frustrating item. While I am all in for a Marine module (hopefully including Russian VDV, Marines etc) I would really love to see expansion of additional NATO units to allow it to become more of a sandbox, but yeah the financial return is always an item and the market driver unfortunately does focus around US units. Same reason NW Europe is the bigger game seller for WW2.
  15. Actually I was talking more in general. I don't expect to see new material for CMSF. As you noted there are just too many other competing projects. There are at least 3 modules to bring CMFB, CMFI and CMRT to end of war. I expect that progress on those will accelerate once CMSF2 is out the door. I don't think folks realize just how big an undertaking CMSF2 was/is. It is far from a simple upgrade. I expect that in the end there is almost nothing they didn't touch in some way.
  16. Funny I missed all that. I was away from most PC gaming for a while and missed the release of CMSF. Didn't come around to it until a year after release and didn't pick up the Marines module until several months after they released it. I luckily missed most of the nonsense on the forum etc
  17. He actually does hate us, but Charles refuses to allow him to say so. Seriously. Steve has answered that in August but .. well I guess folks just don't like the answer. They are certainly entitled to that view. I can't even say that I totally agree. I am just used to it and I don't feel that them giving me an obscure statement that things are delayed is going to make me feel appreciably different. And I don't agree that is what everyone wants to hear. The statements about the communications folks want are not the same and some posters have been pretty explicit about clarifying that positions do vary. Personally I am less interested in statements about release schedules than I am about direction and products. That CMSF2 or anything else is x days/weeks etc past expectations is just something I take for granted. Nothing against BF it is just the nature of projects and software. What I would find more interesting is what is further down the road. And I mean way further. I am so psyched with CMSF2 that the next few module releases are just extras (that opinion may change as those move forward, but for now...). I really love this title and family. It is the sweet spot for me that CMBS doesn't quite hit.
  18. Steve did discuss this not too long ago. The predator was more a theater asset so not something the player in a tactical situation would have. There are however drones in CMSF. One could create a ToE and try to simulate something like what was suggested but the actual deployment of them would not be at a squad level particularly in 2008.
  19. That isn't necessarily a good thing. Yeah people are used to it, but that does not by any stretch mean that is healthy. Personally I really dislike this whole instant gratification that goes on. It becomes this very self centered "you should tell me because I want to know" as if someone is obligated to keep others up to date somehow just because it is possible. I get that folks feel that as customers they want to know but just because technology allows a possibility doesn't actually mean that is good or productive. And the level of communication that folks want is not uniform. Now get off my lawn hippy. Sure they could write a 30 second post, but it is unclear who would be satisfied by that and that a quick post wouldn't just lead to more. The part that I can't wrap my head around is what exactly could they say in a 30 second post that would really make a difference. "Yes the game is not out yet, we are still working on a number of issues." Okay now if they wrote that, don't you already know that?
  20. This is also 2008 not 2018. Just a reminder
  21. On the one hand I totally agree. I'd love to see some more effects like this. On the other hand fire is one more thing for the engine to track and the number of battles I know of that discussed fire spreading and being an issue or noting an AT weapon causing units to displace because it inadvertently caused a fire is well.. pretty much nil. In the end it becomes icing on the cake. Yeah the icing is nice, but at what cost in terms of engine and graphics is I think the real heart of the issue for BF. How much do they spend on coding for icing if it impacts the number of folks who can run it on a current rig. I'm not saying I know that it will, just that those may be concerns on their part. Personally I'd love buildings that are burning to be part of the look and feel of urban fights. They could just be smoldering ruins inaccessible to the player and they would be cool as hell.
  22. Absolutely because Russia is going to perceive it as provocative. In this case NATO saying it is a defensive organization doesn't really matter, perception by any individual party drives the whole discussion in a different direction intended or not. However it is important to keep in mind that CMBS is (despite being close to a real hot point) still a fictional narrative. BF is not likely to adjust anything in it to conform to the current conflict. If they were then maybe we'd never see a Marine module which would be hugely disappointing. In fact if they stuck to the current situation they would add some uncons and delete the whole US order of battle and consider it done. I don't think anyone wants that.
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