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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. In between episodes of Goliath, I'll bite. How many chickens does it take to kill an elephant?
  2. Don't take it so hard. My career is in IT and after some 30 + years.. trivial would be an upgrade.
  3. That right there is one of the items that leaves me scratching my head. I can understand disagreements about whether BF communicates well, too little or not etc but these predictions that somehow BF will suffer a slow painful death make no sense on the face of fact. BF has always been like this and they are showing no signs that their business is suffering. I know I am treading into a danger zone of debate about BFs potential sales etc, but the fact is Steve and Charles seem quite content with how their business and sales function and at the end of the day if they think their business is continuing to work at the level they require then who is it that somehow knows better and can assume predicting their demise.? yeah I know that is taking this even further off the path so feel free to ignore, but that is a view that is recurring here on the forum that has never held water on even casual observation for me.
  4. Like an inquisition? Isn’t that a bit over the top? From where I sit (and yes this is just my opinion) it seems more like any reaction that doesn’t agree with some of these stated positions (not specifically yours, just in general these threads that becaome a heated debate about BF) is considered an attack yes many of my posts have also received up votes. Personally i’m not much in favor of that. It just strikes me as weird, then again I have never been a fan of that whole “like” thing on social media How do I know what and who that represents? It is why people go out and buy followers for twitter As to the “low blow” and shifting things into personal It seems whenever I get caught up in one of these threads my disagreement always gets shuffled off as a BF fanboi or apologist. That my position of disagreement could be a genuine position as a customer with a view that I see little value add to BF telling folks information which is at best a guess anyway is discarded. It is never viewed as being possibly a legitimate position and instead I get called at best an apologist. It cuts both ways. I admit it bothers me that folks have this perception (or at least @IICptMillerIIconsiders it to be true) that people take Steve’s unwillingness to spend much time communicating schedules as a dislike of customers. I don’t see it that way at all. Yeah I’d like to hear more from Steve on a host of items, but I don’t feel like I have to have that or that frankly is gonna make me really more informed about when I’ll actually see anything. I just like the forum and the discussions (most of them anyway ).
  5. sigh. Yep disagreeing is so fundamentally wrong. We aren't permitted because we are stifling the community or some such. And for the record I never said anything about whining. I was quoting the previous poster Does anyone here really believe that? Seriously? Steve doesn't like to get caught up in posting timelines feeling that it is a losing strategy. Right or wrong it is his opinion. That doesn't correlate to disliking BF customers. Wanting more communication from BF is not in my view whining. Why wouldn't you want to hear more from what is a hobby for everyone here? (and just for a moment I do want to point out that even among the beta testers there is no uniformity on the communication issue, we all have our own perspective as you can see from previous posts so please don't allow my view or Ian's come to represent anyone's view of what the beta testers feel. Hell even when it comes to subject there isn't uniformity. I would like to hear something on the patch.). Where I as a customer object is this strident view of some that BF is somehow abusive and disrespectful of their base because they aren't running a twitter feed or a facebook page. I disagree with it. As to this - We who spend time on the forum whether it be "whining" or being a fanboy pain in the ass do not represent the people allowing BF to make these games. If we were BF would be broke. Nope, we are the folks who get together at the local pub and talk ad nauseum on all the trivia of this game boring the rest of the patrons to death and hopefully still willing to buy each other a round no matter how much we bark at one another here. It is just a game.
  6. yeah this was the nice niche Chris' twitch channel filled. Time consuming for him but it was fun to watch.
  7. well you are certainly entitled to your opinion and as a customer so am I. I'll simply say this to keep this from totally going off the rails. I am also a customer and I flat out disagree with your view and I am certainly entitled to express that opinion. You can call that circling the wagons or whatever you want that makes you feel like you are on some moral high ground. In my view though you are still simply wrong. BF has addressed it, more than once yet that doesn't seem to stop anyone. - See Steve's post from August cited earlier in this thread. Sorry you feel so "abused". Whatever.
  8. Regarding content - this was just posted about scenarios and campaigns for CMSF, all of which will run in CMSF2. A big thank you to @37mm
  9. Point understood, really we aren't deaf. What are you expecting though? We can't make Steve want to post. He obviously isn't interested in the communication format that some folks here want. There is no PR dept so if Steve doesn't want to do it, there is no one else. Someone "in the know" doesn't exist. Beta testers are just that beta testers. We are not public speakers for BF and are explicitly prevented from discussing anything. You can PM Steve if you like , but posting on the forum is hit and miss as to whether he will even read much less feel like responding. And the reason that this -> when someone complains about the comms blackout Becomes this -> it's immediately run up as a tirade about missing deadlines Is because usually folks are complaining about a specific product/patch deadline. Not everyone who has an issue about BF comms has the same issue. You guys can sort out what might be an agreeable comms format that would meet everyone's expectations.
  10. I am sorry if the answers you get aren't to your liking, but we don't really get to decide that. People ask the same question over and over again when they have a release date and the answer is always the same - Steve isn't normally gonna post about it. I even included the last time he replied in August where he specifically said so. Maybe the problem isn't the answer. Signed - The Forum Police (behave or we'll taser you)
  11. LOL I'll do my best. ….Breaking news..... We are confused about what everyone is so confused...… - yes a parody of CNN
  12. Tell you what on Sept 30th I'll post a note that this date is no longer viable. Good to go?
  13. Good lord you guys are something else God forbid this was actually something important, you’d probably all be having coronaries
  14. Considering how many scenarios and campaigns there are I don’t think there will be any commentary as to details, but every one of them has been looked at to some degree.
  15. Not just hinted at. This is part of why CMSF is taking time. BF is trying to revisit as much as possible everything to bring it closer to current standards.
  16. He might also have to create one. It isn’t particularly difficult but I don’t know MAC commands so someone else will have to explain it.
  17. do a quick look on the website store and you'll see details on what each module has more than you'll likely get here unless someone writes a wall of text.. Base game and Marines are my favorites, but I do like messing with all the units. The AAR that was done also demonstrates various nationality units. OPfor is in base game. The British module does add some additional US units.
  18. it is 2008, 10 years old so classified isn't so much an issue. Lots of info on tactics available. Lot more first person accounts available for fighting in Iraq. Really comes down to if you want modern or WW2. CMSF content wise probably has more than CMBN if not a very close second.
  19. Breach their word? When exactly did Steve "give his word" that it would absolutely be out Sept? What I recall is this. You guys really need some other interests.
  20. You KNOW as a matter of course Steve’s dates are always wrong so either learn to accept that or learn to accept you aren’t going to get updates when those dates turn out not to be gospel. Anything else is just giving you an ulcer. I think I even made a joke about it when Steve said September. Honestly I find it hard to believe you guys don’t get that the dates are always optimistic and the refresh monkey stuff starts and the complaints as the day nears knowing in all likelihood it isn’t gonna be quite September. Talk about flat learning curves. Steve is not going to send a note. You guys can ask till you turn blue. Not gonna happen so your choice as to what to do next. Me I just accept it will happen when it happens, but it won’t be a date Steve has told me in advance.
  21. As an aside kieme’s building mod for CMSF seems to work in CMBS as well to a degree. Roof tops unfortunately don’t show but a couple variations of the building facades do.
  22. That is up to them and if these continuing threads are any indication they are not interested in changing their stance as they can’t make everyone happy so they go with what they feel is reasonable. You are free to disagee but Steve has stated his rationale several times and it has been consistent. Granted there are times even he feels he has gone too long sine his last bone, but no he isn’t interested in satisfying the refresh monkey craze.
  23. Or possibly just a realistic assessment of what you can or should expect, but we go round and round this circle every product release and it is pretty pointless. No one is ultimately happy and yet it is not likely going to change.
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