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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. What? It absolutely does have bog and immobilization. A 5 second test would have shown you that. This is the fun thing on this forum when folks assert something as fact.... and well it isn't.
  2. Open a ticket I am pretty sure BF will sort you out and no it does not apply to games purchased only directly from BF. Paradox purchases are covered and you are not the first.
  3. Bogging is ground conditions. Immobilization is what happens when trying to move when bogged. That may mean something much different than you are assuming. It does not necessarily mean you are just too deep in the mud and need to be towed and more importantly after 12 years they are not going to change the mechanics of this. As replacement vehicles is a setting for campaigns the designer gets to decide what is going to be the long term impact.
  4. Definitely think this is the way to do it as a standard campaign. The key here is you'll have to really work the map. For this to be more of an infantry based patrolling map, it needs to have a really good natural feel. Spend some time looking through images of Afghanistan for the area you intend to be the AO. Google Afghanistan look through the images. If you see something that looks like what your mind's eye view of the terrain is then dig in, figure out where it is. What NATO forces may have been based there, what are the crops, get a feel for how the construct their villages etc. The more you feel grounded in knowing the place the better it will work.
  5. Do yourself a favor and make the jump to CMSF2. IF you only own the base game it is $15. Never have to worry about your old CMSF again.
  6. why? You can play scenarios for sure that are not impacted. Then once the patch is out (shortly) you move on to other stuff. It is not the all encompassing game killer you might be led to believe from some comments...that is assuming you have an issue at all which some players don't. There is some subjectivity to the discussion.
  7. yep and in all that thread you can see the number of saves we got was pitifully few. The problem with AI pathing it is a complex item that may have multiple influences. The fewer saves the fewer instances we can examine for causes. AI pathing is an issue that has been submitted in multiple tickets. Whether what gets fixed in any of those matches the specific cause in anyone else's case is another issue. I have run across pathing issues since CMBN 1.0. I think I may even have brought it up on that thread where I was playing a pbem on CW The Mace and one of my guys ended up underwater in a corner of the map by itself. It is not a 4.0 issue though 4.0 could possibly have made it worse by soldier spacing. But again, the more saves we have the better off we are. I don't understand why that seems to be a recurring issue on these boards as if somehow we are asking for money or something. I swear I go through this all day at work in IT I don't want to go through it here. Gimme saves or leave it go. simple as that. The more saves the better the odds the issue will get corrected. Work with me people! BTW thanks for sharing the link, it is helpful to have the reference point
  8. wrong folder, but close! That is your documents folder. You need to go to the game folder where the actual CMSF2 exe is. If you are unsure just go to the shortcut you have for launching the game. right click and check properties. The target is the folder where you will find it. You can create one, it isn't that difficult but it'd be easier to just go find the one in the folder itself.
  9. you are making assumptions that we are all discussing the same issue and I can tell you right now if I can not provide a save with the behavior showing it - this will absolutely never be addressed in a patch. Claims of behavior are not the same as proofs of behavior. I personally am not seeing this behavior. That could simply be a difference in how I maneuver. Therefore the player interaction that might reveal the behavior is absolutely needed. No matter how much it is discussed here and how many people might agree with you - no save, no patch. That isn't my call, but rather what I know will be accepted for me to enter it as a ticket. Considering it is claimed to be very common, that should be a simple item to provide right?
  10. man this rocks mj, nice work. Looking forward to when you think it is ready for us unwashed masses.
  11. no there won't be a link. Just go to CMSF2 folder, hit the activate new products short cut, enter your key and away you go. The content is already in your original download, you just need the license to access it. FYI The UK campaign is still be updated but once complete it will be released for you to use. The original campaign can be played in CMSF2.
  12. Yes it is common practice to provide documentation. It is common for it to be in a read me file included in the patch that you can find in your main directory. We have at work what we call the 5 minute rule. Why bother looking myself when it only takes me 5 minutes to ask you. Take the 5 minutes instead and look in your installation directory edit before anyone gets upset that is a joke. Couldn’t help it
  13. with no save there is nothing to present to BF for checking behavior. When you see it save it if possible.
  14. coincidentally (there is that word again) I have gotten two phishing emails from the Sandton Radisson in South Africa this week at work. My last stay there was I think in 2015.
  15. Thought you'd appreciate this Mord As their tank approached the final checkpoint on Highway 8, Lieutenant Gruneisen’s crew was blasting the heavy metal song “Creeping Death” by Metallica on speakers inside the turret. They had nicknamed their Abrams Creeping Death because they all loved the song, which they thought evoked something sinister and lethal. Zucchino, David. Thunder Run: The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad (p. 18). Grove/Atlantic, Inc..
  16. CMSF2 at it's initial release included already what is going into the 4.0 patch for other games. The CMSF2 patch was for specific issue with CMSF2 itself. It doesn't appear in the manual because it is a patch, nothing in the manual is going to change. The rest of the games are going through testing to make sure the patch doesn't break anything in them and BF will post as that progresses. I think the patch thread has a comment from him from just the other day. what Holman said
  17. but I like car analogies...… and you aren't buying a new engine. It is the same engine that is undergoing what optimization it can so if you were magically expecting that CMSF2 running the same engine as CMFB was gonna behave differently with your graphics card then you may need to take a class in logic. Read Schrullenhaft's much better explanation above. You can disagree if you want with it, but it isn't going to change the basic facts.
  18. Exactly - One of the strengths of the TOC scenario is you don't start right at the beginning of a battle in a set up zone with known objectives etc. Battles spring up throughout the 4 hours sometimes unexpectedly when your convoy is moving and opfor units pop up. Even a regular style campaign doesn't deliver that. That static campaign was a unique experience I hope to see others emulate. I found myself organizing ad hoc battlegroups that were specific task oriented constantly.
  19. Within reason. You bought the game for what it was not what you might want it to be years later. Now BF has shown they will optimize where possible and where the effort makes sense but you can’t expect them to put a significant amount of effort without expecting an additional cost. Also a lot of the issues are specific graphics card dependent. Not all players are having the same experience and issues. I bought my truck before there were common rear view cameras. I can’t go back to the manufacturer and say the UI for my truck sucks and expect them to just give me one.
  20. Or just grounds for an interesting campaign with each scenario using a title from The Ring Cycle and a sound mod
  21. You mean the Russians right? and escalating to tactical nukes for an anti armor threat you might as well not bother sending your tanks forward and just toss a few nukes as the war is gonna end shortly thereafter.
  22. that will be interesting for Japanese. you need to know gender and relative relationship of the parties involved. it gets real complicated to do right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorific_speech_in_Japanese
  23. Okay now that is just morally wrong. Churchill with no cigar is like banning WC Fields because he drinks too much. Take to the barricades!!,
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