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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Too cool, if you look in google at al houdayduh airfield you can see the remains of MIGs
  2. Mord is his own worst enemy. He will see the imperfections whether we do or not. You always do when it is your work and you care about it.
  3. Heh what I get for posting while bored in a bar.
  4. In CMSF I have had my ass handed to me a lot by technical based AA fire which is relatively unrealistic. US helos did face issues but not to the degree I see in CMSF. Just one of those things that has to be based in context The US deep air assault in Iraq was largely stopped by crude AA in quantity and in Sadr city they were concerned about an AA unit. Generally large caliber AA fire was rarely effective, but in CMSF it can be. WW2 era not as much. My experience has been the same as above, poor targeting etc they are rarely as effective as one would hope and beware of them strafing your own force. i think the question to be asked is how effective AA fire should be and I don’t have an answer for that
  5. Rotflmao. Yeah that is pretty much true of all of us. Gawd the number of times I’ll wished I’d listened to my wife to shut my trap. At the time I always excuse it as her Japanese wish to avoid conflict and afterwards realized, no she was just right. Sigh with old age is SUPPOSED to come wisdom. Maybe I am the exception to the rule.
  6. Lol that just made my day.
  7. Not sure and am traveling but I don’t think so. If it isn’t submitted before I get home I will do so. Good catch, as much as I mess with them I didn’t notice.
  8. Yeah well I am convinced humanity is well past the survival curve, we just don’t know it yet. I suspect we are about now in the “oops” phase.
  9. Next book up. Actually been working though this for a while. Pretty dense but a great read. Lawrence in Arabia:war, deceit, imperial folly and the making of the modern Middle East https://www.amazon.com/Lawrence-Arabia-Deceit-Imperial-Notable-ebook/dp/B00BH0VSPI/ref=sr_1_5?crid=J4FMMY65FPE5&keywords=lawrence+of+arabia&qid=1563755745&s=gateway&sprefix=Lawrence+of+araboa%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-5 Just came across this it is on the inter government rivalry between colonial Egypt and India The following month, India appeared to try the opposite tack of belittling Hussein. They did so by inserting into the Intelligence Bulletin for the Middle East, a highly classified digest of information restricted to top-ranking military and civilian officials, an interview with a man named Abdul Aziz ibn-Saud. A tribal chieftain from the northeastern corner of Arabia, ibn-Saud called Hussein “essentially a trivial and unstable character,” and made it clear that neither he nor most other Arabian tribal chieftains would ever accede to his leadership. Even if Hussein took the risky step of declaring himself caliph, the supreme religious-political figure in the Islamic world, ibn-Saud argued, it “would not make any difference to his status among other Chiefs and there would be no question of their accepting any control from him, any more than they do now.” To Lawrence, that interview represented a new, and potentially very dangerous, escalation in the competition between Cairo and Simla. That’s because Abdul Aziz ibn-Saud was not just another tribal malcontent bent on retaining his autonomy, but Hussein’s most formidable rival in all of Arabia. Having embraced an extremely austere form of fundamentalist Islam known as Wahhabism, over the previous fifteen years ibn-Saud had led his desert warriors into battle against one recalcitrant Arab tribe after another with a kind of evangelical zeal. The discipline of the Wahhabists was legendary; in that time, ibn-Saud’s reach had expanded from a small string of oasis villages in the Riyadh region to cover a vast expanse of northeastern Arabia. Meanwhile, ibn-Saud was also British India’s man in Arabia, with a close relationship going back to before the war. It was bad enough, in Lawrence’s estimation, that Simla was using the Intelligence Bulletin to promote a man with views so antithetical to British values, but the gambit also underscored a situation almost laughably absurd had it not been so perilous: in their battle for primacy over Arabian policy, two different branches of the British crown were backing two sworn rivals. Surely that was less a recipe for a successful Arab revolt than for civil war—which of course may have been Simla’s true goal all along. Amazing we are still dealing with the fallout of WW1 British and French colonial politics....and US involvement. Oh yeah standard oil had its fingers in this mess too
  10. Okay confession am sitting in hotel bar killing time on business trip. Watching “synchronized karate” on tv. Who knew...... so the competitor up has as likes: Traveling in Japan and anime. Bucket list getting his picture taken with a kangaroo. Getting beat up by an anime freak is way down on my bucket list. Promotional advertiser Paul Mitchell.... really? I need another drink.
  11. A can of worms worth opening. To me it isn’t about political correctness or even recognizing historical performance. I just like more personalized views of my pixeltruppen. One of the things I like about modern is the ability to see a leader and sometimes visually distinctly identify and maybe build a virtual persona. Hard to do when everyone looks so uniform. Be nice to have more general variation in soldier faces. I get that the models limit physical variations like build and height aren’t there, but faces could be
  12. So what you are saying is Charles included your Lcpl in the TAC AI. Dang
  13. Madness in Mogadishu is a good read. Like the style, somewhat similar to Joker 1 but from a company commander perspective. Good details on their experience, some good material for scenarios and some really nice color aerial pictures that give a much better perspective on mapping Mogadishu. Seems the map I started I may have to alter drastically. It is way too grid like than the reality. Not even quite sure a truly faithful map is possible given the limitations in the editor, but at least I have a better idea what it should look like.
  14. Beware of doing too large of a map with this. Not sure how much of a resource hog it will be.
  15. Yes it is and when you hit that first scenario that doesn’t have them, you’ll miss em!
  16. Yeah first time that ever occurred to me was CMBN 1.0. It is inconsistent and though it seems more likely to happen around walls and hedges, I have had it occur without those. I see it more now, but I think that is more likely based on the types of scenarios I work with rather than an actual change in the game.
  17. One technique I have used to varying degrees of effect has been to suppress from one side and approach from the other. The TAC AI appears to react to fire and focusing itself to face that force allowing a secondary force to approach from the rear. I have been burned a couple times on it but most times it seems to work. It may partly depend on the size of the unit pinned or number of teams.
  18. Amazing how you adapt to all the new kid expressions over the years. Like the cool uncle in the family.
  19. Just finishing Day of the Rangers. Good read and clarifies a few mistakes and omissions from Black hawk down (the book, it also does some for the movie but the movie by it’s very nature deliberately alters characters and events to fit the limits of time a movie has). Also has better maps and some great ground levels pics of the area for a better understanding of buildings and terrain still despairing of ever making a really good scenario for this simply because you just can’t recreate the confusion and FOW when the unexpected happens and the communications breakdown. CM also doesn’t allow for the type of control you would need for air support. Creating a fictional account of a similar situation may work. The other possibility is doing it in a campaign format. That could work to overcome some issues and create variability while also tackling the fact that it was an 18 hour battle. One other tidbit I didn’t know. Aideed who was the ultimate target for task force ranger had a son who served with the Marine Corp in Iraq.. go figure.
  20. Correct, this is the hedgerow behavior that has been specified and only shows in CMBN. It is being looked at. Limey fanboi. Or should I say old limey fanboi? Did they call them limeys back then? Would it have e been fanboyo versus fanboi?
  21. Dang you couple hundred year old brits are touchy. 2 items. A general issue in all titles that needed to be fixed and a secondary issue with hedgerows in CMBN. One is done, the other is acknowledged. There is a bit of other stuff going on like CMFI and CMRT so just maybe calling the one guy who has been doing a great job lately in providing updates Johnny underpants isn’t the best way to reward the effort to be more communicative. Unless you’d prefer BF to just go back to the old method.
  22. rotflamo We DO appreciate the effort Mord. Sorry when I woke you from your mystical slumber, I didn't realize the enormity of the task.
  23. ooohhhhh ahhhhhhhhh okay it floats a bit too high - let's stick in in the blast hole.
  24. yeah and that does apply. There are vehicle issues that are somewhat inconsistent. For example in CMSF2 you can dismount the 240 mg and GL hummv and mount other units and use the heavy weapon, you can't do that with the M2 mg.
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