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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I set plan 1 to not used. I tried re-scripting, no dice. Have another experiment going on using my own map now.
  2. There was suspicion at one point that elevation slope could induce behavior. I think it was ruled out but figured it could not hurt. I have tried replacing the crops, removing the craters, changing elevation deleting and adding the hedgerow back - nothing changes the behavior. I am convinced that there was a different ToE back when this was created that allowed you to set a group to idiot status. These are candidates for the monty python twit race. What weirds me out is I have fought several PBEMs recently in CMBN and not once have my troops (and I am the Germans) reacted like this. I really suspect something got baked in somehow as all I have to do is tell the tank to target light on the hedgerow and before the end of the turn out they come.
  3. Took the file, eliminated AI plan one just to make life easy and I flattened the terrain. About 30 seconds of MG fire from one tank.
  4. Actually they start there in the placement turn. Here is a screenshot in scen auth mode of the hedgerow. One thing to note that isn't apparent from the elevation markings in the map editor is the slope in the terrain. Note this is the start turn and Zug I is already arrayed. Zug 1 is A2 (HQ and 2 squads), A4 (MG team) and A7 (sniper). There are only 2 plans. Plan 1 they just default setup. Plan 2, the one we are concerned, with has them setup along the hedgerow. Subsequent orders have them (A2)withdrawal about 13 AS back. The MG team however moves laterally along the hedgerow. It also appears it is the units toward the map edge that exhibit the behavior. The units toward the viewer withdrawal from fire correctly.
  5. no and you don't need to they have no impact. Your issue seems to be a missing activation key. Your CMBN works fine in the older version meaning your old keys are still seen. What seems to be missing is the newer keys. ver 1 and 2 keys can not activate a 4.0 CM. Did you purchase the 3.0 and 4.0 upgrades? edit sorry see you already said you did. From the upgrade page - https://www.battlefront.com/cmbn-upgrades/ Current version is v4.00 (Game Engine 4). The first release of Battle for Normandy used Engine 1. You must Upgrade to Engine 3 before Engine 4 As Sgt says, check your spam folder, you might actually have a response. They can tell what you are actually licensed for in terms of what you purchased.
  6. I went through something similar with someone else recently with CMFI and in their case it was the base game key being applied that did the trick. but yeah having a ticket is a good place to start. From your description it sounds like you may need the 4.0 upgrade activation. the reinstalls were not really helping you. CM is actually pretty straightforward mostly it comes down to making sure of your license keys. I would always use the full installer and keep my version at latest. This one here is I think the main clue to the missing activation, be sure to provide this tidbit to the helpdesk.
  7. Not sure if I would blame mass media so much as social media, but yeah it does play it's role.
  8. This would be much better over beer. Meet you at the pub! There is nothing wrong with arguing. There is no progress without alternate viewpoints and willingness to hear them. Too much of what is wrong right now in America is we seem to be unable to talk and equitably disagree anymore.
  9. I don't think it was an admin, at least part of the reason was me, a good other part is you.
  10. Hey how did you know I just celebrated another birthday?
  11. I believe you are in the willful denial stage. and have been for some time. But then Russia NEVER does anything wrong and is always just protecting itself from the uber aggressive NATO invasion led by....err wait is there an armed force still on the continent that is a real threat?
  12. The other thing that is interesting in all that is context. What they were discussing was the reunification of Germany - NO ONE at that point was expecting the collapse of the USSR. And no there is no smoking gun in all that article that has anything to do with why those former eastern bloc countries would want to join NATO. NATO isn't a forced membership, you have to ask and even then it isn't a sure thing. Add to that NATO isn't particularly effective….. It is more a principle. What it does do is put Russia in an awkward position and constrains it's freedom of maneuver in intervening in those countries.
  13. I have said before and am happy to repeat - I'll discuss and agree with the many issues US strategic and political mistakes but once again I don't see you give an inch that Russia might have done the same and the whataboutism doesn't make it any better. So yeah you are wasting time dodging the question - has Russia ever done anything wrong in your eyes? anything?
  14. yes it has been argued here and no one has yet come up with valid data to show that it is anything more than a myth, though you are certainly welcome to give it your best shot including citing these supposedly declassified documents or leaks that you refer to.
  15. gawd dude it isn't NATO sending little green men into other countries wake up and smell the vodka. Russian aggression will draw a response. You know the old doctor story, "it hurts when I lift me arm - well don't lift your arm" can be applied here. If Russia wants other countries to not feel threatened it should stop threatening. A lot of folks want to do business with Russia. The country has a lot of resources etc. That they can't is a direct result of Russia's own actions. and you clearly don't understand the balance of power. NATO doesn't have to send a single trooper east. Just cut Russia off from Swift and wait for the collapse. Wave your anti shipping missiles all you want, there aren't any ships coming.... Any way this has gotten way off topic and frankly silly. The question posted had to do with optics equipment etc, not the geo political balance. I blame myself partly for the diversion so maybe we just go back to answering the OP. Though I am still trying to find that article on Siberia. The demographics issues Russia faces and the situation in Siberia is frankly far more important for Russia than the fate of Crimea. And just for giggles the weekly world news has the best headlines http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/42042/siberia-to-become-part-of-u-s-2/
  16. First off there is an assumption about known contacts. For example in the Scottish corridor, your pixeltruppen have no idea they are facing an enemy attack. They are simply set up in a position facing a certain way. If a round of HE goes off through the hedgerow, is staying on the side they are on a good thing or not? In the absence of other info the decision to go to the other side might make sense. There is no perspective by the unit unless it itself has spotted the enemy that one side of the hedgerow is better than the other. Not saying that is actually the case here, but it is part of the consideration for the TAC AI. For what is it worth the specific issue in the Scottish campaign is bugging (ha) me and I'll likely keep messing with it to see if I can't figure out what might possibly be the cause. Not sure how likely it is I'll figure anything out, but I'm stubborn that way.
  17. Pause orders and embarkers - I don't usually do that but I know Ian once put together a set of rules about what order you need to give instructions to which unit to get it to work correctly. I always have them board in one turn and move the next as I frankly never got the hang of that one and it seems prone to failure Straggler issue I have had and usually it involves a corner of a wall. The Stuck embarking I have only seen once and it was in CMBN. save games
  18. That "agreement" is a perpetuating myth. Gorbachev himself denies there was actually any agreement, yet that doesn't stop it coming up about NATO encroachment. Big brass bells or not. As to the US spending money to upgrade Ukrainian ports - let me get this straight, the validation as to the value of these ports is based on the reaction of Russia seizing the Crimea illegally.... isn't that a circular argument? If Russian had not seized the Crimea do you think the US would be spending this money or dispatching units into Poland etc? As to NATO membership - The UN charter determines that nations have the right to decide their own agreements. If Eastern European nations feel threatened by Russian aggression and seek to form protective alliances whose fault is that? Man you guys really bend over backwards trying to find validation for Russia's aggression by pointing at other nations reactions to protect themselves. I should be used to that on this forum, but it still befuddles me. I am perfectly happy to argue about the mistakes my country makes strategically and politically (of which there are many to be sure), but the stone wall of defense of mother Russia never being able to be wrong, produce bogus super military hardware that is all about sound bites but is still defended as something that will kill NATO yadayadayada…. Do you guys listen to yourselves and wonder about your objectivity? Guess not.
  19. err dominance of the black sea... an enclosed body of water with only one narrow exit? Yeah that is worth undermining your entire global relationships. So now the powerful black sea fleet ( )can sortie out into the..... yeah umm....Now if they had also been able to seize the Bosporus that would have been something! Crimea is a sinkhole for money. Look at how much investment Russia is having to dump into it with this bridge, electrical grid, water supplies. Now tell me again just how cheap it is and the great strategic value of a region that can be severed from support by blowing one bridge. I understand Ukraine and the international community reacting to it as an unlawful seizure but if I were Ukrainian I'd be secretly glad they took it. Ukraine doesn't have to maintain it and Russia is having to invest a lot more than they likely planned.
  20. As IanL noted that isn't quite true if you actually read the content of what he said, but hey you are free to chose. As noted in some of the comments above I have been one of those specifically citing the first battle of the Scottish campaign and honestly not even the whole battle, just one specific location where it CAN happen frequently, but not always. I have not duplicated it anywhere else so beyond being overly dramatic, your comment does not reflect my experience with CMBN much less the entire CM series. But again you are certainly free to chose never ever to play again. That would be amusing.
  21. not really. this isn't world war 1 thinking. The cost for staking the claim on Crimea was huge and Russia will keep paying. In the end though beyond some patriotic flag waving what is it really getting them? The whole issue in Ukraine is exactly Russian intervention. None of what has happened would have occurred were it not for Russia. There would have been no uprising in the East and no continued occupation. DNR and LPR are a bunch of thugs who couldn't manage their own bank account if it weren't for Russia. Hell they shoot each other darn near as often as they shoot at Ukraine. (yeah that last bit is a bit of hyperbole, but you gotta admit there has been significant infighting there) And no it isn't cheap to maintain that strategy. Again you confound strategic and tactical. Russia's actions continue to isolate it economically and politically and that cost has long term consequences in the oil industry. Thing about technology is if you let it start falling apart it is a bitch to get going again. There was a CIA study done a while back on long term prospects for Siberia. I'll see if I can dig it up. Fascinating report on Russian demographics and the relationship to China. The ending summary had a warning about China pretty much doing what Russia has done, claim ownership of space based on nationality issues. The growth in Chinese labor and communities in Siberia being the basis. Russia may end up reaping what they sow when China uses the same rationale to grab portions of the Russian east they never quite gave up claim to.
  22. TF Spartan Resolve is a campaign that comes with a Mod set,. It is a compilation of mods actually. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-black-sea/cm-black-sea-campaigns/task-force-spartan-resolve/
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