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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Great, is it new? Can't remember seeing this before. Last time I checked was when R2V was released. But it could be clearer stated I guess. Just seeing a list of numbers in a long list of orders it doesn't exactly make it stand out. Main thing it is there. Now I only have to remember that number I don't mind entering keys to activate the games that much though. F&R pre-ordered, yay
  2. I wish there was a direct link to full game downloads in my account for all my games/modules/updates. As it is now, there are only links for my incremental purchases. Maybe a new page for my account with all the full downloads with the associated keys stated next to them. The nice thing with Steam is that once a game is in your account you only have to do one thing, click install and no worries about keeping track of keys. When I get my new rig (March) I will probably start migrating to Steam when the games get there.
  3. Please enlighten me - I have a new custom built rig arriving in March and have tried to max it for CM as well as other stuff and it has two sticks of 16GB - in which way would it make a difference to just having one stick of 32GB (if possible)?
  4. I think all grenades and demo charges used during the turn is deducted at the start of the turn. So no invisible grenade bundles I think. I bet it was satisfying taking out the Tiger. Was it a planned assault or did they act on their own accord?
  5. In the reference notes to the JTS France 40 game (usually very well researched) they mention two volumes of "Fall Gelb" from Doug Dildy (Osprey). Seems interesting but why two volumes with less than a hundred pages and each about 13 Euro. Got very good reviews though.
  6. Thanks, could be a good e-book alternative.
  7. Thanks for the update Steve - and you're right, a third Swift album would have broken the seventh seal.
  8. Thanks Erwin for the maps. Maps in themselves are not a problem to get hold of, but when I read a book I want specific maps that illustrate what I'm reading about at the moment. Much more easy to follow the proceedings that way. Far too many history books are lacking in this regard.
  9. Thanks, had a look at the Amazon link. I should have mentioned that I'm interested in the invasion of the low countries as well. The table of contents indicated only France. Will keep it in mind though.
  10. I'm on the lookout for a great book about the invasion of France in WWII. I'm getting the JTS France '40 game on sale and want to read something good on the topic - preferably with detailed maps. Do any of you fine gents have recommendations?
  11. I checked the "Neptune monograph - prepared by commander task force 122 on 21 april 1944" which was the last major detailed briefing before D-day. There is a section called "Terrain and Coast" and bocage is mentioned in pretty sweeping formulations like "in 'bocage' country" and so on. There is no detailed description of the characteristics of bocage and how it could affect operations. There are two photographs, one view over fields and one from close by. But neither of them come across as being something different than a regular tall hedge. So from this it seems like the Allies was ill-prepared. Add to that the German advanced tactics for fighting in bocage which, of course, made things even harder than imaginable.
  12. The French Resistance helped the Allies a lot in preparation for D-day. In fact, I have the Neptune Monograph reprint that contains all the info prepared for the Supreme Command. I'll check and see what it says about bocage. But then, theory is one thing, being there in fighting in it is something completely different.
  13. Mental note to myself - play it! If it is one of your favourites it must be good.
  14. See my post above. Stated by BFC as not a bug cuz shaders are deemed by them to look worse on in certain weather conditions and therefore off. This might vary between computers perhaps.
  15. Thanks for making the test. I had intended to do the same as this mirrors my experience. Airbursts in the modern games, but also close arty hits in the WWII games rarely cause much system damage.
  16. Sorry, man...PC or console? The way they released it on last-gen consoles under false pretences is close to fraud.
  17. Maybe it will work well with the Berlin master maps included in the module.
  18. Good if that building is an identical model shared with the one in FI. Note that it only concerns one side of the building. Will there be a round of patches when F&R is released?
  19. @BFCElvis or someone else, can this please be confirmed and logged as a bug and added to the "to do"-list?
  20. I tend to think that the walls should have more rough surfaces and look more broken down. Maybe it's hard to achieve, but it's a bit too smooth looking for me. Like this:
  21. A screenshot would help to find a solution. Maybe someone with a similar widescreen canchime in.
  22. There are windows and the door in an identical pattern on the other side, but this appearance is the result of another visual bug that I have reported:
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