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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. "And let's not forget that the Marine Corps will not intentionally pit one of its infantry or AAV companies against enemy Armor assets, so I wouldn't worry about them too much." The enemy occasionally gets a vote on these issues too, though. Thats why they are called the enemy. Given the Javelins outstanding performance, and the fact that the CLU is an excellent recce asset regardless of what you are fighting, it seems to me that the Navies budget could stretch to one per platoon or so. Just my two cents
  2. The Marines only give the launcher to a few specialized teams per battalion. It makes me slightly nuts but it is apparently the actual TO&E.
  3. Every military in the world should simply have adopted the MG-42 and stayed with right thru to today, virtually unchanged. But "if its not broke , don't fix it" is not the best thing for contractor budgets. Oh well.
  4. I have read a couple of different places that the XM-25 has been resurrected. Here http://www.gizmag.com/xm-25-us-army-smart-weapon/11807/ and here, for instance. http://www.defensetech.org/archives/004440.html
  5. When you count WIA vs KIA are you including the guys with yellow bases, that could continue the fight in game terms? If my understanding is at all correct many if not most of them would probably qualify as wounded in standard military statistics. I am almost certain they don't show as WIA on the end scenario screen.
  6. Any congressman really, or any congressman's kid perhaps. A few of them have family in the military, you should send them all a free copy. And send the people who make the M-32 the bill.
  7. "Battletech anyone?" : Unfortunately, as soon as you get bigger than a form fitting suit for a single soldier surface to mass to volume ratios mean wind up with something that looks a lot like an Abrams. It is the basic shape that allows a given amount of armor to provide the maximum amount of protection. Actually all of those ratios apply to said soldier as well. But the com links are not there yet for truly unmanned ground forces. I really do think that some form of powered armored suit is coming fairly quickly for things like high intensity MOUT operations. The HEAVY in heavy infantry is going to apply to more than their supporting equipment for the first time in several centuries.
  8. It is worth noting that, for the most part, current conflicts involve people with both money and body armor fighting people with neither. This has greatly reduced the motivation of the western defense contractors to produce and market a really good body armor defeat solution. They couldn't get paid, and if they tried they would be charged with treason anyway. The current insurgent solution is to base their entire approach around IEDs, suicide attacks, and leave and forget indirect fire of various sorts. If the boffins ever produce a decent explosives detector the "red" side is going to have to do some serious thinking, and quickly. The technologies are falling into place fairly rapidly for something close to Heinlein's "Mobile Infantry" powered armor. Of course as soon as the powered part starts to become available all bets are off because you can carry a MUCH bigger bang stick. There was an article just this week about some bright fellow finally cracking a big piece of the puzzle on producing carbon nanotubes in truly useful lengths and quantities. http://www.gizmag.com/nanokites-nanotechnology-swnt/12434/
  9. Any chance of getting the XM-25 grenade launcher to play with before CMSF2? Pretty Please? Maybe? One slightly odd thing is that the Marine vehicles seem to have lots of Javelin missiles so all they are lacking is an adequate supply of CLUs. Is this a game artifact or the actual TO&E?
  10. The Marines module is an amazingly effective add for M-32 grenade launchers by their presence, and Javelins by their absence. I would heartily recommend it to the manufacturers of both.
  11. I just think of it as finding the nearest, deepest ditch, and deciding to stay until the noise level drops a bit. In which case they no longer need to occupy cpu cycles.
  12. I have certainly noticed that if you rubble a building, a lot less fire comes out of it.
  13. Can we talk them into a decent drone treatment? Lets try just for fun! And maybe PGM arty as well?
  14. When you make great stuff its fairly easy to throw money at you! 1.2 and the brits are outstanding. The Beta Testers work is certainly appreciated.
  15. You can play against anyone as long as the all the pieces required for the particular battle are owned by both parties. So you can't have a battle with a T-90 in it unless you have the Marines module on both sides, and so on.
  16. Well they did create the industrial revolution and the British Empire, but they are still "Bluidy cheapskate Fifers". And to think they did all to avoid the rain and the food.
  17. Already played a few minutes, 1.2 seems great so far! Good job BFC!
  18. Its actually a bit late, unfortunately. Whether or not BFC is to blame is of course another question.
  19. It may, or may not break the shooters wrist, and or kick back and bash them in the nose.
  20. I don't think the Barrett can use the saboted round. I'm not sure if that is due to recoil, or chamber design. I don't think anyone questions that a Bradley's 25 mm will turn any Soviet AFV into Swiss cheese. Thats its job. It can penetrate some of the older tanks from the sides and rear. In regards to specific historical case the game cannot possibly model every single rivet hole and bad weld. He may have hit an open hatch or gotten through a vision block. You need data from ten BMPs lined up side by side with many multiple rounds fired at each to get a sense of the probabilities involved. No one ever talks about the many, many times even the best snipers miss from a 1000 meters plus. Among other things at that range you are heavily dependent on wind conditions.
  21. I've already scorched my processor waiting for the Brits!
  22. Published data from an M2 AP round states that penetration falls off by ~45 % at 600 meters, and ~78% at 1500 meters. 1000 meters was not included in the table but obviously would fall somewhere in between. Given that its penetration at 200 meters is one inch(25.4 mm) of armor plate,or a little less depending on plate type, it probably shouldn't be killing the penetrating the BTR most of the time. especially when armor slope is considered. The pick ups survival probably represents the round punching through without hitting anything absolutely vital. Have you tried it in hot-seat to see what the game thinks is happening to the pick up? Information from link below.http://survivalmonkey.com/50info/50BMGammo.pdf
  23. Im losing my GRIIIIP! on several different levels I might add.
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