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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Nothing that a week or two of Charles time wouldn't fix. But.......
  2. Update your drivers. if that doesn't work try manually resetting to an older version.
  3. It George's little typo that has me LOL on the floor. At least I think it a typo.
  4. I know nothing, but I am seriously guessing that at this point 80% plus of BFCs effort is towards Normandy. Which I will surely enjoy immensely when it comes out. For my own two cents I would prefer a vast expansion of CMSF to cover Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and perhaps the drier parts of the ongoing Africans disaster zones. I would pay 25 bucks just to get a good tactical treatment of drones. But if Normandy is what will produce the most active multiplayer community, and by extension sales for BFC, I can go with it. And enjoy the expansions they do make to CMSF in the meantime.
  5. There is an argument for putting in the Shilka just to demonstrate that Javelins blow them to dust bunnies and Bradley 25mm turns them into swiss cheese. The fundamental game balance issue remains the same, if the other side has more armor than you have anti armor assets you are about to have a bad day. T72s have not had any problem turning my blue squads into greasy spots when I screw up. A Shilka is just a different distribution of unpleasant greasy spots.
  6. T-80 is better than T90 why exactly? I know its a little different, but why better?
  7. No one ever joust at windmills on this forum, never, not once, except for .............. No shortage of straw horses either.
  8. Yes Sgt Muhammed wrote Pooh, and did an excellent job, I was referring to George's many other fine works, and failed to make that clear.
  9. Target/target light will work right for the British AFVs because they don't have an ATGM to cross things up.
  10. Is there anything short of an Abrams/ Challenger/Merkava that is? For that matter even they don't exactly shrug them off. Its active defenses or smoking wreckage where the very latest ATGMs are concerned, pretty much across the board.
  11. Goerge Mc is a practicing sadist if want a specific example of what Other Means is talking about; and the often referred to, and always with profanity, battle of Pooh. It is MUCH worse than it sounds.
  12. Lines to the effect of " Little or no enemy armor is in the area", and "only low quality enemy troops are expected in our AO" are generally considered to be HIGHLY suspect. A couple of special forces Kornet sections is all it takes to ruin your whole day.
  13. There are three kinds of mission as far as location go, point, linear, and area. Ali of them give a visual indication of where the rounds should go. Are the rounds hitting the designated point? If they are not there are several factors that can contribute... 1) FOs are by far the best at calling in arty for both speed and accuracy, then officers in descending order of rank and so on. 2) Suppression of the spotter matters. 3) Maintaing LOS until the mission comes in matters. This is just the short list.
  14. Wouldn't some types of editor improvements be among the easiest things to farm out?s It is a separate executable isn't it?
  15. Well, how intact you are when you make it through Pooh does have some bearing on the discussion.
  16. Are you coughing because you know something, or because you don't? Bloody beta testers, can I be one? Please?
  17. I would bail the static crews minute one, with rare exceptions there only use is to run up the red KIA numbers.
  18. I am, unfortunately, not a beta tester, but for $25 it seems worth it for additional blue on blue possibilities alone. We are just not talking about a lot of money, and I for one would like to keep BFC at least vaguely interested in shock force for a bit longer. Just the different look between the two forces would improve blue on blue immensely. Now if they would the the French......
  19. The real punishment for all sides in the Aleutians was being in the Aleutians. Perhaps the worst weather on earth.
  20. Release the Brits and I absolutely promise to go two weeks without one stupid suggestion, really, I promise.
  21. From a consumer perspective what obviously needs to happen is a true merger of BFC and the Theater of War guys. They obviously have some level of relationship already, and I know NOTHING about how complicated it might be to change that relationship along the lines I am suggesting. But a single website selling two games this similar does beg the question. Would everyone one be better off with a single game that had a higher level of resources devoted to it? Steve is more than welcome to tell that I am full of it, crazy or both. Most people on this board probably already have an opinion.
  22. To go one extra step, you need to add enough good observation points that it is inconvenient to simply mortar all of them on principle. I am fairly religious about shelling any obviously excellent observation points. Think in terms of a nice broad, vegetated ridge-line where there is no obvious "kill me please spot", or have such a spot and leave it empty.
  23. More like, ram, doze, suppress, blast, and if in doubt "recon by fire" actually; but great fun.
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