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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. The technology to do LOS checks on a graphics processor, with many cores working in parallel is becoming available rapidly. So at some point in the future that bottleneck will go away, just probably not very soon for CMX2.
  2. It is one of histories little ironies that the countries with the best Roman ruins are Libya and Syria.
  3. I do recall someone who was there telling me that in GW1 they often shot a tank once with DU to kill it and again with heat to burn it and be sure stayed dead. It is a problem in real life too. And with no way to tell what has a fertilizer bomb in back...
  4. If I may be forgiven a small nudge, The best remote sensor is a drone. And the game need them, badly.
  5. My favorite trick, playing U.S.army anyway is to give the snipers the Javelins and park them with a map wide view. That way you don't have to slow down and split up squads that are already kind of small. The snipers can then address the appropriate target with the appropriate ordinance.
  6. I cannot second this strongly enough. It is THE problem. Imagine a Paper Tiger scenario where he could hold the T-90 platoon in a safe place until the blue forces had advanced into a vulnerable position.
  7. And the Total War folks have at least 50 times BFC's development resources, literally.
  8. A move command for vehicles that told it to match the selected infantry unit would be a lot simpler.
  9. BF's own website has screens on its TacOps page. [http://www.battlefront.com/products/tacops4/images/sop.jpg]
  10. I still say they need to completely rework the movement commands so that there is a separation between speed and the way troops respond to contact. Sometimes you want quick movement but hunt behavior, to state the most obvious case. Continuing to move into a kill zone you didn't know was there is the worst case scenario. The ideal situation would be to more or less copy the SOP screen from TacOps 4 to give the player a great deal more control of how troops respond to contact. It would also give scenario designers at least a few conditional triggers to adjust the AI responses with.
  11. I am not blowing you off by leaving out the details. My laptop is almost new and I let HP technical support sort it out. They really went above and beyond, had them on the phone for like an hour. There was some crazed issue getting it to accept the new video drivers, so by the time they tweaked the menu I was a little lost in deep system screens and windows file extensions.
  12. OK I just spent 3 hours on the phone and or chat with every ATI/HP/Mircosoft. The trick we have all been missing is to enable video sharing so that your Video card can access a large chunk of space on your hard drive. That and 10.6 drivers seems to have been curative. I hope this helps some other folks.
  13. I have the same basic set up, Windows 7 64. I installed 10.6 drivers today and the game is still crashing the same way. Is there any hope that the changes included with the NATO module will fix this permanently. It really is rather frustrating, especially since there is no automatic way to save every turn.
  14. Your ancestors worked in Soviet HazMat facility. No, Really,we can just tell. It was mercury laced dung heap this bunch sprang from.
  15. I would have sworn I played a scenario with a suicide bomber or two sometime way back when. It was quite nerve wracking in close quarters fighting.
  16. It really is like the carrying around the Hammer or Thor.
  17. Win 7/64, running game as administrator. It locks up and then crashes when I try to open "saved games" from the programs main menu. I am also having an in game crash very similar to the one described a few threads down for a Win7/64 machine. Any ideas are appreciated.
  18. Apparently the sheer quantity of electronic noise on the modern battlefield is a bit overwhelming. Also , you could just mount a bunch of emitters( not full systems) on jeeps and such and add to the electronic din as necessary. Its just one more level in a very deep game.
  19. 2 points, 1) Apparently a KE penetrator doesn't have to be whacked that hard to significantly reduce its penetration. This is why Kontac5 reactive armor works. It might not take much to really help , at least against the frontal arc of an Abrams/Merkave class MBT. 2) Hezbollah doesn't have any MBTs to speak of, and if they acquire any the Israeli air force will drop things on them that leave 30 foot craters. So KE penetrators are not the primary short term threat for them.
  20. The question is why did they end the program? The Javelin is a much better system, and would simplify supply as well. X number of Javelins could be used by the vehicle or the dismounts as the situation dictates. Fire and forget is also a lifesaver against competent opposition.
  21. So in very hot weather for instance a Quick order results in a slower speed rather than a unit that is completely exhausted 2/3 of the way to its destination.
  22. It is possible to micro manage this with very careful pauses and so on, but it is also a bloody pain the %@%^$@.
  23. There are two separate endurance issues that need to be broken out in this discussion. The first is the ability to maintain absolutely maximum output. As previously commented this is mostly genetic. It can be improved slightly by training and of course is affected by load, including body weight, but it is a fundamentally fixed nuimber. The second and in many ways more important issue though is the ability to operate at relatively high sub maximal levels. This is enormously affected by proper training, nutrition and hydration. Also, over time the percentage of the relatively rigid all out max that can be sustained increases as well. So a well trained, elite, and very fit soldier might only be able to exceed the sprint performance of a less well trained one by only ten or twenty percent. However, the ground the elite trooper could cover in an eight or twenty four hour emergency road march might be two or three times a much. In games terms the primary question is how should performing hunt and quick movement orders be assessed. Fast, by definition, is full up max effort and subject to the above limitations. I do feel that fit/elite troops wear out too fast performing hunt and quick orders. If nothing else they would simply slow down to a pace that they could maintain instead of winding themselves completely. Hunt and Quick imply that the troopers are to arrive capable of further action. The AI should account for this.
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