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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Snipers really need their own movement command. Call it ultra sneaky or something. The problem is in real life it probably takes them an hour to do a hundred yards. If scenario designers want snipers to be effective on the offensive in the game they should really give them their own set up zones in advantageous places. It would reflect an entire miserable night of crawling into position.
  2. Napoleonic grogs are nuts in their own very polite way. And I intend to pre-order Les Grogs the day they will let me.
  3. The weapon and ammo are both relatively expensive compared to a machine gun. It may be that the Syrians didn't buy many and don't practice enough.
  4. Can you do some runs by fire-teams instead of squads, please? A marine squad just throws a phenomenal amount of suppression back the other way.
  5. The CMSF forum arrived about a year before the game, because the game was so ((%^$%#&*late. I think they want to be absolutely sure of the schedule before they open a Normandy forum. Forums that get going to long before release have issues.
  6. Is he showing any actual rockets in his equipment section. Out of ammo is my number 1 pick.
  7. Red really does have enough ways to lose battles without being encouraged to leave its troops in thin skinned AFVs that brew up at the mere sound of many Blue weapons. For that matter RPGs move tea time right along when playing Red vs RED. If your AFV is being shot at, the infantry shouldn't be in it, period.
  8. Especially if a few more engine improvements make it in for NATO.
  9. There is no way to make the AI do much of anything other than by time. Steve has stated that the kind of if then trigger that you are talking about is a fairly high developmental priority though. Remember duck first, then kill the &(*%$##@s, stay safe and god speed.
  10. My wife hates just the thought of the game. She honestly minds porn less.
  11. I TOLD you not to take that corner to fast Specialist Jones! Oh wait I'm the idiot who plotted two fast way points with a sharp ninety, oops. Wait this must be a bug. Steve "It is, with the truck, not the game."
  12. The vast majority of the Red side has been modeled for the Soviet/Afghan module. And all but a vehicle or two has been modeled for the Bliue side. Why not do a U.S./Afghan module? Then the Wanat discussion would have more to discuss.
  13. And what is definitely included. I assume the roof/ multi floor issue is fixed but what else might make it in?
  14. Just to discuss the actual game for a minute, when might 1.21 make an appearance?
  15. This discussion is wandering ever further afield here, but it certainly interesting. The best thing the Sunni insurgency in Iraq could have done for itself is lay absolutely flat until the Americans had come an gone. We would have happily declared victory and gone home right after catching Saddam if the place hadn't been coming apart at the seams. Instead they basically forced the full weight of the U.S. military to fight on the Shiite side, and then so irritated their own population that many of the foot soldiers switched sides in the awakening. And Yes I realize the U.S. post conflict planning was beyond abysmal. It would be more accurate to say that there wasn't any. What we really want from the Iraqis external to their own borders would have been tolerable for who ever wound up in charge.
  16. Everything I have read about his battle gives the feeling that the entire chain of command was exhausted and distracted. One the worst and most avoidable decisions in hindsight was trying to establish this outpost at the very end of the brigades deployment; when too many command resources were devoted to the transition.
  17. There are a thousand little issues with how things have been done in Afghanistan, and not a few huge ones too. Still the overwhelming problem is sending a platoon to do companies job, just so they can say they did SOMETHING. Against a properly laid out company sized position a Taliban frontal assault would be simple suicide.
  18. It does just seem like one of those classic can't kill a bad idea development things.
  19. Yes, the Bradley is treated the same way. And for the same reasons, the AI to get squads to reform in a coherent manner was to much work for such a small thing.
  20. But if that is what they really wanted couldn't they have used a much shorter/lighter gun? It would have left a lot more room for ammo. They could always hang a javelin off the side of the gun mount for the odd bit of emergency AT work.
  21. Sergei, what is that monstrous piece of equipment in the link in your sig? Is it even real?
  22. "I doubt any vehicle really lives up to its good press, and I doubt any vehicle entirely lives up to its bad press either." I also doubt any WHEELED vehicle should try to mount a gun designed for an MBT, just a thought.
  23. He could just understand multi-core processors better than most of us. CMSF only uses one after all. On a vaguely related subject they are getting serious about making GPUs accessible for more general calculations. It will speed LOS checks right up some day. Of course he could have a desktop super computer of his very own as well. But that would require me to turn green with jealousy, a very unhealthful shade of green.
  24. Thanks for responding hoolaman, I hadn't realized you were on the BETA team.
  25. Any word on from Beta tester on this yet? Its as buggy as bugs get.
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