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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Well my idea as such was to let the brain do its learning using only the beta testers so that it could be released to the public "frozen". I am fairly sure, and Steve mentioned as well, that it would take a highly modified version of the game to collect the data. I think steve mentioned using resources that are usually devoted too graphics. Also if wasn't a public release it could be a lot less polished overall.
  2. Spray and pray will quickly demonstrate the effectiveness of prayer, or lack thereof as the case maybe. Against a squad of Marines , half of whom are on their third tour, my money is on B.
  3. How do you actually get the picture to show up on the board again?
  4. http://www.naturalsciences.be/science/projects/gorilla/external/pictures/Gorilla_A_Warren_1.jpg He is getting very impatient!
  5. Lt you also have to remember that those mission were written, and balanced, a few thousand code changes ago. Some of those changes have made RED more effective.
  6. Chad, Steve has put out the current best guess of the list you are looking for some time in the recent past, and there is an excellent compilation thread as well. There is also this handy little search function on the forum.....
  7. In the meantime could we get a simple option for a one minute pause every minute? Basically one minute WEGO turns with one minute to enter orders.
  8. The best alternative to really good AI of course is really good multiplayer functionality. With a lobby and so on.....
  9. The Duke dead on about how to do this, I could get motivated to contribute a scenario or two.
  10. You could make a coherent argument that this was the case from either Stalingrad, or Kursk, forward.
  11. You could argue the same was true in Normandy after D-Day +7, It was certainly true after D-Day plus 30. The Germans were getting buried under metal and flesh on two fronts. The only real contest was between the US and USSR to see who got how much of postwar Europe. The tactical fight was viscous, but the war was already lost. I would argue that the Germans certainly erred in their allocation of forces between the two fronts, but then Hitler was just a LITTLE nuts.
  12. Blue on blue would be positively fascinating if the French were in, alas that does not appear to be on the menu.
  13. Red on red is possible now, blue on blue is possible now and will get much more interesting with the Brits Module. For that matter, the very best Syrian forces are positively nasty on the defense, it is all a matter of scenario writing.
  14. Yes, utterly pathetic, but it would be nice if they released it while there is still some material below the wrist.
  15. I have been looking at Toms, but they can go off the deep end on detail sometimes. They did have a very convincing article to the effect that there was no reason to buy more chip than the new 920 series, any advantages the fancier ones have are not being utilized by current applications.
  16. Trust me, I've had bosses that the above WAS their nice way. My current machine has done a couple of disturbing things lately and I am trying to decide how big to go if it becomes required. Am I correct to assume there is no obvious advantage in going above 6 GB?
  17. Allow me to rephrase the question slightly, how much RAM should I buy if maximum CMX2 performance is one of my primary criteria?
  18. For the Russian-Afghan game they could include a bottle of rotgut distilled in old AFV radiators to increase realism. Players could get variable victory conditions based on consumption.
  19. Only one bottle? I thought the Marines module sold better than that. Surely anything involving the Finns requires at least a case or two of hard liquor!
  20. I have what is probably a crazy a crazy idea to improve the AI. If Charles could set up at least the beta testers computers to record a lot of information on the game state and the orders given by the player it might be possible to generate a probability based AI script that looked at what an actual human players had done in similar situations. It sounds completely off the wall at first but some newer autopilots have been built this way for instance. Maybe farm it out to some bright graduate student in need of a thesis. Steve did say that some of the bottlenecks for outside development were getting resolved The fact that shock force doesn’t use completely random maps makes this much easier computationally by the way. The AI could be map specific the way the fixed plans are now. Steve, ideas like this are what happens on the forum when there isn’t something new to discuss about the game. If you were to release the Brits module or at least a list of firm patch fixes we wouldn’t have to make up our own arguments.
  21. Think of it as as an excess of realism, then take Pandur's advice.
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