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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. If there was a couple of platoons of Syrian Special forces level bad people in there with heavy weapons you would have to level whole blocks to even attempt it.
  2. I got some real time in with it yesterday and allow me to state that LLF is giving excellent advice above, in all particulars. When you go to the roof tops all #$%^& T%^&*** breaks loose and you cant possibly suppress all the bad guys in time. The thing about staying in the street really works as well. You have to kind of retrain yourself from playing heavier forces on more open maps, where streets are suicide. It is really kind of a large mental shift. While the marines are under armed compared to most CMSF scenarios, so are the bad guys. It just requires a very different approach. The map is amazing, and the whole thing is nail biting fun.
  3. Two things to keep in mind. The math is very simple that as the gun caliber gets biger each round takes a LOT more room. The trade-off is much greater lethality. Secondly, Tanks carry a great deal of machine gun ammo. Dispense it liberally against maybes, or targets that probably cant hurt the tank. You don't get promoted for bringing it back
  4. Uhm, I have to ask, why would you use Priest as an assault element? Wouldn't you want it back somewhere safe pumping out 105mm goodness?
  5. Their holding those for the AfPak module they keep insisting they aren't making.
  6. Which is too say its raining #^&&^$$#^&&g bullets in this #^&^$#Q@ hole. In the very best way of course, for a game. Way too many posthumous medals if its for real.
  7. No, they said the AI to avoid it was more trouble than it was worth. You can always try to avoid it anyway. Same thing for muzzle blast.
  8. Identical teams walking towards each other in the dark perhaps, red vs red, and no thermals?
  9. You don't know who is special in advance. So far one very unhappy fruit vendor has accounted for two Arab governments, and I don't think the dominoes are necessarily done falling, either. I do hope they continue to avoid writing the back story for a new module.
  10. I so wish I thought you were kidding, please do NOT post pictures.
  11. New standing order, to all vehicle crews, ever First stop tank, then kiss girls, then evaluate if girls rate getting tank out of road. Do not attempt to kiss and park at the same time! .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PS girls always rate parking tank
  12. And the T90 I believe can fire on the move. Especially against Bradleys your advantage increases as you get closer. Still is dead against Blue ATGM. And you need something to suppress infantry with or Javelins will ruin your whole day. Uncle Sam got his moneys worth on those.
  13. Wow, then there is still six months worth up for grabs! Address to follow.
  14. Congratulations, LTCOL Gibson. Now if only you could order misbehaving forumites to go dig latrines.
  15. Given the timeline to et too anything on the C list I am afraid we file this under "war is hell" for the foreseeable future. And to many people do gamey things with their AFV crews. They should really try to ease off the safe map edge. Maybe there is some way to encourage that with existing victory conditions?
  16. I have a strong impression that after the widely viewed AAR they are saving their powder for a big push after the previews. I hope that means it won't be a long time after the previews until they open pre-orders . But that is just me daydreaming......
  17. It was an ATI problem in my case. HP locks their laptop drivers, or at least they did. So a bloody hack to get my drivers brought up to date fixed everything.
  18. The problem with trying to model a radically different environment using CMSF editor is the hardcoded cover and visibility values associated with different terrain tiles. The CMSF version of dense woods is meant to simulate the densest woods you get an extremely arid environment. I'm not even certain that works for some of the more heavily irrigated parts of Afghanistan, I am absolutely certain he will not make good jungle.
  19. Russia remains torn by a dilemma. It wants to do the full Stalin treatment on it own Islamic minorities, but anti western sentiment in the Middle East is a major support for oil prices. Oil prices ARE the Russian economy at this point.
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