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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Thanks for checking in, Black Moria. Do you have any opinion on how much it matters if the masonry structure of a building is of less than sterling quality? I don't think most middle eastern building inspectors are overly picky, except about that little envelope.
  2. That was pretty good sized commercial building wasn't it, although I definitely take your point. It takes a lot of artillery, most of the time.
  3. JonS, I am rapidly getting the impression that you HAVE seen some ordinance effects up close. What is your opinion of the minimum sized bang to more or less ensure that you can cross a standard sized house off of the list.
  4. The relative levels are far easier to agree on than the absolute levels. Troops on rooftops should be much less protected than troops inside the same buildings. Troops in purpose built bunkers should be more protected than troops in standard civilian buildings. That is necessary for rational game play. The exact number of a given caliber of artillery shells it reliably takes to reliably suppress or obliterate each type of position is a discussion we could fill a few hard drives with if the 5.56 vs 7.62 debate is any guide. I do feel that collapsing masonry buildings should throughly take the starch out of anybody inside them when they came down. I am however open to significant first hand experience to the contrary
  5. Steve takes a bit of dragging at times. But when he says he is looking into something he is essentially 100 percent for at least coming back with a coherent explanation. And since he just said.....
  6. If you advance them until they explode you have exceptionally good idea of where you need to start being careful with more useful bits of kit.
  7. Imagine what you wouldn't have to put up with if he was under NDA.
  8. By the way, I want to be a beta tester, c3k DESERVES to be a beta tester.
  9. It should be short but fun, at least for your side. QBs are broken, and always have been. The good news is that they have completely revised them for Normandy, so don't give up hope.
  10. NATO's ability to obfuscate and delay is without peer my good man, now if its a war you want to be fighting thats another question.
  11. C3k, If you have one more round of testing in you, could run at least the 155 against actual bunkers. I am very curious if even purpose built defensive works fare as well as the roof tops do currently. I apologize in advance to the pixeltruppen involved. The CMX2 community would like to thank the Syrian Mukabarat for their devotion to creating a realistic simulation, and reducing the crowding in their oversubscribed facilities.
  12. Well, as NKs leadership get ever more unbalanced they do something that results in our musings being put to an extremely acidic test. If I were the South Koreans I would be investing a couple of percent of GDP in GMLRS rockets with bunker busting warheads. Its the only thing I see laying down enough counter fire quickly enough.
  13. I am starting to believe that both history and Truman's ghost owe MacArthur an apology by the way.
  14. The real question is not about the eventual destruction of North Korea's army and regime in the event of war. It is about the massive damage to Seoul that would happen every minute and hour it took to silence the massive, and massively fortified gun batteries just north of the DMZ. Smart bombs would get them eventually, but the bill would be extreme for every minute the guns remain in operation. The guns crews and ammo are unfortunately quite real, and it doesn't take much of a crew to aim a permanently em-placed gun at a multi square mile target that they have had 50 or 60 years to crunch the numbers on.
  15. C3k, your thoroughness is matched only by your sense of humor. Granted they both imply...... something. But thanks none the less. Steve, any chance of chiming in, even to tell us what complete **%^$#E#^@s we are? What have c3k's poor pixeltruppen test subjects done to you? Since the code already exist, obviously, you could even create a special fortified building type. But entire city blocks of them are a job for the B52s.
  16. Two things: 1) Steve, you forgot the almost automatic plug that for an appropriately sized check the Canadian MOD can get CMSF with anything it wants. Unlikely, but worth noting. 2) Given the accumulation of art work & TO&Es, how hard would be have a couple of tail end modules for CMSF2 simulate most of the current sand box? Of course there seems to be a non zero chance of a second Korean War to calibrate the game against. Thats a rather thin silver lining for that particular cloud though.
  17. So the game take away at the moment is you have to shell it to rubble, and then shell the rubble?
  18. I was exaggerating for effect, just a little. But the fact remains that the Chinese do NOT want nuclear armed neighbors other than their little pet. A very frank conversation about how quickly they could have said neighbors might focus their minds a bit. And most of the economic levers at their disposal would push the dollar down, which is what the Fed is trying to do as we speak. Their threating to help is less than intimidating.
  19. The Chineese could collapse the North Koreans if they really wanted too. The U.S. should do two things to encourage them. First every month the NK regime continues to exist we sell the South a nice battery of Pershing 2s complete with nukes. A nice boomer,fully loaded would work too. Second, US tariffs go up ten percent a month on Chinese products, all of them. There is no reason to put up with NK and currency manipulation both.
  20. Taking Taiwan BACK from the Chinese would give new meaning to destroying the village in order to save it. If the Chinese control a working port facility for even a day or so they would have a massive force on the island assuming their planning was even marginally competent. I don't think there is much about the sea/littoral conditions around Taiwan that lends itself to an amphibious assault either. There is an over supply of bad water and big cliffs. Otherwise the Chinese would have long since have gone for it themselves. There is a great game in there somewhere , but it is an updated version of "Harpoon". Besides the lesson of Hawaii is quite relevant. You can't steal it, but it is most certainly fore sale,
  21. And remember, to be a decent game it has to at least resemble a fair fight. If its a fair fight someone, somewhere up the chain of command has done something to a pooch that is illegal in 49 states. More specifically, I think the last time Iraq was as functional as Syria, both as a country and a military, was before the nearly decade long war with Iran. Say, 1978 or so. Twenty or thirty years of bad worse, and never-mind takes toll.
  22. The Syrians did/do not suffer through the massive losses of 91, a decade of crippling sanctions or COMPLETE incompetence of the national command authority. Specifically the scale of CMSF they are equipped with some good ATGMs, some tanks with decent FLIR, and modeled as having had some meaningful training. All of these assumptions are reasonable but debatable. The Iraqis were desperately short of all three and it showed. Also quite a bit more of the relevant parts of Iraq are open desert. Which among other things makes their supply lines extraordinarily vulnerable to air attack. And to a large extent the Iraqi army remembered how unpleasant 91 was and almost dissolved without fighting.
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