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Everything posted by Tagwyn

  1. This is completely and utterly a waste of time. rolleyes!! Now do you understand? Dorosh: Read Kettler posts. That is exactly how you used to sound. Tag
  2. Hidingknives: What you say is largely true. What I said is true also. If the enemy uses innocents as hostages, we do our very best to avoid hurting them, but not to the extent you suggest. Wake up!! This is a WAR. Win, lose or die!! It is right for us to do this; wrong not to do this. Take the gloves off and set up curfews in troubled areas and shoot to kill all violators. It is nuts to continue to set up our troops as targets for despicable jihadists and terrorists. Defending Afganistan and Iraq from enemies of freedom is worth whatever losses we sustain. So is defending our border from sneak-across snakes. What do you liberal yahoos not understand about this? Wake up fools or start learning to kneel to the East!! Tag
  3. It doesn't take a Phd in rocket science to know that in combat, if you are fired upon, you fire back until the enemy fire stops. Sure, no Americal soldier would intentionally harm a non-combatant, but when the enemy has no honor and is dressed like a civilian, his/her chances in a combat zone are very good he/she will be killed. Even a cretin like flamingknives (what a malaprop) knows better. War is not a boy scout pic-nic. There are only the quick and the dead. Two American soldiers captured and tortured in the sand box last week were horrible and brutally killed. Message? Don't be taken alive by these semi-humans. Lock on auto and sweep the field until you are dead. Save a bullet for yourself. Bugs are better than insurgents/jihadists/terrorists. When you are firing artillery or dropping bombs from a strategic war fighting platform, you are going to kill "innocents!" If you saw Nazi troops bathing on a beach - you machined gun the bastards until they were dead. They surrender or they die, and you don't really care which. Tag
  4. Excuse me please. I have to go to the toilet and do a Peng. Tag
  5. If you are taking fire from "occupied/unoccupied buildings" you blow the heck out of them. Let the civilians worry about themselves. Tag
  6. He won't be counting virgins or accounting to allah. He and Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. will be bosom buddies in the deepest, nastiest part of Hell.
  7. Red Prick: There is compulsion in religion. See Islam. Tag
  8. BFC jumped the gun on this game system and the subject matter. They have to develop: Drop team, T-72, the Napoleon game, ad nauseum. They should have kept quiet about CM:SF etc. until they knew there would be progress that was appreciable withing a reasonable time frame. They messed in their nest. Moon: Why dont you just admit it and send out some more promos about SC2! A game for Tero and Rambler to play. I just dont understand. Tag
  9. If you like dictatorships where you have no civil rights, try Mexico. Its closer. Tag
  10. Me thinks there be too many irons in the fire at BFC!! If not, then why in the hey did they annouonce the thing so (too)long before they really wanted to work on it.
  11. Did you watch the first 30 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan." The GIs were a little testy after that. Tag
  12. WBS!!! Did you see the sig on this last post by JonS? Did this come from the U. of Oregon as well? Not even Andreas would believe such foul poppycock drivel. Tag
  13. Did you tell him that we hate him and his ilk too? Look him up and tell him if possible. Tag
  14. Corvi: What trick am I trying? Tag
  15. And you are being paid for this? Tag
  16. Oh for crying out loud!! Another Nazi lover! Tag
  17. CMSF: Assault on Argentina!! How about that!! Syria will be no contest. Tag
  18. Yogi is exactly correct. The only game I have enjoyed playing on internet is CM!! Rambler is a goofy, self-centered dork. Thanks for the upgraded AI. Tag
  19. Living Horse**** Eskimo: Nothing with wheels will be alive on a battlefield more than a few hours, much less have any combat. Only chance for rag-heads is to blow up civilians and set mines along public roads, ambush children and old ladies, kill innocent people etc. Their only hope is that an American will get a sprained ankle and the cowardly, left-wing, kool-aid drinking, ACLU licking American media will scare us out of the war, like in 'Nam, Rememeber?
  20. Martin: Now do you see what I mean? ON with the show (CMSF and CMC) put the rest of that stuff in a cereal box!! PLEASE. Tag
  21. Tagwyn

    Money issues

    Martin: How about CMSF and CMC? Games most of us are interested in. Wish you success on the other garbage (yes, SCII is garbage!) ... but man its time to get busy on the good stuff. IMHO Tag
  22. Sealion was not possible in reality. Gaming it would be interesting if the means for simulating it bore any relation to any real scenario. Tag
  23. JJ: When the Germans invaded Russia, the people were ecstatic to say the least . . . until they found out what the Nazis were really like. They chose to fight to keep this horrible evil out of Mother Russia. They did not "love" Stalin but the Germans were visitors from hell itself. Tag
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