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Everything posted by Tagwyn

  1. John Kettler: It is all a Raelian conspiracy to elevate the PRC to be a serious economic threat to India. Mace and Emrys and Rambo, leading economic experts have opined that the PRC's demise will end the Western world ... so let them have Taiwan. BBC is made up of Kool-aid drinkers lined up behind Jim Jones.
  2. Pocorito Juanito: You and Henry Kissinger should get together and tell us how the wonderful media brought about our withdral from Cambodia and SEA leading directly to Pol Pot and genocide. The Eurocons are doing everything they possibly can to discredit and damage the United States in its efforts in the war on terror. I wish the media would pay more attention to the genocide in East Africa, also caused by the media forcing US forces to withdraw from another venal monster in Mogadishu. Are you hoping for the Jihadists to bring down the Space Needle? I hope you are not around then. Best Regards, Tag
  3. Andreas: My dad's stories were based on his own perspective. I am sure he was not lying. I have an SS dress saber he "borrowed" from a gutted officer. Probably one of Dorosh's "true soldiers." Best to you Tag
  4. And, "All the best" to you Andreas!!!! Thanks for all the help finding that battle. Tag
  5. My Dad was there immeidatly after the camp was liberated ... all German camp personnel were killed. The ones shot were lucky. Tag
  6. Ed: Lets get it out and then we can scrutinize it and improve it. Terif and JJR will have analyzed it in a short time and we will have it available to play. Tag
  7. Gas Mask: I have already tried to tell the ninnies on this forum this same thing. They ridiculed me and will probably do the same to you. You can't tell anything to people who have preconcieved notions of what a "true Soldier(?) is. If you have to burn a few plantations and a couple of vills and a city or two, then so be it. Until the enemy surrenders they are all targets. Tag
  8. Seanachai and Emrys should be locked on this thread, permantly. I suppose to fit in, I should call somebody a name or make some type of inflamatory reference to the South end of a North bound jackass, but ... there is already enough of that on the other threads. Tag
  9. Buggy: Are you and Grog messing around? I thought you were over him? Tag
  10. Juanito_Pocorito: Great, I hope you waste all your money on the putrid ACLU. They will defend NAMBLA and abortion everytime. You make me ill you silly kid! What are you studying at U of W? Internet idiocy? You get a "A." Why do think PRC is building all that hardware across the straits from Nationalist China? You think they have a lot of money to waste? Maybe they will contribute to the Democratic Party again. Or the Dems will sell them some more secret stuff? Their goals are clear; they are patient. Or, they can sell some more missiles to the Jihadists!! They are downrange from the Peacekeeper!!
  11. Al Gore is beneath Hate. More like utter contempt, in there with Hillary, Jesse, Ted, Steve, etc. Serge: I heard a rumor you don't exist!! Any truth to that one? Kurtz: I used to have a very good friend named Kurtz, definitly not related to you.If we back down from Jihadists; PRC might make the mistake of thinking we will not fight. We got chased out of N.Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, E. Africa. Perhaps USA is just a big joke, ah so! They will not fight in Iran or continue to fight in Afganistan/Iraq, therefore, not over Taiwan or South Korea, etc. If flip-flopper Kerry or his ilk are elected . . . watch out. I feel sorry for those of you unable to understand real-politik. I am not a legend; don't confuse me with that hypocrit Rambo. Moronic Max: You live up to your name! Are you related to Michael "Moron" Moore? Serge: Are you for cutting and running from any threat to the soveriegnty of free western nations? Or, are you just a loud-mouth? Someone who will not tolerate any opinion but your own? My opinion is that PRC is dangerous to freedom. They will make the mistake of thinking they can grab Taiwan. They will be really pounded if they try. It won't be like the slaughter of the innocents in Tienemen Square or the persecution of non-Chinese religions. Tag
  12. Was Poland a matter of existence for Nazi Germany or England? Or Hawaii for the Empire of Japan? If you wait for "them," they will come for you eventually. PRC should make no mistake in thinking USA won't fight. You can't talk with the SPs or the kool-aide drinkers like Sen Kennedy, George Soros. This is a war with the Jihadists! Are they the only ones who understand what is going on? They want to kill us!!! The Jihadists understand no more about justice than the 3rd Reich did. They don't read history, they invent it. They are coming friends!! They don't mind blowing up wedding parties, cutting off the heads of innocents on their pet TV station. When will we wise up! When will we say "knock it off" to the city of San Francisco and the ACLU, and Hollywoods strange ideas about love? I don't say this is true of all Muslims, definitly not. But, if they are going try to kill me ... I will kill them first, if I can. I will not look surprised when the subway blows up or the rail system is destroyed killing hundreds. Tag
  13. Marty: I hope you are not involved with the design of CMC as you seem to be closely tied to T-72? Tag
  14. Legend in your own mind: Can't you afford a game of your own? Tag
  15. Mr. Jingles: You are in the process of concocting a fairy tale. War is Hell said Gen. Sherman. If you lived in Germany/Britain/USSR/Japan during WWII you were "the enemy" and subject to being treated as such. I had some long discussions with my deptuty combat crew commander about the morality of Nuclear Missiles and whether they could ever be morally used. I was ready to go on a moments notice to destroy the enemies of my country, any of them, all of them until they surrendered.
  16. I am sure this is somewhat off-topic, but, I want to fight the Iranian scum with Israel as an ally. Tag
  17. Forget meaningless promises!! Look at Hearts of Iron II, vs. 1.3. Already has these ideas incorporated. SAC is a beer and chips game anyway. Tag
  18. What's this NAME CALLING!! "Dirt Bag!! Not a "real person!" ' "American right-wing nutter?"' Serg and Jaunito: The two of you haven't enough brains between you to qualify as morons!! LOL You actually Believe Kerry earned any medal? What did he do scratch his hand on a ration can? General Powell served in Vietnam. Kerry served in Cambodia (!!) LOL. I am not a fan of Bush but he was the only alternative to carpet chewers like Teddy Kennedy, and Dr. Dean and flip-floppers like neo-commie medal tossing, filibustering Kerry. You and you secular-progressive buddies have no ideas and no plans for the future but for America to surrender!! You guys waiting for Hillary? Forget it. We don't listen to Dan Rather anymore, or Michael Moron, or Cindy Sheehan and such ilk. The US will protect itself from attacks against its legitimate interests and against its allies such as: Israel, Taiwan, Japan, S.Korea and Australia. Why all this gibbering from neo-commie kool-aid drinkers? Wake up boys!! China is our enemy and a most serious threat to the Western way of life. Juanito: talk to your neo-commie professors at whatever pre-school you are attending. Serge: Stick to cartoons, more your level of understanding. May you both huddle together in your ignorance. Tag
  19. Jason: You are a treasure!! Thanks. Tag
  20. Neitzche was certifiable. Yes I have read some of his ranting lunacy. What is so great about Karl Marx? Rambo is certifiable as well. The legend in his own mind. Tag
  21. I like Hearts of Iron 2, vs. 3.1. Have you tried it? SC2 is a myth. TAG
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