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Everything posted by Tagwyn

  1. I like Hearts of Iron 2, vs. 3.1. Have you tried it? SC2 is a myth. TAG
  2. Zmoney: You are right about the American left-wing kool-aid drinkers. They will (are) trying to pull the same stunt they tried in Vietnam then forcing US to abandon its allies in SEA. Recall, the Roman military began to lose effictivness when they ran out of actual Roman citizens who wanted, or could be coerced into fighting in the Legions. If Americans choose not to fight for our soverienty they will be destroyed eventually. If the USA chooses to fight with the full force of our military might, China will be reduced to running for cover and praying to whatever statutes they have overthere for protection. IF they manage to sink a US Carrier task force, you will wonder where the yellow went!! By that I don't mean that Kerry et.al. will flock to Asia! LOL The most likely war now is the invasion/attack on Iran by US/Israel. This must be fought like a real war or it too will be lost. It must be restricted to the destruction of Iranian nuclear facilities/launch capability. Tactical nuclear weapons must be used if necessary but I don't think it will be.
  3. (PUlls out lawn chair and relaxes.) Once more into the breach dear friends. Tag
  4. dieseltaylor: I have CMAK and CMBB, most current edition. I am playing (trying to) a pbem game with Stoat. We can't get pbem to work. Please share the promised land with me PLEASE. I have a yahoo addy and a msn addy. Is one better than another? Thanks for your help. TAG
  5. KNac: You poor misguided person. Believe what you must. The Spainards ran for cover the first time Jihadists hit them hard. Like other Euros (except the Brits) they are hiding in their imaginary Fortress Europe. There is no such place any longer. The US is nothing like you describe. You had better hope we are not under a fanatical political control. PRC is not a cartoonish creation; it is a serious danger to world peace masquerading as a normal state. When it thinks it has an advantage i.e., the US has been cowed by its liberal defeatists, it will attack Taiwan. I hope that never happens but attempts are being made to cow America into retreating as was done in Vietnam and the rest of SE Asia which was left on its own by our cowardly left wing wackos. T
  6. Jauanito et. al.: You make no sense at all! What are you studying, under-water basket weaving? Israel could not stop its "neighbors" if it did not have the ability to totally destroy them. On the other hand, Iran is not out enemy, nor is Iraq. The Jihadists are our enemy. They want to restore the Caliphate throughout N.Africa, Spain and all the way to India and into Russia!! US foriegn policy has not always been a picture of perfection but it was never used to hold territory. If the EU kiss Iran's arse any harder they will become permantly attached. Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear weapons. N.Korea and Iran are both ruled by lunatics and must eventually be freed. You have seen what S. Korea and Japan and Germany could do with freedom!! N.Korea and especially Iran could do the same. Communist China must bear most of the blame for this stupid standoff with NK. IF the West continues to ignore this, Japan will have to re-arm (produce nukes) in order to have a lelgitimate expection of protecting itself against N.Korea AND the PRC. By the way, what will the USA do when the PRC tries to conquer Nationist China? Hit them with flyswatters? The Taiwanese will fight to the death, EU will wring its hands and call on them to surrender. Russia could not do anything to help if it wanted to. What keeps them from coming across the strait tomorrow? They are foaming at the mouth!! Why did the PRC save N.Korea in 1950? They would be much better off to have a democratic Korea as a neighbor, don't you think? I guess you don't! Merry CHRISTmas! Tag
  7. Did ya'll here the one about Rambo taking a double dose of viagra? ... Tag
  8. Tancred: Back under your rock!! BACK I say Back!!! Tag
  9. Steve: Don't you attribute some of the Soviet success on a strategic level to their use of the broken German Code system (Enigma?) If you know where and when the German's are going to attack and what their strengths are,etc. then you can lead them into a steel trap, like at Kursk. The Soviet troops were brave and capable. Thier courage was the major factor in defeating Nazi Germany. Tag
  10. "Steaming pile of horse****" = Rancid Neo-Nazi apologist!!! Martin: Lock this mess down before Rancid gets any worse. Tag
  11. Follow the established French tactics of WWII - Run like heck!!!!!!!! Tag
  12. "Willy Pete" used in Fallejua? Does Strumy know? He'll want to get in line. Tag
  13. RSC: I was trying to compliment BFC for the accuracy of thier game!! Your responsive and derisive comments were puerile and uncalled for! It was obvious to most people what I was intending to say. Try getting up on the right side of the bed. LOL Jason: Thanks, as usual, for your comments. Well said and thought provoking. TAG
  14. NIce post Col. Thanks, just reinforces my belief in these games and how well they are crafted. Tag
  15. Let's see if we can leave the Lord Jesus out of profanity! You will be held guilty for taking His Name in vain. IF Matt says a thread is closed ... it is closed. This forum is not ours but theirs!! TAG
  16. Hey!! Buy it from BFC!! We can afford the difference and they deserve our support. Really, they do. Tag
  17. JJ: There was no ... zero chance you would not buy the game!!! Come on, admit it!! Tag
  18. Corvidai: Are you referring to the US? If so, you can take that Kool-aide crap and stuff it!! We don't need that either. I agree with JasonC. Tag
  19. Hubert: I apologize; it seems this will be worth the agonizing wait. Sorry Man. Tag
  20. Mace: Hell, this is the darned Peng Thread. Who in blazes gives a darn what is posted here! Where in the world is Grog Dorosh? Tag
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