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Everything posted by Tagwyn

  1. Oliva: Bush won the elections because the other party ran an ever worse candidate. We only get two choices. JJ: Got a girlfriend in Bucharest? What's it like there? Tag
  2. Big Duke00: Iran is a political hotbed. There are lots of native persons willing to act to displace the rag-head do-dos running the show. Keep the Pressure on China and Russia to quit kissing Iranian Butt. Once they (thke Persians) realize they are actually going to be destroyed, they might take a more practical approach. Or, send them all a safety razor wrapped in women's hygiene products. Tag
  3. Honor in Combat? Jingly, the demise of Grog Kettler at the hands of Mace ... that would be merciful. Is it not so? Tag
  4. Why waste playing a game that needs more patches than Raggedy Anne and Raggedy Andy? Rambler, you need your sleep to attack the DaVinci Code?!! Do something worthwhile. Tag
  5. Liam: Once the populace found out about the hideous plans of the Reich, they chose the best of two evils and attacked the Nazis as often and and hard as they could. They were a severe impediment to Nazi plans, true heros for Allied cause. Better to be treated as slaves than to be considered non-human. Check it out. Tag
  6. How is this related to honor in combat? Were the Brits giving the Nazis a break by not using this weapon like an '88'? In combat there is only victory for one side and death/destruction for the other, unless other surrenders. Tag
  7. Liam: Do you really think the partisans whould quit if the Red Army falls back? Really!!!? Amphibious assaults must be adjusted, perhaps through tech. Allies, as you know, had a serious shortage of landing craft, needing them in two theatres. Can't have every Tom, Dick and Harry launching amphib attacks. Can't have problems with neutrals like Liam and Rambler experienced. Tag
  8. JJR: How is the new SC2? I have played the demo and not been too impressed. What is your take? Thanks. Tag
  9. You may not be a "newbie" but you are a very self-centered person, like the aforementioned "legend" from the Great Northwest. I would not play him if he were the only person left on Earth to play! Happy to play you though Jeff. Tag
  10. HOI is a great game, HOI2 is even better. I will dispute any contrary allegations. I have not played GGWaW but have heard nothing paticularly good about it. Does it have a demo? Tag
  11. JJR, Terif: Give us the low down men!!! I got the demo downloaded. Will try to play tomorrow. I may order it now instead of waiting. Hubert, Matt: you guys are the greatest and any comments to another effect were just sour grapes. God Bless you both!! Tag
  12. This a terrific war movie!! Even my wife liked it (probably because Sean was in it!) Tag
  13. Rambler?!! What am I going to do with you? GET a copy of SC2 and tell us if it is worth a s***! Tag
  14. Jingles: No honor in combat!! It is not a fun game!! To destroy you country's enemies is your only goal. Not to destroy them is weakness and almost treason. Give it up my friend. Tag
  15. Rambler: I am not buying this baby until you give it the OK. Stay on them man, they might listen to you but not to us peons!!! Tag
  16. What would you do with "terrorists," John? Give them a cig and then kill them one limb at a time? Or allow them to stay in UK and give them acces to the dole? Jingles, you are wasting your time. Your idea of war as a humanitarian exercise in any way is ludicrous. I have no problems with killing my country's and my enemies until they surrender.
  17. Rambler: Yes! I loved Buck too! He is a real legend unlike some who claim to be. Tag
  18. Grog Kettler: Have you seen "Ivan's War?" A new comprehensive story of Red Army on Eastern Front. I would appreciate your analysis. Tag
  19. Cassie!! Are you intellectually challenged you would be Grog? T
  20. Rambler!! PRC dudes outnumber the sands of the beach. Should we Americans give them a chance if they blow up a carrier group? Nah! Just turn them to dust? Who needs the wankers. Ha ha ha ha ha ........... ha ha. Have another drink dear. Then once more into the breach dear friend. Must be too cold are somefink, duh. Taggy
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