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Everything posted by para

  1. Yep, bloody marvellous. Amazing work from Pete Wenman and Ben Donaldson and MarkEzra I also like this bit........ Nijmegen master map-1925m by 2800m ''Creating the master map of Nijmegen was an intriguing experiment to see how a densely populated urban environment could be depicted with the new overlay function in the Editor. There would be a set of game engine improvements that could take advantage of urban combat, so this seemed an interesting choice.'' anyone smell an early release??
  2. I know what you mean. Unless it comes in some unique box, I'm just doing digital.
  3. Save those tanks they may come in very handy later. Are you able to ambush him with the Piat teams?
  4. Yeah you got to make sure you keep an eye on these occupational exposure limits. Health and safety's gone mad.
  5. Just go digital Oddball_E8 that's what i am doing. I aint giving the tax man anymore more money than have to. It would of been nice to have got a little more info on what's new 'urban combat wise' to go along with the pre-order announcement
  6. Anybody know what's happened to Gen Von Television? he seems to have vanished, hope he is ok.
  7. Take a look at Operation Deadstick or Benouville Battle by Gen Von Television
  8. you could join the blitz http://www.theblitz.org/
  9. I am sorry i missed the do enjoy your retirement, i am sure it is well earned.
  10. I think i would rather go with your suggestion Mr leslie
  11. You know what got me into listening to and enjoying classical type music? Excalibur and Apocalypse Now! Carl Orff's O Fortuna and Siegfried's Funeral March and the the Ride of the Valkries by Wagner.
  12. Yes, just a cursory look back and off to their objectives. What a brave generation who now sleep the eternal sleep.
  13. What a magnificent sight that must of been. Can you imagine the feelings of the (your countrymen) Dutch after years of occupation, seeing all those men dropping from the sky? If you look carefully at 8.18 it looks like one poor blokes chute fails..
  14. Steve Any chance the British paratrooper models will appear with their scarves? Also why is there no British/Arnhem campaign.nachinus asked the same question earlier in the thread. Lastly, will we at some point be able to utilise roofs? cheers
  15. You do have a point about the large numbers of people that play war games who have never heard of CM. I have moaned myself about how BF only leak out bits and bobs of info over months and some times years. The answer is always the same and understandable. We are small and we do not have the money. As you say, BF know their business and if they had the money i am sure they would target these people. All the people i have introduced to CM have all been blown away by it by the way.
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