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Everything posted by para

  1. oh i see, you are best posting your question in the mods sections. The modders there will be able to help you
  2. Jock I followed your instructions but i had to set the desktop to that resolution because it did not show up ingame in the options screen. Am i missing somthing?
  3. I tried it too. I noticed a slight slow down in the pbem file loading but the gfx seemed improved
  4. I would like to see a couple of your CM screens as an example Jock
  5. I might be wrong but it looks like Aristoteles HD explosion and HD flame mods
  6. I was under the impression that they are working on a 64bit version already..well i hope so
  7. Those paras though are bloody tough and their stens n brens can do some serious damage
  8. why do we not have rubble like this in the game?
  9. I was trying to sneak some info out of you db_zero..since we are in a battle right now I was hoping you would not realise it was me
  10. You could at least share one or two db_zero.
  11. Sorry, but that is hilarious..hope you get it sorted though
  12. Thank you JonS, that is a good example of what I am talking about.
  13. I installed this and like it very much..cheers
  14. I purchased two copies of Italy and notified BFC and they gave me another key for my friend
  15. That's brilliant, i asked a while back about whether or not we will be able to use roofs...
  16. I too was going to have a rant but I have just risen from my pit and found the download only option. So not much of a delay thanks BFC
  17. Yeah, that will be about right..as soon as i start my call out it will get released..Damn you BFC damn you to hell
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