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Everything posted by para

  1. any particular battle you looking foward to having a bash at?
  2. Why do people keep repeating and replying Ad infinitum? I am sorry but i am fed up and this thread is about MG. Can we get back on topic?
  3. lol i bet they wouldn't. I hope you are not an air traffic controller! We should have a pbem sometime. Anyway, with a name like Oddball you should be digging how beautiful and righteous everything is.
  4. I do not feel you are being aggressive, and i hear what you are saying. Now get some sleep soldier
  5. If there are no improvements at all, i too will be very very disappointed. I will still buy it though because it is Market Garden and one of my favourite operations. I am sure i will succeed where Monty failed
  6. Hey Oddball_E8 Don' drag us RT's into the argument. Markus 86 why don' you wait and see what the improvements there are to the game, before being negative? I am hoping for more too. If there are no tweaks fixes or improvements then kickoff.
  7. You know we are going to moan now or on release date, so what's the difference.Get that improvement list up. You know you want to.
  8. I agree with you Vanir Ausf B. Allowing all hand held AT weapons to fire from structures is the way to go, as a quick( i have no concept of coding though ) fix. I cannot understand why some people are so dead set against it either.
  9. It is ridiculous, that you are left with no alternative but to try and charge tanks in built up areas. Give the infantry a fighting chance and allow AT to be fired from within buildings.
  10. I think it is brilliant what JonS has done. I have to admit though, it has put me off ever trying my hand at scenario designing. It is far too hard.
  11. I wont be getting either Wodin. I'm a CM man and MG is round the corner
  12. Could have it so that every time you go to the birds eye view you incur a penalty in the final end of game calculations. If you get my meaning?
  13. I don't fancy it myself either. Just saw that it had a few features in it that a few CM's have also requested cheers
  14. Seems to me that there is a section that always seem dead set against certain ideas and wants. We are not all grognards that inhabit these boards and some of us actually love the games as much as the grogs, but we also like to see lovely visuals too. Also can anyone tell me what the difference is between the TOW series and the CMBN series? Tow seems (i aint played it) to have several things that CM does not. is it made by the BF team or someone else?
  15. I hope there at least some new features in MG. An improvement in urban combat would be lovely
  16. I have some matches and a can of petrol will that do you Mord?
  17. Wow Mord is back..get out early on good behaviour did you?
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