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Everything posted by para

  1. I'm positive brain tumours are on the increase. I know i will get shot down, but i put it down to the massive increase in use of mobile(cell) phones.
  2. heyhellowhatsnew Stay positive fella my daughter had a brain tumour removed and the subsequent chemotherapy and she is doing well mate. ps fingers crossed
  3. I see you have managed to sneak a skull into the back plate..very cool
  4. I am with you on this Brindlewolf. it's like a double penalty for those outside the US. I would love a physical copy but i just will not pay the extra VAT anymore. I will survive the 24hrs obviously but it does seem a bit unfair.
  5. I will give you a game Colonel_Deadmarsh. You got H2HH? if so pm me your email and i will sort something Saturday, ok?
  6. No offence taken Mord. I have intentionally removed myself from the discussion even though I started it. I would also like to see the thread locked quick sharp.
  7. Whoa JasonC i didn't sag you made anything up. I know you are well read n would have stats to back your your argument up. So play nice i will hav readof that stuff. bloody mobile phone typing can't sde a thing
  8. I do have knives you know. When was the last time someone broke into yours or your or neighbours house just too kill them? You are going down the same route of thinking guns stop killing they do not. They actually increase them in my opinion. Have safe and peaceful nite all
  9. Wodin where the hell did you live?
  10. Would you agree then that if some laws were brought in that made medical professionals pass that info onto those doing the checks (Feds). Then he may not have been able to stockpile his weapons. Then that goes back to the state knowing too much and civil liberties etc..which to be fair i would not have a problem with. If it made me a little safer
  11. Do you have a link to these stats JasonC please? I would be very interested in reading them.
  12. I have and everyone account I have read so far, says he bought the guns legally. Even the FED's say so. He even managed to get hold of explosives and booby trap his property. I also see that he was being seen by psychiatrists. Isn't that quite normal for Americans? One apparently said he was dangerous to the Police. Still at the time of the killings and his purchases he was not diagnosed mentally ill by anyone of note. If you have a link proving any of the above is false. I am willing to read it and change my mind if necessary. If it's just opinion then that is not fact. I might be wrong but did you say when purchasing guns you are obliged to tick a ''i am mentally ill box'' if that is so, well whoever came up with that must also be mentally ill. Anyway, I'm off back to Breaking Bad
  13. Those LA cops are blind to colour mate
  14. But you live in the USA you are hardly soft on crime. You also have capital punishment and carry it out.Can you think of any harder punishments you wish to implement? Tell you what, i would like to see real punishment handed white collar criminals.
  15. Right I'm off..several Breaking Bad episodes to watch Want to see what's in store for Walter. If i have upset anyone please accept my apologies. No offence was intended in any of my replies. To BFC i say release MG now
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