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Everything posted by para

  1. As i said earlier, i do not wish to offend any of our American friends. You guys know more about this topic than i do. I would also say you know more because you have to defend these laws to all and sundry. In my opinion (i know it means nothing) there needs to be more gun control. The current system you have does not seem to be working. Hell some people even suggest that everybody should be armed. Why not have a system where not everybody and anybody who wants a gun can go and legally get one. Why not make it harder for people, whether they be criminals, mentally ill, the bullied teenager or just plain old fed up of the world to go slay a bunch of nursery kids. Why not make that a little harder to do.
  2. It was mentioned earlier about the murder of the British soldier on the a London street. If those scumbags had access to firearms, i would imagine we would of seen many more dead. Anyway, I can see that you guys are determined to keep your ''freedoms'' and against any change. I am an outsider with only a limited knowledge of your values. You know more about your country than i do. I could not live in a place were children/people are slain by the dozen and yet nothing changes. I just find it hard to comprehend that you seem quite happy for the status quo to continue. It also seems that the majority of the American member's of this forum feel the same way on this issue. That last remark is not meant as an insult so please do not take it that way.
  3. Here in the UK I am not ignorant of the fact that assault rifles with large magazines do a hell of a lot of damage. In a very short space of time because he does not have to do a lot of mag changes. So even though, quite a few people around him had guns or quick access to guns he still managed to kill 12 people (soldiers?)
  4. Every killer is not criminal, every killer is not mentally ill. Wouldn't you want to live in a place were you do not have to worry about someone being able to fire off hundreds of rounds in a school or a theatre? Why are people against the most basic controls? why does someone need to have semi automatic weapons? large magazines? none or practically no background checking? I am not trying to offend anyone. I just find it amazing that you guys will fight tooth and nail to keep an arsenal of weapons some of which only the military should only have.
  5. I see, but many millions of you are armed(to the teeth in some cases)yet these killings still occur. Also and i may be wrong here, but it's not the criminals going on mass shooting sprees but law abiding citizens. Why are you guys so fearful of your government? I am sorry but i can't get my head around the idea that you have to be armed to the teeth to save you from Uncle Sam. What do you guys think will happen if you did not have your weapons?
  6. This is is for our American members..In light of the most recent shootings in the US. Has your opinion changed on gun ownership? I ask because, as I understand it there is a large proportion of people in the US dead set against any sort of gun reforms. Many times I get envious of you guys being able to fire off a few rounds from WWII weapons. Then I see and read about some of the incidents in the US involving guns. It makes me glad that the UK has strict controls. As an example, I just read that an African American was shot ten times and killed by a police officer whilst he was allegedly trying to get assistance after his car broke down. The recent Navy Yard shooting,the killing of Trayvon Martin and what seems like many many more..
  7. As much as i would like it to be released on 17th. It's. unlikely to happen with two DAR's still going.
  8. It's far too quiet around here..who has got the download now email?
  9. Seems to be pretty(Larry mode) pretty quiet around here too
  10. 7.5 hours to go to the 17th here in the UK
  11. I didn't know that so thanks for the info..and yes too much snooping for my liking
  12. I do like this mod. one of the simplest, but best out there
  13. They are really good, glad you enjoyed them
  14. http://www.reddit.com/r/ColorizedHistory/?count=175&after=t3_1casr4 The above site has lots of old B&W photos recoloured. Plenty of military ones you guys may find interesting
  15. Thank heavens above Gunna be a lot of metal smoking around Arnhem very soon. Well that's one urban improvement, what's the others? can't keep waiting for Johnsy
  16. Entering thorugh a window (i would imagine) could be quite slow and awkward. It would also mean that you would be exposed for a period of time. On the other hand exiting through windows (i am only guessing here) would of been quite frequent.
  17. In an earlier post he said this... " I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast." people have extrapalated that there are now situations were backblast may be a worry..in what situation would you worry about backbast from an handheld AT?
  18. I mentioned this some time back.. i am pretty sure i was shot down. I can understand that in entering a building you would use the doors for quick access. Surely though, if the building was being stormed you would use any opening to exit out the back. I would jump from upper windows to escape if i needed to!
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