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Everything posted by para

  1. Ratzenberger, tea party..oh dear what would ma Claven say?
  2. Well you have done an excellent job and i shall be grabbing em
  3. No wonder you have been quiet recently
  4. No problems StileaAlpha, glad you got it sorted. The signature you mention is a bit of humor that you will see among many of the sites members. It is not aimed at you
  5. That was a coffee-keyboard-spitting moment..thanks ps good to hear from Fionn again.Has he gone again? btw anyone got links to some of his old stuff?
  6. whenever I see that piccy. I always think why would anybody walk down that alley. No cover and a pefect killing zone for some MG
  7. Surely if they have satchels charges and grenades there should be some sort of instruction that says use satchel 1st then grenades, then just use anything including your head.
  8. Apologies Very interesting info JonS looking forward to this thread
  9. oops how silly i feel now..had a busy day that's my excuse
  10. Hang on a minute what did i mispell? and how do i get that confused moticon to work?
  11. This is a great idea for editor numbskulls like myself..cheers Jons
  12. Does anybody know how many lines there are for each country? If so, what are those lines?
  13. The music has to to have the same parameters as the ones your replacing. The battle.wav music intro.wav and music splash.wav have a specific size and have specific number of bits possibly 16 and a set sample rate, possibly 44100hz. Your music must also be the same. Mord and a few of the other modders will know more
  14. Fair enough with the dead troopers but i am hoping for the eye candy canisters, chutes etc
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