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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I don't think BFC wants to allow war crimes but I am curious under what circumstances a surrendering enemy can re-arm in the game.
  2. There's been a lot of excitment at the possibility of CMSF being revived and rightly so, but we shouldn't forget CM:Black Sea, or whatever the final title will be, will come first. MikeyD pointed out in another thread that there are no more US heavy formations in Europe which leads me to think the initial release of Black Sea US contingent may consist of US Marine and airborne troops with heavy US Army units only arriving in further modules based on the premise that they are shipped in once a secure US presence is established at a port. Sure one could suppose the Russians wouldn't overrun all of the Ukraine right away and the Army heavy units could be shipped in anyway to Ukrainian held territory, but it still makes sense to me that the 82nd and at least a couple of Marine MEU's if not a full division would see action first. Thoughts?
  3. Maybe this really dosn't make sense in terms of TO&E historically but is it possible to have a different mod tag on scout and sniper teams?
  4. IIRC there were Hungarians on the southern flank of Army group center including a Hungarian cavalry division.
  5. If they do, I would not be surprised if they handle North Africa like they're going to do with the Eastern Front: start with Tunisia and work backwards. Again it would make development faster as part of the work will already have been done for Fortress Italy.
  6. I think it's worth mentioning that Syria was chosen by Battlefront as an adversary not for any real life geopolitical reason but because their army would make a credible enough obstacle to a full fledged NATO invasion. To paraphrase the line from Argo, it was the best bad idea for modern setting against a middle-eastern adversary where they didn't have to worry about being historical. I don't think any recent happening in Syria need apply. It's a totally different timeline if you will. Maybe Leonard Nimoy has a beard in that timeline. (okay, who gets the reference).
  7. Yeah Task force Panther is great and that final mission is really hard. Based on Chris/Normal Dudes comments though I wonder if we might see Stingers and SA7s with the 3.0 update.
  8. I still hope some one takes a shot at naming these photos. Except tfor the M113. I know that one. I think Mord wants it just so he can Mod Fulda Gap . I do like your Palm suggestion Mord.
  9. Here is a list of features just going to 3.0 will bring to the game. This list is not exhaustive. Graphic Improvements Bigger maps Improved Quick Battle system. Improved scenario editor AI triggers Weather New animations including pistol animations. New terrain types including water, bridges, fords, rail lines, crops. Prisoners Random vehicle accessories TRPs 2 man Scout teams splitting off of squad Scenario and saved game sorting Bmp map editor overlay Target armor command Target briefly command FoW floating icons Multi-player improvements Fire? (no flamethrowers in modern warfare that I know of ) AFV riders More realistic RoF for automatic weapons Mod tags by region, weather conditions and scenario On map mortars besides the British one? I'd be happy with just that, but if they are going to add new vehicles my first wish would be with British, German, Dutch and Canadian trucks believe it or not. I don't know what type each army would use but since the US army, Marines and Syrians have trucks, I think the other NATO armies should too.
  10. Can some one take a shot at identifying these pics?
  11. So, at the risk of getting too far ahead of things, IF it happens and sells well, I'm imagining that could pave the way for an additional Module or Battlepack. French/Italian/Spanish Module anyone?
  12. It's alive! Wow this is exciting news. Even if it winds up not happening, thanks BFC for trying. No other company would try and revive an over three year old (since the release of the NATO module) game. I will dream of perhaps someday trying to capture a bridge across the Euphrates.
  13. IIRC there was an old post by Dan "Kwazydog" Olding that they would not include abandoned civilian vehicles as objects until they could do them right, which would include having them be destroyed and catching fire and moving from a relatively clean state to a burnt out state.
  14. That's not just a dead horse. That's tonight's dinner!
  15. Looks as if you guys wanting flame vehicles in the Battlepack will get your wish. I'm assuming one will need to upgrade to 3.0 to be able to use the Battlepack, and perhaps like the Market-Garden module there will be a bundle.
  16. I would be surprised if the Finns were not included at some point, especially since most of their vehicles would be German or captured Soviet, but I do want to ask a serious question. Did people really play the Romanians and Hungarians enough in CMBB to warrant all the work it would take to include them? Also consider how many people (remembering most of Battlefront's customers are Americans) would pay to by a module/battlepack with them. Also remember this forum is not really representative of the customer base overall. Also if one does want the Hungarians/Romanians what else gets put off? PS: Typed while Steve was posting his comment.
  17. I don't see where they listed the number of Campaigns. Did I miss it?
  18. And it was just a coincidence it was on the aniversary of the German invasion in 1941.
  19. I know I can probably Google this to find out but it appears that the Su-122 came out before the Su-100 as the former is in the game and the later isn't.
  20. Don't get me wrong I love all the new stuff but I have a grog question on the lack of American made jeeps. I would have assumed they were more common then Gaz jeeps.
  21. The Soviet Union became an Ally to Britain the day Germany attacked in June '41. Britain was not at all happy at the initial successes of the Wehrmacht that Summer and Fall. After the US entry the Western Allies decided on a Germany first strategy well before Stalingrad. But I don't need to go on and you probably shouldn't either with Jason watching this thread.
  22. Ever see the video of the guy from the Soviet Army Chorus sing Let it be?
  23. Erwin, do we know if the Phiilipines game is set modern day or, to me, the more interesting insurrection against the US in the early 20th century?
  24. I think for the Eastern Front it is appropriate you sacrifice some vodka. If it must be chicken then it must be Chicken Kiev.
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